Path of Exile


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Anyone else thing the prices are a bit on the high side? I dunno, these new F2P models like this and Dota 2 (although Dota2 is different because you can still earn all the items I think) seems a bit much. On one hand, I understand you paying for exclusivity, like if you were to buy Gucci or whatever. On the other hand, the effects and looks do not justify anywhere near that price. A scorpion model that could be done by a 1st year art student in 3dMax 100$? Make it a Taco that shits ice cream and maybe I'll think about it.


Vyemm Raider
Anyone else thing the prices are a bit on the high side? I dunno, these new F2P models like this and Dota 2 (although Dota2 is different because you can still earn all the items I think) seems a bit much. On one hand, I understand you paying for exclusivity, like if you were to buy Gucci or whatever. On the other hand, the effects and looks do not justify anywhere near that price. A scorpion model that could be done by a 1st year art student in 3dMax 100$? Make it a Taco that shits ice cream and maybe I'll think about it.
No, they're not high at all. If you don't want to pay that much for a pet, then don't. This is a AAA title that's completely free. I mean, seriously, you're complaining about the fucking price of a pet that does nothing but scuttle along behind your character?? Do you fucking need that? I've spent $20 so far on stash tabs and a cheap weapon effect, and I'm going to spend more. They gave us this game for free, and I've already sunk more hours into it than most games I paid 50-60 bucks for. Will I buy a $100 pet? Fuck no. But other people have and will continue to do so.

Besides, most of the higher priced stuff is just for people who can afford it and want to help support this little startup that managed to create a game that makes Blizzard's D3 team look like fucking incompetent idiots.


<Silver Donator>
I think they'd probably sell more if they were cheaper, but eh whatever I don't really care, only bought a bunch of stash tabs, still have a few points left so I might get a shitty cosmetic effect or whatever and maybe I'll buy more points if they reskin a spell I like. I wouldn't really buy more if it was cheaper, most of it is fluff I don't really care about in the first place(pets) or don't like(most weapon and helm effects).


Blackwing Lair Raider
I bought the premium stash tab bundle for 20$ and Mark of the Phoenix helmet effect for whatever. The stash tabs were totally worth it, and I like the helmet addition. Not a big fan of the weapon effects myself, and I don't need a pet following me around.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Whoa lets not get to rabid here. All I'm asking for is for something a little better looking for the price. And yes, stash tabs are totally worth it. If it's an issue for raising money, they would make a lot more money pricing things cheaper. If it's about exclusivity, than they need to make it look a tad bit better. Still better than Dota 2 vanity items.


Vyemm Raider
Whoa lets not get to rabid here. All I'm asking for is for something a little better looking for the price. And yes, stash tabs are totally worth it. If it's an issue for raising money, they would make a lot more money pricing things cheaper. If it's about exclusivity, than they need to make it look a tad bit better. Still better than Dota 2 vanity items.
They'd make more money pricing things cheaper? What the fuck are you talking about? You mentioned the $100 (900 points) pet, yeah. There are plenty of other pets that ARE fucking cheaper, right down to the damn frog that costs $2.50 (25 points).

1.) It's not about exclusivity. It's a fucking pet in a video game. And, like I mentioned already, it's more about donating to the studio then anything. Think of it more like a reward/thanks for your donation.

2.) If you don't like the way they look, don't buy them. Pretty fucking simple.

Not being rabid at all, I'm being fucking annoyed.


<Silver Donator>
Not too bad, spark spiders are 80 points and ethereal stars 30
That sounds actually pretty cheap, expected more than that especially for the spiders. Main issue I see with these reskins is I don't see how they're going to reskin melee abilities. Even ranged attacks to an extent, but like how would you reskin cleave, do you just add fancy lightnings or whatever? Seems it won't ever be as cool as the spell reskins which can use different models and stuff since they're spells anyway.


Whoa lets not get to rabid here. All I'm asking for is for something a little better looking for the price. And yes, stash tabs are totally worth it. If it's an issue for raising money, they would make a lot more money pricing things cheaper. If it's about exclusivity, than they need to make it look a tad bit better. Still better than Dota 2 vanity items.
I doubt they would make more money pricing things cheaper. My main is a dual totem sparker, I will probably drop $8 or whatever on the spiders since I love the game, cast that spell constantly and have lots of disposable income. If that effect was $2, would 4x as many people buy it? Probably not.


Avatar of War Slayer
When more items are added at a greater range the pricing will make more sense I'm sure.

I dropped $100 in closed beta. So personally I have a good amount of points just sitting around.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They'd make more money pricing things cheaper? What the fuck are you talking about? You mentioned the $100 (900 points) pet, yeah. There are plenty of other pets that ARE fucking cheaper, right down to the damn frog that costs $2.50 (25 points).

