Path of Exile


Vyemm Raider
FML time to make a new char. Tornado shot deadeye is great for maps but ffs trying to kill a bigger boss is a PITA.
Hah, exactly where I am with Lightning Arrow Deadeye.

What boss killer and what budget are you thinking? I kinda want to try von vikton's ice pulse/spear totems.


Log Wizard
Pro tip:

Firesong jewel gives you elementail ailment duration reduction 1:1 with ignite duration.

Minor Soul of Abberath gives you 60% reduction of ignite duration.

Strength tattoos give 15% reduction of ignite duration.

OR a suffix can be crafted on bench with 50-60% ignite duration.

Boom you're immune to elemental ailments.

Edit: well the Abberath Pantheon says LESS ignite duration on you and doesn't work. Super weird wording. Still one ring suffix and 3 tattoos or just two ring suffixes probably very worth it for ailment immunity.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
getting 100% reduced duration still sucks though cause all the ground effects are still gonna work


<Silver Donator>
Hah, exactly where I am with Lightning Arrow Deadeye.

What boss killer and what budget are you thinking? I kinda want to try von vikton's ice pulse/spear totems.
Might do boneshatter or whatever again. Did it last season and it was a beast.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Wheres wizardhawk at - even he can do ubers now:



Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
I don't know how people are doing this mechanic. Even though I get good upgraded people, a full roster, and completely geared, I still am getting absolutely decimated now. I watch videos on youtube where right at the start they are able to take almost 2-3 totems down instantly and I'm just bewildered as to how they do this.

I really must suck at video games these days.
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2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
I don't know how people are doing this mechanic. Even though I get good upgraded people, a full roster, and completely geared, I still am getting absolutely decimated now. I watch videos on youtube where right at the start they are able to take almost 2-3 totems down instantly and I'm just bewildered as to how they do this.

I really must suck at video games these days.

I just ignore the mechanic. It's too tedious, takes too long and is generally absolute shit. If it takes time, it should be fun and it's not. I don't want a mechanic where I have to read a fucking guide in order to even complete it. For min-maxing, sure, but not for basic stuff


Avatar of War Slayer
I don't know how people are doing this mechanic. Even though I get good upgraded people, a full roster, and completely geared, I still am getting absolutely decimated now. I watch videos on youtube where right at the start they are able to take almost 2-3 totems down instantly and I'm just bewildered as to how they do this.

I really must suck at video games these days.
Theres several tactics.
General. focus on favor over rewards. fill out units asap. buy things from navali every round.

1. vacuum defense. fill your flankers, then escorts first. with fast units. you just play defense, patrolling up and down, and kill anything that comes near.

2. distraction offense. fill escorts, defenders first. speed and blockers. walls. YOU go tag totems.
fill your skills up with CC. Blind, phasing, evasion, fear, knockback. etc. are all super effective here. npcs that create walls, block the projectiles from hitting you, while you tag a totem. unclear if player walls work.

3. minions. minions op. distract the enemies, block projectiles attacks.

note the balance patch hit, so it will be even easier.


<Bronze Donator>
Silver coins almost down to 0.25c. Don't know if patch yesterday has been live long enough to have an effect.

Started as pconc pathfinder. Probably a mistake on my part to have petrified blood as my only mitigation. Wasn't really a fan of having to aim pconc even with poison prolif. Anyone done this into red maps? Would switching out purity of elements for grace make that big a difference? I was planning to go lightning coil and shift all phys to elements anyway.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Playing a zdps RF jugg so i've waited till now to get good enough gear but Sanctum seems so nice now when you can do as many as you want. Loot looks about the same as before but i've only done 2 runs for a total of 3 divines.

Still haven't done any TotA league at all.

Edit: update 3d run gave 4 divines
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Liveblog: Been playing my usual slow-ass leveling process, since I kind of test things out as I go and well, I suck at time management in this game. Look! MOBS! MUST KILL!!!

Anyway, just at blood aqueducts now, and playing a tectonic slam stun + ignite jugg build. It's working pretty well so far, the fire goes out in a wave and stuns quite a few things and they burn, though not as well as I would like. But it's early. I think the challenge will be to find the balance of attack vs ignite damage. It needs to be just enough attack (with lots of reduced stun threshold) to stun tougher mobs, with the rest biased towards ignite damage. It sure would be nice if POB would update with all the support gem changes, but ah well. If I'm looking at things correctly, I should be able to get up to around 1 million DOT dps relatively easily, but much more than that probably isn't in the cards without some stupid gear. If it ends up sucking, I saw a very similar sort of build that uses Uul Netol's kiss and sunder to stack bleeds + knockback, which is another build style I've wanted to try which was done last league by someone that I saw on POE ninja and has more like 4M damage as a Slayer.

I have some other idea that there is a build that has trauma + sadism + controlled blaze + mantra of flames for super fast ignites that does better than a hit build even though it plays like a hit build. Or maybe use Wild Strike with super fast attack speed and controlled blaze... somehow. The theory there being that since only 1/3 of your attacks are fire, it naturally doesn't stack to 'bad' levels even with crazy attack speed.

As usual, all ideas guaranteed terrible or your money back!


Log Wizard
Mantra of flames doesn't exist anymore. It got deleted in the great unique jewel downsizing of 3.20 unfortunately.

