Parent Thread


A Mod Real Quick
You should pull a True Detective season 2 on him

Ring his door bell and ask if his dad is home and then beat the shit out of the dad in front of him


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
a_skeleton_03, I have twin 15 year old girls, and I feel your pain. I also like your point about teaching boys not to be dickheads. Man, I don't know what I would do in your place, but have you considered having your daughter talk to his mother? Might be the first step in preventing this shit stain from doing this to another young girl.


a_skeleton_03, I have twin 15 year old girls, and I feel your pain. I also like your point about teaching boys not to be dickheads. Man, I don't know what I would do in your place, but have you considered having your daughter talk to his mother? Might be the first step in preventing this shit stain from doing this to another young girl.
I would if I didn't already know about how shitty of parents they are. I say that not knowing them but knowing about how he has ended up in and out of rehab and mental facilities. They might be the most caring parents ever and he is just an absolutely terrible person. I think they are inept though, whether it's that they don't care and let him do what he wants or that they do care and just can't get him to stop doesn't really matter at this point.

The fear is that we go that route, his mother talks to him but he is a shit head and takes nothing from it and then starts talking about my daughter at school and spreading some nasty rumors. Right now she's a notch on his belt that he has moved on from and discarded so she isn't worth trashing publicly. Put her back on his radar ....

Yeah I don't know what the right answer is. I talked to my son (her twin) about how that won't be tolerated in any way and made sure she was there to hear it all.


<Bronze Donator>
High school is rough. Especially for underclass girls. My niece is about to be a freshman and I'm scared for her. I can't even imagine what my brother is going through.

I lived my youth in absolute fear of my dad and as a result i feared everyone's parents. This lead me living a pretty tame and ordinary life. I certainly wasn't dating younger girls at any time. Well, not too much younger at least.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
High school is rough. Especially for underclass girls. My niece is about to be a freshman and I'm scared for her. I can't even imagine what my brother is going through.

I lived my youth in absolute fear of my dad and as a result i feared everyone's parents. This lead me living a pretty tame and ordinary life. I certainly wasn't dating younger girls at any time. Well, not too much younger at least.
Kids are pretty well taught not to fear their parents these days, and for the most part it is well publicized to them that adults can't touch them or threaten them at all. As a result kids are worse little fuckers than they used to be, I think.


A Mod Real Quick
Ugh bed time is bad again

Must be a regression. Started screaming as soon as we headed upstairs. After 30 minutes of crying for 5 minutes stopping for 1 I brought him back down. He held as tight as he could just whimpering and sniffling. Put him back up and same story. Been like this a week or two now. Seems much worse when I put him down, might be because he's super attached to me.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
I don't even know how to handle this shit. I made plans with my sisters bf to go fishing Friday with the little guy. My wife is so stressed out about the idea that we had a retarded argument about it. She's so concerned he's going to fall in the water and drown or if I keep him in his stroller I'm just going to ignore him or some shit. So pissed about this bullshit.
Last week he and I were in the inflatable pool we bought. She was sitting in a chair next to the pool. He's walking and tripped and fell in. I was in him and had him out in a second. Later she rips into me how I should have been right next to him and I let him sit in the water facedown for a few seconds. I told her fuck that I am NOT going to hoover over him and catch him every time he falls. She's going to have a heart attack before he's even in school.
Clearly not something we can rationally discuss. I absolutely be making a call and making a counseling appointment for the both of us. Her stress is getting out of control.
We moved from a 1/1 carpeted apartment, to a 2/2 fully tiled one. Baby girl 20mo, loves to throw herself from the couch and bounce of the carpet. She also likes to roll over from the couch into the carpet, bounce and continue.
So in the new house this was going to be a problem. So the first time, she is on top of my legs, I'm seated on the couch, and she is attempting to roll over from the couch to the tile. Instead of grabbing her, I just move my legs down a little so she is no so high, and I let her roll into the tile.
She hits the tile, and she starts crying, of course she just hit a hard floor instead of soft carpet. Wife was next to me and goes crazy asking why didn't you grab her!!!!
So I explained my plan, of letting her hit the ground in a controlled manner, that is why I lowered my legs, vs her doing that when we are not around and really hurting herself.
She goes ballistic about how stupid my idea was, and bla bla bla insults for 1 hour.

