Parent Thread


<Bronze Donator>
I can answer the how to make them eat. My wife is a great cook but even so it was hard to make my son eat when he was young. We introduced the idea of a no thank you helping. He had to try whatever she made. If he didn't like it that was fine. He didn't have to eat it. We let him eat a side dish as the main dish buy we wouldn't make a second main dish. Eventually hunger, but more likely realizing he liked what she made changed his diet. He actually got to be a foodie for a few years in the sense that his opinion and descriptions of things she cooked were spot on.

The drawback to a incredible variety of great food while growing up is, if he has his choice he will get fast food or a half step above it for most meals. It is the rare treat.


Buzzfeed Editor
This weekend I accidentally pulled my oldest daughter's arm out of socket... holy shit that was not cool. It's called nursemaid's elbow, it is really common in toddlers, and I knew about that, but I wasn't thinking and we were playing and I pulled her up by her arm and she started thrashing around and that is probably what did it. The worst part of it is that she is going through this phase where she fakes being hurt all the time, so I thought she was faking until I noticed she wasn't moving the arm. Took her to the ER and they popped it back in quickly and within like a minute she was pain free and able to move it normally. I still feel horrible.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, I barely handled it, just because my other two needed me. I felt like it was my fault and was on the verge of crying like a woman every time she cried out. Especially when she started screaming at me DADDY YOU CAN'T DO THAT! YOU HURT ME! But you know, you have to suck that shit up and quit being bad. It is common, it happens to tons of kids every day.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Im sure its not just me but do other people rarely use bottles for their children? My wife breastfed all the time and stayed home with the kids so we've never really needed them. My oldest is 3.5 and youngest will be 1 shortly and I think between the 2 of them they have used a bottle maybe 4-5 times. They both transitioned from the boob to a sippy cup with no problems at all. I have a friend whos 3yr old still takes a bottle of milk before bed and it just kinda weirds me out due to ours never using them. They even let her have a soother still at 3+.


<Prior Amod>
A bottle at three is pretty weird, none of my three kids used bottles past two and I don't know what a soother that like a pacifier? (nook, binki...whatever slag term you may call it) If so none of my kids were into those at all so I can't really comment on it but I've always thought it strange that a kid who talks still uses one.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah I see people all the time who have a 2-3 year old with a bottle or a pacifier. Shit is weird but I don't say anything.

My wife had issues breastfeeding. She was able to get to 3 months with our first and third kids, only 6 weeks with our second. So we use(d) formula and a bottle. But we promptly stop that shit at 1 year. I'm not sure what we are going to do about our youngest, she sucks her thumb all the time, which is fine at 9 months. But we never had to break our other kids of that so I am not sure how that will go.


<Prior Amod>
Also Chaos, I just read your previous that's rough, I can't imagine feeling what you must have felt.

Glad she's okay though and hopefully you didn't beat yourself up about too much, that stuff just happens sometimes.

Scariest thing that ever happened to me involving my kids was my oldest son. When he was 3 we had just moved into a new apartment. I was at work talking on the phone to my wife at the time and she was unpacking some stuff while my son was playing on our bed. All the sudden I hear faint crying in the background and my wife screams and the line goes dead.

You might say I'm freaking the heck out.

After trying to call back 20 times to no answer I call 911 and they tell me they've already had a call from that address and have already dispatched an ambulance and they tell me the hospital they are taking my son to as he was injured. They wouldn't tell me what happened though so I hung up on them and drove 100mph to the hospital.

I'm now freaking out even more.

I get there, find my wife and come to find out while my son was on the bed he slid the window open and pushed up against the screen and fell out the window from our second story apartment. Come to find out he fell in the in the only spot possible to not be further injured. 6 inches to the left he would have hit bushes and been impaled, 6 inches to the right and he would have hit the building central air unit. He fell flat on his back in a pile of white landscaping stones that helped pad his fall and his head bounced off the plastic cover of the basement window (The only one covered on the whole building).

He escaped with minor scratching and bruising though he was unable to walk for about two weeks from the jar to his system. After a few days he was able to crawl army style....he couldn't use his legs but he was able to drag himself across the floor with his forearms. To this day it's the most heartbreaking things I've ever seen and I still get choked up seeing it in my head when I think about it.

I was almost arrested an hour after I got there as before the doctor even came in to tell us the results from his X-rays, a woman came in from social services and started grilling us on how we parent and if we feel our son is in the best environment possible for him and they are going to investigate us. I don't think I've ever jumped out of a chair so quickly and got in some ones face telling her to get the hell out of our room and was restrained by a police officer and told if I didn't sit down he would arrest me. I've never been that angry before I don't think either, it's fine you have a job to do, but don't come to me like that before I even know what's up with my son. I remember she had this air about her like I was the biggest piece of crap in the world...I hope all social workers aren't like her.