Got to 420 (drugs)+ rating last night in TOTA. If I've got one tip, it's this:


Make sure you get Rongokurai the fuck OUT of there ASAP. I literally challenge him twice immediately before he can get turtles and omega flankers and shit. At 400+ he does something like 20,000 damage in a hit bypassing between 50% and 100% physical damage reduction. Yes. 20,0000 damage. How do I know? He one shots my 18k zombies. You just die if it hits you and it's AE is slightly larger than half a 1080p screen. His goliaths of night are just as bad as they will hard target you on attacker, cannot be slowed, and have very little to no telegraph for the same damage in a smaller AE. And not even to mention the Titanic Shells which haven't been nerfed yet. Two of those on one team? There's like a 5% chance and a small window you win if you have enough damage to kill everything protecting, then BOTH turtles, then manage to channel one turtle totem down. But that's not fucking likely as they have something like 5x the hp of Shaper right now so 300 million effective hp? A bit much.

So yeah, round 1 and 2 that guy, bait him over, kill his flankers while kiting, then run over with your 4 flankers and hopefully kill his flankers totems then you win. He's very offensive oriented so you just take out his flankers then you strike while the irons hot.

Everyone else I can fight and beat in every round as skelly mage Guardian. Kaom can be a shit because he and his ravager boys do a billion AE dps and can kill minions near instantly. The burningskin or whatever the fuck guy is annoying because he molten shells totems, but he himself isn't as hard to kill as Titanics and I've never seen two. And if you have one on your team they bypass totem protection.

Chaos lady sucked until I get 75% res. Now she's a joke, but I still wouldn't stop moving because her Death From Above shit bugs out and hits without a voice line sometimes.

Rewards were either stealth buffed last night (most likely) or once you hit 300-400 range they get pretty good. I can get about 5 chaos per every fight and outside of Rongokurai and the final match most matches take me less than 2 minutes. I will aim for favour over rewards unless the rewards are amazing like divines or good 21/20s or something like that.

Basically to win: stack flankers. kill their flankers off the bat, all of them. Now you can either play defense 100% and let your boys work OR you can rush in their and distract/kill protectors and fighters while you or your boys dunk their totems. It can be scary having people attacking your base, but one or two good defenders can hold them off if they're not elite flanker types and when you despawn their totems you destroy that unit.
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Potato del Grande
This is live on PS5 in a few hours, which types of builds are good with the league mechanic?

Like minions, contagion, ranged, crowd control...?

Also what's really bad for it?


Vyemm Raider
Top tier build for it is skellies/zombies that taunt, knockback, fear, blind, etc. to just keep them occupied while your crew goes to town on the totems.

Also freezing builds work well, for the same reason. And anything that does a ton of damage and can eat big hits can do moderately well.

paper tiger builds arent great unless you can kill from off the screen, because with that many mobs with that much health, youre gonna get caught in SOME kinda bullshit attack.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Mantra of flames doesn't exist anymore. It got deleted in the great unique jewel downsizing of 3.20 unfortunately.
Fuck. I thought I remembered something like that but I was reading the wiki on trauma stacks and saw it mentioned in the text for that and assumed it was still around.
Ah well.

Still might play around with that build, unless some POBbing says it's absolute ass. Which is entirely possible!
But what if it's only 40% ass.... HHHHHMMMMMMMMM


<Bronze Donator>
Fuck. I thought I remembered something like that but I was reading the wiki on trauma stacks and saw it mentioned in the text for that and assumed it was still around.
Ah well.

Still might play around with that build, unless some POBbing says it's absolute ass. Which is entirely possible!
But what if it's only 40% ass.... HHHHHMMMMMMMMM
You mean this text?
  • 1Rustled
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Tranny Chaser
Make sure you get Rongokurai the fuck OUT of there ASAP.

But Xevy! If you do that you'll never be able to buy your own super turtles!

Being a big brain I thought I'd buy turtles if turtles were OP and aside from once in one of my first runs I've never been offered enough favor to buy one without selling a ton of shit. They're rare on top of that so good fucking luck. For my hurbris Rong has shown up a couple of times now with turtles and spread my cheeks with them.


Log Wizard
Man I don't think I ever bought a turtle. I'm 90% sure you can still buy them in the later rounds even if you knock him out. The 2300 price tag just isn't worth it even though they're gross as fuck as flankers since they cannot be stopped. You just basically play VIP Escort with them and win.

There's actually a LOT of cool units. Tbirds with increased totem damage or 50% insta revive are my go-to flankers. Tidecallers with reduced cooldown or multi proj are top notch for escort chaos or defense. Firebreathers with the 500% ignite thing on attacker are pretty cool. Fieldmasters anywhere are... I don't know, but I use them! I've yet to get caught on a friendly fence and die, but there's been times it has been close. I THINK they stop AE's which is pretty cool, but otherwise I just hope they trap an attacker somewhere.
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Millie's Staff Member
heist still OP. Spidersilk Robe dropped in lvl 49 or 50 heist while leveling there. Quick 3.5 div
Yeah it was a mid 70s level Heist where I dropped that mirror last league.

Edit - I am cruising through yellow maps on my EA Totem league starter saving up currency to equip this a little better and then try one more for fun. I was thinking that cold dot elementalist I see everywhere, but I also see boneshatter mentioned all over the place so that is on the potential list as well. Not decent drops so far, both in gear and currency.

Also, the rare that drops the explosive purple crystals can eat a bag of dicks. After-death effects are cheap and senseless.
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