Path of Exile


Molten Core Raider
I tried a witch on nemesis. Got wrecked when I disrespected the Vaal laser on normal. Are some classes more viable in nemesis than others?


Molten Core Raider
Everything is viable in nemesis/hardcore as long as you put almost all your skil points into survivability (HP, ES, Evasion, +all resists). And if you can't cap all your resists, at the very least cap lightning, lightning tends to wreck your shit faster than either of the other spell types, plus you need it for most of the major bosses (Vaal, Piety, Dominus)

Also, the best offensive skills to build around tend to be the ones that also offer some defensive benefit as well (Ice based stuff to slow/freeze enemies, lightning to stun, certain melee skills have a stun component, etc). Traps are also very useful (I always tend to go bear trap, but the other traps have their uses too)


Molten Core Raider
Movement skills desync more than everything else. I've played almost exclusively hardcore, and I have never died to desyn. I've desynced like everyone at some point, but I desync very rarely(even when I had to play on the US gateway due to my routing to euro one being fucked so I had 90-130ping). Part of it is understanding what cause desyncs, and not doing these things.

I never run through mobs unless absolutely necessary and even then I'll take the safest path possible(which is away from as many monsters as possible, since most desyncs are caused by pathing being blocked by mobs and rubberbanding back once the server sends the client a fuck you message). I always use Shift(technically space since rebound)+attack as a melee in tight places/buildings/doors/wherever a desync would matter, which ends up being almost everywhere unless I'm like powerlvling in full uniques and there's literally 0risks of dying. I don't spam movement abilities, I use them a few times then force a resync with /oos or by simply breaking jars/crates by clicking on them., unless I'm spamming them to navigate through an empty area or through a low level area(farming normal gems by running alts with my high lvl).

I've never done a leapslam or flicker build because of how unreliable they are, but did level as leap slam with 2H for a bit, mostly in normal, low risk to die to desync at that point, no point since Spectral Throw addition though. I always keep an eye for stuff that looks out of place, mobs not attacking me even though they're in melee range, traps not being thrown or being thrown from another location, these are a clear sign of desync and I'll /oos right away.

Oh and I don't fuck around with Brutus/Kole, I skip Kole almost always, or I facetank them. I will sometimes range kill them but I will always stay at long range, expect to get pulled even though I shouldn't, and definitely NEVER run around pillars or random shit as a way to kite them, as that will always desync them(especially brutus has a lot of walls like that in the room and if you start kiting around them, you're gonna get fucked, hell he can actually bodyblock you against a wall easily).

I didn't die often overall. I mostly died to playing recklessly while leveling and running into a bunch of shit that I shoudn't have ran into, or against bosses like merc vaal(low armor/health, got rocked three times in a row) or merc piety(including one death to her getting both ice and fireform at the same time, shooting arrows while moving at max speed, fun times). At the very least this game lets you log out/port out near instantly if there's a major fuckup, so it's not as easy to die to something out of your control. If you play D3 HC, you'll die anytime you lose your connection for example.
Really great post. I too have never died to desync and couldn't really understand why other people had such issues with it. You concisely summed up things that just seemed like common sense.


Mr. Poopybutthole
This is the most annoying game for picking a name. I've literally just typed random shit and it's all taken. Fucking pissing me off.

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
This is the most annoying game for picking a name. I've literally just typed random shit and it's all taken. Fucking pissing me off.
I had the same problem. I was making up some shit that I knew couldn't possibly be taken. I think it's just an algorithm rejecting the names but still saying it's "taken" instead of "rejected."


A Man Chooses....
So are there massive loot increases on hardcore? I've gotten 5 chaos(0 in normal) and 2 uniques(0 in normal) and I'm not even through act 3 yet. Playing a spectral throw char and gettign a wideswing poleaxe at level 19 has been pretty fun I'll tell yuo that.


Molten Core Raider
I exclusively play hardcore, and I've never died to a desync. Then again, I tend to not play melee builds, and the few I do play definitely aren't fast-moving ones (flicker strike, ground slam, lightning warp, etc). I tend to lean towards ranged builds more than anything (casters and bow builds) and desync is not an issue with those at all.
Wel, spoke too soon, just died to desync at lvl 45 going through the Vaal ruins with a lightning-strike Scion. I should have kept my mouth shut, lol.

So are there massive loot increases on hardcore? I've gotten 5 chaos(0 in normal) and 2 uniques(0 in normal) and I'm not even through act 3 yet. Playing a spectral throw char and gettign a wideswing poleaxe at level 19 has been pretty fun I'll tell yuo that.
No loot drop differences at all, unfortunately.