Anyways yeah, that's my scariest moment with my kids I've ever had.


Buzzfeed Editor
Holy fucking shit man, I would be a goddamn wreck. Thank god or thor or who the fuck ever that he is ok. Yeah my story is nothing compared to that, hopefully I don't ever have to go through that. I think pretty much all parents do, though.

My wife had a similar social worker experience, but with a nurse from the hospital nursery. My second daughter was born in an emergency setting. My wife had appendicitis and the baby had to be delivered immediately. It was 37 weeks so it was ok, but her heart was racing due to the infection of something. And of course I couldn't be there until later. So the baby was delivered, everyone was ok. The next day my wife was having trouble getting her to latch and some little bitch from the nursery started lecturing her about responsible parenting, and how if she wasn't able to care for this infant they would contact social services and the baby wasn't leaving the hospital until she was sure that my wife was capable of caring for her. So I walk into the room about 10 minutes later with my older daughter, ready to meet her new sister, and my wife is bawling. My wife looks pretty young, so I guess the nurse thought she was some underage kid who had an illegitimate kid. I was fucking furious, we talked to the VP of the hospital, got a new room and new nurse and all kinds of shit.


<Prior Amod>
Holy shit I would have unleashed hell upon that nurse.

Know what the kicker of all this is, I bet my social worker and your nurse don't even fucking have kids. I find the most arrogant pieces of work who lecture about kids are the ones who don't even have any themselves.


Buzzfeed Editor
Of course not. The ironic thing is that most of the nurses at the maternity ward of the hospital my girls were born at do not have kids. They don't want them, probably don't even like them. I can sympathize, if you had to be around sick and dying babies all the time that has to fuck with you, I don't care how hardcore you are. It would be better if that wasn't coupled with an arrogant air of superiority.
Of course not. The ironic thing is that most of the nurses at the maternity ward of the hospital my girls were born at do not have kids. They don't want them, probably don't even like them. I can sympathize, if you had to be around sick and dying babies all the time that has to fuck with you, I don't care how hardcore you are. It would be better if that wasn't coupled with an arrogant air of superiority.
WTF hospital was this


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
This weekend I accidentally pulled my oldest daughter's arm out of socket... holy shit that was not cool. It's called nursemaid's elbow, it is really common in toddlers, and I knew about that, but I wasn't thinking and we were playing and I pulled her up by her arm and she started thrashing around and that is probably what did it. The worst part of it is that she is going through this phase where she fakes being hurt all the time, so I thought she was faking until I noticed she wasn't moving the arm. Took her to the ER and they popped it back in quickly and within like a minute she was pain free and able to move it normally. I still feel horrible.
I accidentally did the same thing when my son was around 2 yrs old. He was climbing up a stair and I had him by the hand he slipped and spun around and I instinctively tried to pull him up so he wouldn't fall. I didnt even realize anything had happened at first cause he didn't cry but I could tell something was wrong. My wife is an RN and was at t he hospital so I quickly called her and she was able to just call a pediatrician who lived near us and was able to meet me and she fixed it in like 10 secs. Felt completely awful, made me sick to my stomach feeling I had done something to hurt my child, it's why I can't imagine people who hurt their children purposefully it's beyond my comprehension.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I get there, find my wife and come to find out while my son was on the bed he slid the window open and pushed up against the screen and fell out the window from our second story apartment. Come to find out he fell in the in the only spot possible to not be further injured.
Jesus that is crazy. Were you like super helicopter over protective dad after that? I think I would be. I already have to watch myself to let the kids be kids and not over protect.

I think my wife has a "fell through a screen" story too from when she was a toddler. You'd think I would know this...


<Prior Amod>
Yes and no, once he was able to walk and then run again I was so happy to see him happy at being able to do so I didn't have the heart to try to stop him. We moved our bed away from the window at that point.

I look back on it and still hink about how lucky we were, we could have lost our son that day. He still remembers it too, I kinda hope it's a memory that'll fade away eventually for him.


The old ways are still best
Baby has come! All healthy sans both hips being dislocated. This is due to being girl, first born, and breech. Should be ok. We will see an orthopedist next week.


Buzzfeed Editor
Jesus, that poor baby with the dislocated hips. I wish you all the best and I hope things go well for her. My wife, the expert of course, told me that is very common and nothing to worry about. But still, good luck.