Path of Exile


Got something right about marriage
So I've got an EK shadow up to 45 in act 3 cruel. Used the guide linked a few pages back and while I'm pretty beefy I have had no luck finding good +ES gear. As a result my ES is sitting at a whipping 103 which means respeccing to Eldritch Battery is worthless (I have ~1200 hitpoints currently).

The build works well enough solo but in groups it is absolutely mind numbingly boring because I go through mana faster than my flasks refill but I prefer grouping, it's just a lot more fun to me than running around solo. I don't care enough about the drops to worry about missing one here and there to faster fingers.

So here is my question to any who have done this to higher levels. Is mana leech good with EK? Since EK costs so much mana with the supports I'm planning on using can I support a high level clarity gem? Should I pick pick up some mana regen nodes since I'm in the witch tree at this point anyway if clarity is worth it? I have a few respec points available but I don't want to just "test it out" if other people have already done so.

Should I just reroll to a more group friendly character? I really just want to get to end game so I can start using all the orbs I've stocked up (I have 20 alchs, 2 GCP, countless other stuff including about 70 Chromatics, etc etc)


<Silver Donator>
Well I've been grouping with EK people in Felshrine merciless to farm and they don't seem to run out of mana ever, but all of them have leveled clarity and possibly other stuff I don't really know.

What I know is Mana Leech is shit until you get a solid DPS. I'd recommend lvling Clarity and getting EB at least for a while(can always refund the 2points it cost to remove it and the int before). Maybe you'll grab a decent ES item, but even 100 Mana is a pretty big deal, that's probably what like 20% of your mana? That's pretty big for 2points and it'll increase if you ever find a good ES piece with like 150. Also do grab the mana stuff in the witch start once you get there. The 60%mana regen especially, it's a really big buff since it also increases the amount gained by Clarity.

I think it's a good group build, but you might want to cut on the supports you have for a while, especially fork or chain if you use that, basic EK is good enough in terms of aoe really, just have added fire dmg until you have more mana. Add them back when you're soloing.


Got something right about marriage
Yea I was using fork but even when I take it out I still run into mana issues. I'll give clarity a shot and I actually just got a mana leech gem so it's worth trying at the least I suppose. Thanks for the tips.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
75% elem resists in cruel is pretty unrealistic (and massive overkill for anything but the bosses anyway).

As for the EK build, I have no mana problems at all running 2hp/3m, but I also only solo with that character. For grouping, I stick with my ranger that uses blood magic to make sure I can spam attacks [almost] endlessly.


Molten Core Raider
My bank situation is getting out of hand with all these crappy rares. So before i try to make some room; if i can't match two items who're exactly the same by name, or sell a set of "one for each slot", then there's not point in keeping them?


<Silver Donator>
My bank situation is getting out of hand with all these crappy rares. So before i try to make some room; if i can't match two items who're exactly the same by name, or sell a set of "one for each slot", then there's not point in keeping them?
Well good ones can obviously be sold to players, but most of the rest you just vendor. Matching items is stupidly annoying unless you use the chrome addon to do it for you, but the issue you run into is the lack of space and shit, not worth it imo when a lot of rares even give you alch shards and a bunch of alterations shards which you can buy alchs with at some point. As for the set recipe, I guess that's kinda worth it(it's a chaos right?) but also annoying.

I haven't bothered to be honest, when I need alchs/chaos, I reduce my graphics, launch 3 additional clients with trash gmail accounts I had from lol IP farming, makes 3 shadows(or sometimes 2shadows and 1witch), run them to town, then group everyone, do mudflats glyph wall on my high lvl then loot the glyphs/click wall on newbs, run to brutus, TP everyone outside brutus room, then TP everyone to cavern of wrath. Run takes 5-10mins depending on my luck with brutus, gives 3 clarity 1fork 1cold dmg 1critical strike dmg(or 1lightning dmg if I run the witch). I sell them all for an alch each, the clarities usually sell within 5mins, rest kinda depends but sells eventually.

Only rares I keep are stuff I plan on using on alts, like really good low lvl health items, good weapons of each type every 10levels and so on. Everything else I vendor.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The alchemy orb recipe was nerfed a while ago and requires 3 of the same name item; you get a orb of chance for two now. Don't bother unless you bought an ungodly amount of stash tabs.