Baby girl has never done that maneuver again, she stop the other one as well.

Women I tell you.


Trakanon Raider
Happy Father's Day guys. I know we vent a lot in this thread but try to take some time to think about the good things. My 6 year old son drives me insane 3/4 of the time, but then he'll turn around and do something that will make me so proud that I'll get tears in my eyes.

Anyway, get a nap in today, eat a steak, and enjoy Bastard Bowl tonight.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I got told on Father's Day that we are expecting our 3rd child. Oh shit....

We were not preventing it, but not really trying either, so we knew it was bound to happen. I'm still in denial, but it'll come around eventually.


Congrats Crone! Baby three is so much easier than the others. Everything about our third was so chill.

Yay summer vacation. And by that I mean kill me please.

Holy shit at trying to work with the kids running in my office screaming every 30 seconds is going to drive me absolutely freaking insane. Thank goodness grandparents are taking them a couple times this summer.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Congrats Crone! Baby three is so much easier than the others. Everything about our third was so chill.

Yay summer vacation. And by that I mean kill me please.

Holy shit at trying to work with the kids running in my office screaming every 30 seconds is going to drive me absolutely freaking insane. Thank goodness grandparents are taking them a couple times this summer.
I sure hope so! Our first 2 are so independent and strong willed! I'm looking forward to a chill baby. haha!


<WoW Guild Officer>
Congrats Crone! Baby three is so much easier than the others. Everything about our third was so chill.

Yay summer vacation. And by that I mean kill me please.

Holy shit at trying to work with the kids running in my office screaming every 30 seconds is going to drive me absolutely freaking insane. Thank goodness grandparents are taking them a couple times this summer.
Holy shit our third is the opposite. Fucker was walking at 8mo, running at 10mo, and climbs over everything. At 14 months we had to start lashing the chairs to the table, or he pulls them out and climbs on top of the table. Little fucker is insane about climbing and keeping up with his older siblings. Even at the gym, the child care people there know he's going to get into everything when we bring him in.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I got told on Father's Day that we are expecting our 3rd child. Oh shit....

We were not preventing it, but not really trying either, so we knew it was bound to happen. I'm still in denial, but it'll come around eventually.

On Father's Day the wife and I announced to family that we're expecting our first. ETA late January.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm

On Father's Day the wife and I announced to family that we're expecting our first. ETA late January.
Babies in da house!!! Think the wife said Feb 20th for our due date. Trying to decide if I want to know the gender of this one before hand, or do a gender reveal party, or just not find out. It's crazy.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Holy shit our third is the opposite. Fucker was walking at 8mo, running at 10mo, and climbs over everything. At 14 months we had to start lashing the chairs to the table, or he pulls them out and climbs on top of the table. Little fucker is insane about climbing and keeping up with his older siblings. Even at the gym, the child care people there know he's going to get into everything when we bring him in.
I have to second this, we had an unexpected third which wound up being a boy (first 2 are girls) and he is psycho and constantly fighting me for Alpha position already. I don't think he knows how to walk, he just runs everywhere. Probably trying to keep up like yours. That'd be fine, except he is also huge (not fat, but big) like 35 lbs and he isn't 2 yet. So when he throws his weight around with the other two it is damaging lol. That said, he goes to sleep like a champ and sleeps through the night no problem so there is that.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I have to second this, we had an unexpected third which wound up being a boy (first 2 are girls) and he is psycho and constantly fighting me for Alpha position already. I don't think he knows how to walk, he just runs everywhere. Probably trying to keep up like yours. That'd be fine, except he is also huge (not fat, but big) like 35 lbs and he isn't 2 yet. So when he throws his weight around with the other two it is damaging lol. That said, he goes to sleep like a champ and sleeps through the night no problem so there is that.
That's exactly our scenario except my middle is a boy. What's the spread on the kids? We're at 5/3/1.5, and the youngest is almost the same size as the middle.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Long post depressing .

My baby girl just turned 20 months. She doesn't speak a lot, she says "Okay" all the time, maybe because I say it myself too much, but she is behind on the milestones for speech.

