I feel like a fucking ATM.
College books
Cars and insurance
and everything else.
Plus, my youngest needs new hockey sticks. He really does, he's not wrong. These are the adult sticks he will use forever until they break. Each stick is over $400. damn.
Two of my kids are entirely self sufficient, and that is delightful, not just because I'm not spending money on them, but because all the money, support, holding, and everything else has put them in a position where they are not yet 25, but they are looking at amazing careers, buying a home, all that. So that's amazing. Seems like I'm doing something right.
I had to write checks for tuition and books and living accommodations, insurance of various sorts, flights for kids studying overseas this semester, blah blah blah. It hurts at the moment, but I look at the two of mine who went through this and came out ready to be responsible and are doing just that. And that's rewarding.
No, I don't have to pay for any of these things. My wife and I chose to do this for our children. We have the means. We get them through their undergrad with no debt, with a car they own, and with $10K to get themselves a place and pay at least 3 months rent in advance. Many will say I'm coddling them. I don't believe that. I did not have these things provided by my parents, neither did my wife. We are helping to ensure their future, and what parent doesn't want to do that?
Sorry, just a bit of venting. I spent over $100K today. I don't even know what the purpose of this post is. Parenting is hard.