1.) It's not about exclusivity. It's a fucking pet in a video game. And, like I mentioned already, it's more about donating to the studio then anything. Think of it more like a reward/thanks for your donation.

2.) If you don't like the way they look, don't buy them. Pretty fucking simple.

Not being rabid at all, I'm being fucking annoyed.
Your right your not being rabid, your being a douche. Calm down, its one opinion. It's like people saying they don't like the animations of the duelist. Are you really going to analyze why their opinion sucks so much.

Obviously if I don't like it I won't buy it. What kind of stupid fucking argument are you throwing at me there. The whole point of my post is that I want cooler items to spend my money on. Did you miss that? If ya dun like murca then leave and stop complainin! I think I'm being more of a fanboi then you here unfortunately because I actually want cool shit to spend money on. But you can't see that.

I've probably spent more money on this game then most people, so I think I have a right to have an opinion about the potential things I can buy for this game. It's ok man, its just an opinion. I'm not saying the game is worse off for it, I'm not saying that the game will fail because of it.

And yes pricing things cheaper boosts sales. Look at Steam's pricing. If a pet is priced at 100$ and 100 people buy it compared to it being priced at 10$ and 5k people buying it. Now that may be too low, but if you've taken any basic micro economy 101 you know their price range is probably too high when somebody like me won't buy shit (hell I dropped over 200$ in Puzzle Dragons)


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Your argument for micro economics is bad. Some people like Johnny Walker Blue, some people like Johnny Walker Black. There are 4 different scorpions priced between 3.50 and 7 bucks and 3 from 60 to 90. If everything cost 20-100 bucks I could sympathize with your point of view, but that just isn't the case.

Hell, the 3 pricey scorpions are the only thing priced that high in the shop right now. Did you ever wonder if they are testing out the market? If there just happened to be a cabal of a thousand millionaire collectors that play the game they would be retarded to not price a few things high.

The fact is, this is all cosmetic, and the highly desirable skill effects ARE thus far priced appropriately.

Edit: Because they have such a wide range of prices, they are going to know very well what the "sweet spot" is by the time the game gets to "release". Your posts on this subject so far assume that GGG is much stupider than they actually are.


Vyemm Raider
Your right your not being rabid, your being a douche. Calm down, its one opinion. It's like people saying they don't like the animations of the duelist. Are you really going to analyze why their opinion sucks so much.

Obviously if I don't like it I won't buy it. What kind of stupid fucking argument are you throwing at me there. The whole point of my post is that I want cooler items to spend my money on. Did you miss that? If ya dun like murca then leave and stop complainin! I think I'm being more of a fanboi then you here unfortunately because I actually want cool shit to spend money on. But you can't see that.

I've probably spent more money on this game then most people, so I think I have a right to have an opinion about the potential things I can buy for this game. It's ok man, its just an opinion. I'm not saying the game is worse off for it, I'm not saying that the game will fail because of it.

And yes pricing things cheaper boosts sales. Look at Steam's pricing. If a pet is priced at 100$ and 100 people buy it compared to it being priced at 10$ and 5k people buying it. Now that may be too low, but if you've taken any basic micro economy 101 you know their price range is probably too high when somebody like me won't buy shit (hell I dropped over 200$ in Puzzle Dragons)
It's interesting how you keep ignoring the fact that there ARE cheaper fucking pets, much cheaper. Even though I pointed it out to you in case you missed it on the fucking full color big font web page.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I just died at level 41 to a goddamn undead rhoa in cruel. Highest character so far. whoopee.


I've come to the conclusion that they need to add a "/players x" command a la Diablo II. Grouping in this game is pretty terrible, it gets very laggy very quickly, the ninja looting is just plain retarded, there's no control for group leaders. They either need to add a "/players x" command or they need to remove the loot bonus from grouping. I have a thread on the POE Beta Feedback forum but it doesn't seem like many people view it or respond, feel free to support the idea over there so GGG can see it and hopefully make some changes.

I don't know how you guys are doing but I can't seem to sustain my maps playing solo, perhaps I could if I spent an absurd amount of currency on them but that's just unreasonable to ask considering how easy people have it in groups. In a group in this game you are basically playing pure carebear mode, there's extreme safety and the loot is just thrown at your feet by the monsters. Honestly I think that it's a laughable joke how people say the game is "hardcore" and so "tough" and serious when they defend the ninja looting and FFA loot garbage considering how much easier the fucking game is when playing in a group. I play on the Hardcore League and that's just garbage really, grouping is so much safer and the loot comes so much faster and easier that it's not even funny.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Maps are really easy to sustain once you start doing them. I've only ever had to farm <5x to sustain map farming.

Helps if you can team up with 1 or 2 other people and pool, but yeah, it's not hard to sustain.