What I do is save the shitty rare rings/amulets/belts that I'll never use, then when I have 2 rings/amulet/belt I make a point of hanging onto one of each other slot and turn it all in for a chaos. Everything else I just sell.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm not sure if this has been discussed, but I'm trying to build some knowledge on the trade market so I don't walk in a total mark.

Is best resource for current exchange rates? How accurate is it?

Any guidelines on item values? Is there a site that tracks them?

Is the trade channel the best way to trade? If not, is the official forum it, or is there an alternate trade forum most people use?

How do you post "verified" item links on the forum?

Sorry if this stuff has already been covered.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
How do you post "verified" item links on the forum?
Start up a new post or a reply, click on your character in the top left, switch to stash if the item isn't equipped, then left click on the item. It will make a link in the textbox.

No clue about the rest. I keep all chat permanently shut off.


Molten Core Raider
I don't know how some of you can put up with hardcore right now, i keep getting disconnected or killed while i'm zoning. Think i'll wait another week or so, seriously annoying to play at the moment. And act 3 is suffering, maybe it's time for a cold witch.


Maybe I'm just lucky...but even when I crash and I'm fighting shit...I don't die. Don't you log out almost instantly if you crash? I know I have an alt + f4 macro bound to a key that gets me out of really bad situations (pro tip btw).


You alt-f4 in hardcore mode when in danger? Seriously?

Why play hardcore mode if you're going to take the cowards way out everytime a challenge presents itself? That's not very hardcore, bro.

Pretty lame IMO


Sounds like you weren't smart enough to figure that one out. Having fun on default?


Silver Knight of the Realm
Have a 45% to minion dmg gem if anyone has some 25ish to 33ish duelist gear they wanna trade for it.

Hit me up in game, character name is Slumlord.


I play hardcore as well, your assumptions are false good sir. Just because I dont exit game when the going gets tough doesnt mean Im a perma-default player, I play both, default to test out stuff and hardcore for the sweats. C'mon now. I was just asserting the fact that in my opinion alt-f4ing is sort of cheating the whole experience of hardcore mode. Tough it out brah, be hardcore. Although I admit I've stopped playing hardcore over the past few days because of the server instability and I don't want to take chances.

*Gets off high horse*


<Silver Donator>
Don't really like alt F4 either, but never had to use it anyway, other than to escape a bug, the one where you can't move/attack anymore but you can still open portals, chat or get killed by mobs. Weird bug, just alt F4d out cause I couldn't even enter the portal I opened.

Out of all my Hardcore deaths in closed and open though, alt F4 would have saved me in exactly 0. If I die, it's because I die way too fast and I didn't react fast enough to what killed me, so I wouldn't have alt F4d fast enough anyway. I don't think it's a big problem, I don't use it but don't care about people who do, if you have time to alt F4 you would have had time to leapslam/whirling/quicksilver away.

Oh and on trading, that currency site is from closed beta values, it's useful but some stuff isn't accurate due to the current beta being new so prices haven't stabilized and some stuff is worth more than it should(for example alch orbs tend to be valued a lot more than they used to since atm people can still pump alch orbs on like corals/onyx to get better shit than you can trade for at higher levels or even lower levels). For buying/selling yeah I use the trade chat, I turned off global but keep trade one, every now and then I check what people are selling. When I want to sell some of my stuff quickly I sell it for an alch only(even if it might sell for a bit more) and specify that in the ad, so newer players don't feel intimidated or ask me "how much". I don't really sell a whole lot though, but I buy a lot. For buying, base price is an alch, if it's really good I'll consider multiple alchs(or equivalent in chaos, at chaos 2:1 alch). For quality gems, a decent rule is 1alch for the gem then 1more for under 10%, 2more for under 15% and 3 or 4 more for over 15%. I don't buy qual gems of stuff that's not really worth it though, only qual gems I bought were Vulnerability and Zombie on my summoner, Lightning Strike on my melee witch(use pierce support+qual LS for almost 100% pierce).


I've decided I'm not going to even bother trying HC until the servers are a bit more stable. GGG has been doing great, but it's kinda bad right now.


Molten Core Raider
Ok, it's kinda impossible to gauge what's outdated in the official forums and what's not; guess i should have played a bit before the OB. So, dual wield axe ranger, can it be done?