Parent Thread


Tranny Chaser
Proverbs 22:6: Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.

It's indoctrination and you shouldn't be ashamed. I'm going to indoctrinate my kid toward love of science, family, kindness, work ethic, high-level gaming and yes, my religious beliefs.
'To see by faith is to shut the eye of reason' - Benjamin Franklin.

How can one be indoctrinated in love science and religious belief? That would seem less than compatible. Kindness and, say if it was Christian scripture, genecide, would not register on the same scale. Work ethics and high-level gaming seems incompatible too. How do you justify the cherry picking to make that fit?

What are your religious beliefs, Oh Jesting Tuco?


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Your children deserve to know the world as it is. Not how you hope it is, not how you see it, not how your faith describes it. How itis.

The only way they are going to get this real view of the world is for you to teach them thetruth.Sometimes the truth is uncomfortable. When you tell them that we are evolved animals that have developed intelligence, and that we are mortal beings that have flaws, and that when we die, we are gone... these are uncomfortable truths.

The fact that these truths are uncomfortable don't make them not true. You're deluding yourself and deluding your children if you avoid the uncomfortable truths just because you don't want to face them yourself and can't bring yourself to tell your kids the truth.

Man up. Tell them the fucking truth. When they are adults if they find religion or want to be a part of it then thats an informed educated decision made by an adult. Your children look up to you as if you are god. You OWE them the truth.


<Bronze Donator>
they deserve to hear both sides. tell them that some people believe in god and heaven, and some people believe that when you die you just disappear. and no one knows who's right.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
they deserve to hear both sides. tell them that some people believe in god and heaven, and some people believe that when you die you just disappear. and no one knows who's right.
There's no both sides. One side is reality, one side is hopes and dreams.


Tranny Chaser
they deserve to hear both sides. tell them that some people believe in god and heaven, and some people believe that when you die you just disappear. and no one knows who's right.
That's a false dichotomy. Why would you put unreason up on the same shelf as reason?


Registered Hutt
I was raised catholic. I realized it was bullshit in second grade, at a catholic school, and told the nuns to fuck off, literally. My grandma was called to take me home and I was forced to apologize the next day or go without dinner. Fun times. If your kids are as bright as you think they are they'll tell you and your wingnut friends to fuck off too. Up to this point I had attended church quite often, and had my first communion et al. That was my last year in catholic school because I was basically evangelizing to my class during recess about how stupid this shit was, and they refused to let my grandma sign me up again. I think the older kids told on me because some of them thought I was hilarious. But those nuns did have a more advanced curriculum. When I went to public school the following year I was way ahead of normal third graders.


A Mod Real Quick
I'll raise my kids to discover that shit on their own, if they're even into it. I don't know many people that were raised without religion who went seeking it later in life though.

Pointless to me but if someone believes and is a good person then I'm all for it.


Buzzfeed Editor
I always thought that, too. Still do for the most part. But now my kid is getting questions from her friends and school and I'm worried it could go wrong. Ultimately there isn't much I can do about other people so I don't know how much it is worth expending energy over.
I always thought that, too. Still do for the most part. But now my kid is getting questions from her friends and school and I'm worried it could go wrong. Ultimately there isn't much I can do about other people so I don't know how much it is worth expending energy over.
I'm a bad Christian parent. My kids know I'm Catholic and attend church every Sunday. I've never once made them attend though. Did have my son baptised when he was a baby though.

If they every ask to go with I will be more then happy to oblige, until then I only volunteer information about my beliefs when they ask. My son is much more curious about it then my daughter is. I am sure your daughter will be fine if she either believes or not. Of course im concerned that my kids will end up not following my faith but im sure that will be the first of many things they do that don't align with what I want personally. To hear my parents speak my sister and I couldn't have ended up more different then how they tried to raise us.


<Bronze Donator>
There's no both sides. One side is reality, one side is hopes and dreams.
That's a false dichotomy. Why would you put unreason up on the same shelf as reason?
yeah, nevermind, apparently we can't have a religious discussion in this thread without asshat hardcore atheists coming in and spouting their bullshit.

shut it down, Draegan.


what Suineg set it to
Uhoh, Christianity under attack in here, just another battle in the WAR AGAINST JESUS. THINK OF THE CHILDREN and RR this thread!


Registered Hutt
It's apparently hardcore now to treat religion separately from reason. That's basically the foundation of atheism, not some elite level position.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Goddamn and the one thing I can't wait to teach my boy the most is how to play wiffle ball and how to properly tape up your bat with black electrical tape. Fuck all this religion shit!!


Registered Hutt
Just remember to tell your kids to give thanks to god for each game they win. Jesus is really into sports.


Tranny Chaser
yeah, nevermind, apparently we can't have a religious discussion in this thread without asshat hardcore atheists coming in and spouting their bullshit.

shut it down, Draegan.
Misrepresenting and then run crying to pappa D when you're given the proverbial naloxone. You're hilarious, pharmakos.
Goddamn and the one thing I can't wait for most is teaching my boy how to play wiffle ball. Fuck all this religion shit!!
Watching the little midgets play sports is a delight. I sometimes wonder how more kids don't get hurt playing little league. There is at least one kid on every team, usually the right fielder, who is literally spinning and dancing while the game is being played.


<Bronze Donator>
Misrepresenting and then run crying to pappa D when you're given the proverbial naloxone. You're hilarious, pharmakos.
huh? even hodj admits that he's an agnostic atheist. no one knows what happens when we die, to say with absolutely certain that you know makes you a moron.

besides, this conversation wasn't supposed to be about whether god exists or not. its about what people should tell their children. do you even have kids?


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
So it's just always bad to include religion in anything one does when raising children because you believe it's fantasy?

Okay. I'm all done discussing with you. Not because I'm beat in this discussion, but because that's a pretty stupid perspective. One rich in irony you are incapable of understanding.


Says that kids deserve to know the reality of the world but then shelters their kids from anything to do with religion. ~ just Cad things

Izo stop your pathetic concern trolling. You hate religion we get it. Don't act concerned for our children. You don't care. You just like stirring things up. We get it you are going to indoctrinate your kid to be bigoted towards religion. Your prerogative to be a bigot. I won't question your choice.

My daughter's friend came over today and asked if they could go to her church tomorrow. This is a kid from school that didn't know Rachel even went to church. This kid doesn't care the slightest about her soul she just wants to hang out with a friend and that is a fun and convenient place that kids go to weekly. It is that simple.

Get off your high horse Cad and Izo, your concern trolling is a waste of time. Izo has definitely proven countless times he can't handle the grown up area of this forum and should be shown the door.