Parent Thread


<Bronze Donator>
eh i would sue them. its not the shift managers fault or anything, but if it's a known issue for the employees, the owner should of taken care of it. stupid games stupid prizes etc


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
I'm not a sue type, either, but I would certainly have an immediate conversation with your insurance provider. Follow their advice.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Younger niece was fucking with the cat and got a claw right under the eye. Second time.

Leave the cat alone if you don't want to live life as a pirate you little moron.


Silver Squire
At 2.5 she doesn't know any better and at that age their single or rare event memory is shit with no reasoning capability.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Your damages are going to be minimal and your health care facility will subrogate what economic damages you do have.


Mr. Poopybutthole
At 2.5 she doesn't know any better and at that age their single or rare event memory is shit with no reasoning capability.
Yeah I got her age wrong, shes a couple months past 3. And yes, it's unfair to call her a moron and I know she isn't one. But she's been warned many times to leave the cat alone. It's not like the cat is aggressive, it spends all day sleeping in some corner where the girls won't find her, but inevitably Jessie catches sight of her and decides to go mess with her. I can mess with that cat a bit without her clawing me, so Jessie had to have been right up in her face messing with her. Hopefully the lesson will sink in this time.

Either way, since it's the second time this has happened (and right under the eye both times) we're going to make sure to trim their claws whenever they're coming over in the future.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
The fact that they knew about the issue and hadn't addressed it would make me sue the fuck out of them. Cheap ass bastards.

Re: The Cat. Is it feasible to stick it in a room and shut the door? I have to do that with our dog with certain company. They get so god damn excited to see people and when small kids come over I put them in our bed room until they calm down which is usually about 20-30 minutes. And yes we've tried taking them to a trainer but apparently it is a character trait of Puggles. They just got apeshit excited sometimes. He's 7 years old and still acts like a damn puppy sometimes.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The cat spends most of the day avoiding my nieces, it's not like she's being territorial. Hell, our cocker spaniel barked at her today because she got all up in HER face, and afaik that's the first time the dog has acted aggressive in her entire life. The kid is a willful, spoiled little pain in the ass brat. I still love her because she's my niece, and in spite of her horrible attitude she's still adorable, but man could she ever use some discipline. Already had to swat her once today for hitting me when I warned her not to. Because she was mad that I wouldn't give her a ride like I gave her older sister because of the LAST time she hit me.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Sounds like you need to smack her parents upside the damn head. Sounds like she's going to develop into a raging cunt in 10+ years at that pace.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Sounds like you need to smack her parents upside the damn head. Sounds like she's going to develop into a raging cunt in 10+ years at that pace.
Maybe. But my mom says my sister really wasn't any better at the same age and she turned out fine, so I imagine she'll grow out of it. She just seems determined to make the terrible 2s last as long as possible.

If my sister and brother in law are doing anything wrong, it's that they're too quick to give her attention when she cries over nothing. She pitched a fit after I spanked her for about 30-45 seconds, and I just completely ignored her, and then she just abruptly stopped crying and went back to watching tv.

I do think they watch too much TV, but there's not really any way around that when both parents work full time jobs.


<Gold Donor>
Um you spank a kid that is not your own? I understand that it is your sister's kid, but still. I don't even spank my own kids, so the thought of spanking someone else's kid seems like it is crossing a line. I am just going to assume that your sister gave you the green light on spanking.

I grew up being spanked and always just assumed I would spank my own kids if necessary. Then I had kids and did some reading on the subject (research/documents that were not available to parents when I was kid) and decided that there is a better way. To each there own and all that, but if you have not had that conversation with your sister then I would advise you don't spank again until you have.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm not talking I put her over my knee and went to town, it was barely more than a lovetap. I literally put nothing but my wrist into it, you would probably apply more force slapping a friend on the shoulder. It's being punished that makes her start crying, I certainly didn't cause her any physical pain. She held up her arm like she was going to hit me, I said if you hit me you're getting spanked, she hit me, single light swat to the butt.


<Gold Donor>
Fair enough, your first description of the events read much differently (to me at least) than your clarification.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ooooooh, good god. No, I did not spank her for 30-45 seconds straight, lmao. I definitely could have phrased that a bit more clearly.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I also choke slammed and power bombed her into thumb tacks, then gave her a people's elbow for good measure.