At the 18 month mark, 2 month ago, it does seem like an eternity right now, her pediatric diagnosed her with been on the spectrum of autism. She is a very playful toddler, she is basically the energizer bunny incarnate, she is very affectionate, always smiling, likes to be hugged, and maintains eye contact for a little bit, especially if she is interested in you. She basically does everything at her own time, and she used to not follow pointing signals, and babbles all the time, the only word she says clearly it's OK. She plays nonstop with the dog, she does tantrums every time you say no to her (in the middle of the tantrum she opens her eyes to see if you are looking at her or not, its hilarious). We think these are just normal tantrums. She is also impervious to pain, like normal things that would make other babies cry, it doesn't faze her. She does cry when she hurts herself very bad.

Most doctors that we have taken her, they have all said the same, that she is on the spectrum. Other parents that we have spoken about they don't see anything abnormal, other than the speech delay. This has made the last months very bad, especially because in the beginning I felt that the diagnosis broke her.

Before I was a regular parent, yeah I knew my baby girl doesn't speak too much, but she plays and interacts and hugs, so I didn't put too much thought on it. But at two months ago, it was like the diagnosis broke her. I started to see things that may they weren't there before. It has been awful. I always had problems dealing with special needs people, I would get very emotional or uncomfortable around them.

Now I'm just hoping that she will outgrow this, that she will be just a normal kid. Half of me is on denial, the other half is in pain.

Florida has a program for kids less than 36 months to get specialized attention and therapy, so we are starting baby girl on those as soon as possible.
I'm so angry, so angry at everything. I cant concentrate at anything. I almost broke my wrist/hand at the gym for not been careful. It just fucking sucks.

I would have traded this for teething, its not like i'm sleeping anyways.


A Mod Real Quick
Long post depressing .

My baby girl just turned 20 months. She doesn't speak a lot, she says "Okay" all the time, maybe because I say it myself too much, but she is behind on the milestones for speech.

At the 18 month mark, 2 month ago, it does seem like an eternity right now, her pediatric diagnosed her with been on the spectrum of autism. She is a very playful toddler, she is basically the energizer bunny incarnate, she is very affectionate, always smiling, likes to be hugged, and maintains eye contact for a little bit, especially if she is interested in you. She basically does everything at her own time, and she used to not follow pointing signals, and babbles all the time, the only word she says clearly it's OK. She plays nonstop with the dog, she does tantrums every time you say no to her (in the middle of the tantrum she opens her eyes to see if you are looking at her or not, its hilarious). We think these are just normal tantrums. She is also impervious to pain, like normal things that would make other babies cry, it doesn't faze her. She does cry when she hurts herself very bad.

Most doctors that we have taken her, they have all said the same, that she is on the spectrum. Other parents that we have spoken about they don't see anything abnormal, other than the speech delay. This has made the last months very bad, especially because in the beginning I felt that the diagnosis broke her.

Before I was a regular parent, yeah I knew my baby girl doesn't speak too much, but she plays and interacts and hugs, so I didn't put too much thought on it. But at two months ago, it was like the diagnosis broke her. I started to see things that may they weren't there before. It has been awful. I always had problems dealing with special needs people, I would get very emotional or uncomfortable around them.

Now I'm just hoping that she will outgrow this, that she will be just a normal kid. Half of me is on denial, the other half is in pain.

Florida has a program for kids less than 36 months to get specialized attention and therapy, so we are starting baby girl on those as soon as possible.
I'm so angry, so angry at everything. I cant concentrate at anything. I almost broke my wrist/hand at the gym for not been careful. It just fucking sucks.

I would have traded this for teething, its not like i'm sleeping anyways.
Sorry to hear all this. Keep your chin up, she sounds normal to me, maybe it's just a phase at that age.

Tangentially related from me. My kid has hit quite a few milestones as of late including now running full speed. His newest thing is if he doesn't want to be put down or is scared he holds on for dear life and lays his head on you. It's quite cute. He also loves running up to the dog and giving her a wet kiss, he follows the dog all day...

But I am worried about his speech. He really doesn't say anything at all at 14 months. He just babbles (mostly "da da da da da de di da"). I'm sure it will be an issue when we go back for his next checkup.

He understands words just fine - "where's your guitar?" and he will go grab his toy guitar. He knows who momma and dada are as well as doggy and a bunch of other stuff, he just doesn't want to say anything.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
I asked you early on about if he was pointing to stuff, and you said he was pointing like a boss. Little noodle will speak at his own pace =)