Path of Exile


Blackwing Lair Raider
I trashed on my hierophant divine ire totem build earlier in this thread earlier so i get what you're saying. And i do like the build i switched to but i've sorta maxed that out afaik whitout getting 50ex items sorta thing. So i decided to go back to trying the hierophant and am currently collecting some gear for that but this time i have a better vision for how to scale it i think and i imagine with better dps it should be easier to handle the annoyances. My pob mockup seems to suggest its pretty easy to get beams hitting for 2 to 3 million going the soul mantle + atziri reflection + cowards legacy/pain attunement + self flaggelation route with a sprinkle of devouring diadem and less aura reserve to fit 3 auras, wrath, hatred and zealotry + a bonus discipline cause i'm MoM + EB (46% reduced , 185% reserve * 0.54 = 99.9% reserved).


Toe Sucker
what does the atziri reflection do with that build? i saw it in a few of them but wasnt sure. It reflects curses but the curses are still on you so you can get the effect of self flagellation?

I use the 40% reduced curse effect ring x2 and then the 20%passive node and just stack them all with a 17% flagellation jewel


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ye it's just instead of what you're doing to handle the curses. I haven't tried it myself but it should work, saw a streamer 2 leagues back that used the reflection + cowards to get low life


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Atziri's Reflection allows for the following:

You can replace a Kikazaru with an Essence Worm with either Hatred or Wrath. The other can be a HP / Resist / Crit ring.

Then you can add a Watcher's Eye.

You can also wear a Coward's Legacy belt and pick up Pain Attunement since you will always be considered on Low Life.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
So anyone have a zombie, summoner, minion build that can do well/easy in blight? I cave. Doing blights is doable with a melee build but it's just too much work for me (not a suprise) to keep attacking, buffed, and flasked while taking care of the towers.


Trump's Staff
Any spectre build. I'm using Kayellas build, very strong. Shit gear and not even maxed gems and red maps are NP.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Thanks. Just judging from the amount of people in guild chat and stuff in guild stash particpiation is down this league. Not sure if it's the league or WoW. I don't play WoW so guess I'll try this for a while.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Zombies definitely works too. Spectres. I'm not sure of a summoner that couldn't.

Bunny get your ass on boiiiiii.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Sitting on about 12-13 ex now. I want to try a melee build soon. Don’t really care about league mechanic that much.

Any recommendations? Looking at bladestorm and lacerate so far. May just buy a couple dictator’s bases.


<Silver Donator>
That's a pretty good starter guide for specters. Looked it up. Kayellas .
Honestly any "basic" summoner build is going to be good this league with the buffs. Can be zombies, skeletons(melee or ranged), spectres(any of slave drivers, kitava heralds, solar guards, vaal advocates and both fire/ice flying carpets), mix of these, golems(as necro or as elementalist as usual, can do fire/ice/carrion), SRS, dom blow, heralds, holy relic, phantasm(with soulwrest). The only summons I can't really recommend are Animated weapon(clunky even with the unique chest) and mirror arrow(I think they fixed the bugs but it's still kinda trash). And the builds all are slightly different but mostly work the same, you grab a bunch of minion nodes in the left side of the tree and then stack whatever defenses you like, can be pure life, hybrid, MoM, low life, whatever. Same for damage types, you pick what you want, elem with EE, pure phys, phys with added as damage.

It's hard to go wrong atm with summoners other than doing basic poe mistakes like focusing entirely on damage nodes and not taking any defenses(and even that is hard to fuck up as necro since there's not that many dmg nodes) and obviously picking stuff that doesn't work on summons.

You can check Ghazzi builds he generally does one per league for summoners, and anything even from previous leagues will work fine(just need to fit in feeding frenzy somewhere).


Pay to play forum
I am doing the laziest build ever. 6 link flame golems and 4 link spectres and zombies. All I do is shield charge around in my shit gear and watch stuff die.
They really buffed summoner a lot. Will see how it does vs Shaper this weekend when I have time to play, but shouldnt be a problem at all. Only downside so far is the initial cost of golem jewels.


Trump's Staff
I just tried out Soul Tether and while this has been a 1c garbage item basically forever they made an undocumented change to it which makes it really good and it really seems to be flying under the radar. Now it makes leech effects not removed at full life and leeches to ES at full life, so as long as your build doesn't require a unique body armor or belt you can get a 10% max life to ES armor with the belt and basically get 2-3000 extra EHP entirely for free, as long as your build sustains with leech. If you have money to spare you can also buy a Glorious Vanity jewel, which will corrupt keystones into 20% of maximum life as max ES.

I just tried this out on a random melee build and all I had to do is equip Shaper's Touch, Soul Tether, and a rare 10% life to ES armor, combined with the jewel my 7k life build now has slayer leech plus 7k ES on top of the life, and that's without investing a single point in increased ES anywhere on the tree.


<Bronze Donator>
A corrupted Soul Tether with 15% all res was 4ex last league, it's known.

It's ok but not as great as it sounds. The ES degen really starts to cut into your leech once you get a decent amount of ES. Playing a Cyclone Slayer last league, it was quite easy to see my leech fighting with the degen while meleeing monsters.
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Millie's Staff Member
One of the recent leagues taught me that I despise the trap/mines mechanic and will never play it again (arc mines to level 90). This league confirmed that I still don't like the summoner mechanics as well.

I am not saying you can ONLY do the league with summoners, but it is easy if you do. I made it to early maps and just can't stand it anymore. I am just so lazy - what, I have to think about what KIND of spectre I raise? Shiiiiiiiiit. I have to resummons my zombies? Shiiiiiiiiiiiit. Skeletons aren't persistent? Shiiiiiiiiiiit. Lol, I know it's just me, but there you have it.

So I am out until the next league, boyz. Took my cyclone character to 90 and early red maps, but not wanting to do the league with that character means I may as well go play Standard where I can at least do Shaper runs with a completed (or easily completed) Atlas.

Actually, I expect there will be a month long SOMETHING at the end of this league based on what I perceive as middling interest in the core mechanic, so I may come back depending on what that is.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Theres 3 main reasons this league has less players than normal imho.
-The teasers and explanations pre-launch were offputting (TD lol, anointing isnt that powerful/engaging, and i would argue their chosen archetypes are pretty niche and not for everyone)
-WoW + BL3
-Crashing and server issues and Tower Defense is just slow.