A Man Chooses....
Yeah I dunno, I am almost to the end of act 1 hard or whatever it's called and I've gotten 4 uniques and like 6 chaos. Wide swing, two pairs of light boots, and some dagger.

Spectral throw seems completely broken. I nearly died on Dominus but other than that it's been pretty easy. Trying to resist the urge to grab more damage nodes because I know it's going to get rougher.

Game really is better than D3 once you get past the desyncs and a little bit of a fluidity gap in the combat. I hope it's been hugely successful so they can keep churning out content. The stuff in the store seems really expensive for what it is.


Vaal ruins are desync city. So many small hallways. I hate the place for that reason.

Spectral Throw is pretty broken for leveling, yeah. It falls off in the endgame though, since some of the most powerful support gems do nothing for it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Ok what is it with this game? My short PoE story this far:

For a first char i rolled a generic 2h marauder, skilling defensive and + melee dmg and some lifetap + life to hit stuff, facerolling through normal up to the last boss.

That last boss...

Maybe it didn't help that not a single upgrade dropped for me since middle of act 2. The whole thing was easy up to that point using swipe for mass inc and heavy strike for single bosses while literally never using a flask.

Then Dominus? Said fuck it and zerged him down after using like 10 portals, fine!

Then i am back to the coast at next difficulty setting again plowing through mobs like nobody business as level 38 in level 15 gear.

At this point i don't see why i should continue? Well, besides mindless clickfests can be fun to some people, i don't see the lasting appeal?


The last half of Act III was tacked on recently after about a year of the game ending at Piety. The difficulty leap is ridiculous and they don't really seem to care. I think you have to get into Act III Cruel before you find something as difficult as Normal Dominus. As you noted, the problem is only exacerbated by the fact that this game has the worst, most stingy and unrewarding loot system ever to exist in the history of video gaming.


A Man Chooses....
Got greedy, doing shit higher level than me. Splat on a fricking lightning mob calling down pulses. Wasn't even paying attention.


Molten Core Raider
The dreaded storm herald modifier. That shit can tear you up in a hurry even with max lightning resist


Lord Nagafen Raider
The last half of Act III was tacked on recently after about a year of the game ending at Piety. The difficulty leap is ridiculous and they don't really seem to care. I think you have to get into Act III Cruel before you find something as difficult as Normal Dominus. As you noted, the problem is only exacerbated by the fact that this game has the worst, most stingy and unrewarding loot system ever to exist in the history of video gaming.
"You know nothing Jon Snow."


Fun fact - if you're a leap slammer and you keep desyncing - hold down Shift when you use your leap slam and it will stop the desync hell. Works like a dream, I have fastcast on leap now and fly around the map with no problem.


<Silver Donator>
Can anyone give me a rundown on what mobs to look out for that can tear me up quickly/deadly mob affixes? Only on normal atm and the only thing I worry about is Vaal.
On normal not that much, but the fire dogs on the docks and also in the scepter of god on a certain floor(both in act3) can easily kill people without decent fire resist especially ones with multiple projectiles. The flicker strike mobs in general can be dangerous, you see them in act1(pirates in the optional ghost cove cave thing where you get the alflame), act2(spiders in the spider lair) and act3(undying guys in the sewers/zone before market). Lightning trap miniboss in scepter of god level 3 can be very dangerous depending on spec and resists. Devourers in general can be dangerous(they spawn in dark forest in act2 and in the hedge garden in act3). Kole in Lunaris 2 is extremely dangerous if not using a tanky build. Other than that, Vaal, Piety and Dominus all have decent risks involved if you misplay or are not geared defensive enough.

As you ramp up in difficulty, there's more and more mob types that become dangerous, for example anything chaos based in merciless tends to be fairly dangerous due to the resist penalty, chargers become dangerous due to the increased potential burst if you get stun locked, anything with high elemental damage is risky if you don't have capped resist, especially lightning(arc spamming bitches in barracks for example). Also anything with vuln can lead to dangerous situations(sirens in the ghost cove area, long range melee demons in lunaris).

If you're very geared, not that much is scary especially pre merciless, but in shit gear even cruel can be a challenge. Normal tends to be fairly easy regardless unless building a complete glass canon, but act3 has some difficulty spikes.


Cobras (chaos damage) and turkeys (the ones that eat bodies and fire blood bombs) in act 3 merc are mean as hell. Even worse on temperal chains maps.


I had the same problem. I was making up some shit that I knew couldn't possibly be taken. I think it's just an algorithm rejecting the names but still saying it's "taken" instead of "rejected."
I made a character named WomenAreObjects so no, I don't think there is any algorithm. That name lasted about 15 minutes.

Its just that names are shared across all servers, so there literally has to be no one else using the name in the entire game