Path of Exile


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Or you could make it super simple and just increase the timer a few seconds. If you want to put gems in there they should lock a specific item type. I like the idea of filtering though. Add a crafting system to the IIR/IIQ mechanic and let you design gems around finding specific gear. But as far as the loot grab goes right now, a few seconds on the timer would mean a lot. What its set when you are range is what it needs to be when you are melee and increase range a couple seconds.


I can't understand all the complaints about the loot system. If you are too slow, or don't feel like paying slightly more attention while playing, and have trouble grabbing loot in a group then there are some pretty simple options available to you. Either play by yourself or play with friends. Stop joining public groups, or if you really have to make your own public group called "Zone X farm, ninjas get kicked."

Or go play D3, you know that game that was made to cater specifically to people who want everything handed to them for minimal effort.

The complaints that grouping is far superior to solo are unfounded also. I would give examples from my own experiences but I think the easiest way to prove it is to just keep an eye on all the people soloing in the current 1 week race, many of them are streaming.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well personally I don't want everything handed to me but I also don't think it's a good idea to leave the timer as short as it is. For one thing it clearly benefits melee in groups and encourages loot ninjaing instead of killing. Now if a user wants the best experience then groups with friends are one solution but I don't think it should be the only solution.

Edit: groups would also have the natural advantages of coordination and (if this were a gem option) having extra gems slots to use instead of filtering gems


Blackwing Lair Raider
Anyone 66+ interested in forming up for maps farming? The loot is pretty gay with pugs and Ive got probably 20 lvl 66 maps, and a handful from 67-68 to run if interested. We run them weeknights and randomly on weekends, have a TS etc also.

IGN Sussark / FeignDeath or PM me


Golden Knight of the Realm
On the point of loot, if PC collision was taken out, melee wouldn't have that advantage anymore. Really the collision is only truly necessary for pvp anyway, or for trolling in pve. You could make the point that it makes things more dangerous, thus kind of playing in to the point of the game. Still, this is more of a problem than timers.

I do think off-screen loot shouldn't trigger a timer until it's visible by someone. In my regular group we usually sell it and split the value however many ways so no one gets cheated.


<Gold Donor>
Is this game better than Diablo 3? Thinking of checking it out, but won't bother if its as shitty as that game.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I like the system but I agree it is to short. They could just make it longer or maybe add a series of gems that will increase the time for different item types (also add recipes to combine multiple types into one gem). Melee would get a clear advantage since they would have essentially a free gem slot but they could offset this by building in filters into the gems. Meaning if you are wearing a gem of magic quality then it would extend the timer by 0.5 seconds (times gem level) for magic quality items AND filter out anything below magic quality so you would need to hold a key to see items below magic quality.

If wearing a gem of magic quality and a gem of rare quality then it would filter out below magic quality but if ONLY wearing a gem of rare quality then it would filter out all items below rare quality. Throw in some expensive recipes to combine these gems into magic/rare/unique all in one gems and there you go.

Thumbs up/down?

Edit: There could also be gems that filter out items based on # of sockets, socket types, links, types of items dropped, maps, gems, etc. Could build a whole gem system around this.
I'm not really sure what you're trying to say, so I vote for just "longer timer" lol.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Is this game better than Diablo 3? Thinking of checking it out, but won't bother if its as shitty as that game.
In my opinion this game blows Diablo 3 out of the water. This is coming from someone who doesn't/didn't hate Diablo, I just got bored with it after a couple of characters.


Silver Baron of the Realm
Is this game better than Diablo 3? Thinking of checking it out, but won't bother if its as shitty as that game.
If you get quickly tired of endless grinding in the same places killing the same mobs over and over then yes avoid. This game type is not everyone's cup of tea but if you like that sort of thing then it is one of the better options available for the game type and its also free.


Got something right about marriage
So my account was locked because someone tried to log in from China. Not exactly sure how that happened since:

1) I use a dummy email address with a completely different password than anything else I use passwords for when I sign up on gaming forums
2) I scanned and have no viruses or malware
3) The account that was locked was for my primary email address that I never use for gaming websites anywhere.

I'm kind of stumped on this one. The only thing I can think of is the password I am using for POE is the same as one I had used long ago (4-5 years ago) before I got paranoid about keeping separate emails and passwords for gaming sites. Nothing was taken, nothing is out of place. I wonder if this is an over-reaction to something on GGG's part and nothing actually happened to my account?


Blackwing Lair Raider
My account was locked due to an attempted login from China as well. Account is clear, nothing taken, but before the recent security update I probably would have been fleeced.


I can't understand all the complaints about the loot system. If you are too slow, or don't feel like paying slightly more attention while playing, and have trouble grabbing loot in a group then there are some pretty simple options available to you. Either play by yourself or play with friends. Stop joining public groups, or if you really have to make your own public group called "Zone X farm, ninjas get kicked."

Or go play D3, you know that game that was made to cater specifically to people who want everything handed to them for minimal effort.

The complaints that grouping is far superior to solo are unfounded also. I would give examples from my own experiences but I think the easiest way to prove it is to just keep an eye on all the people soloing in the current 1 week race, many of them are streaming.
Who is soloing in the 1 week group race? The only people soloing are those doing the Kripparian challenge. Anyone else who is playing purely solo won't be anywhere near the top of the ladder. You should also note that all of the group races end with people at higher levels than in solo races. Playing solo has many disadvantages compared to playing in a group, if you don't see that then I doubt you even play the game.

Also the loot system is retarded. Considering that you are defending such a retarded system, well, I would argue that you are the one who is "too slow."


I can't understand all the complaints about the loot system. If you are too slow, or don't feel like paying slightly more attention while playing, and have trouble grabbing loot in a group
My character is designed to stay at maximum distance from the mobs, literally off screen in many cases. Being a CI user, I have 0 armor and 1 hp, which means I need to avoid taking sustained damage. To loot stuff in time, I would have to risk my HC character dying due to poor positioning. It has nothing to do with being slow or not paying attention.

Either play by yourself or play with friends. Stop joining public groups, or if you really have to make your own public group called "Zone X farm, ninjas get kicked.
That's obviously what I do, but it's still bullshit that I have to avoid a key feature of the game because of an unfair design mechanic. Also, "no ninja" groups work fine in theory and for random rares, but break down pretty quickly once a unique glorious plate drops.


Got something right about marriage
Trade-offs and such. You've chosen a build that is "fragile" as you put it but allows you to kill from a distance. You chose that build, presumably, because you deem it safer than a build that is in melee range. Well that's the trade-off, those characters have a higher risk of dying. And if you're in a group filled with melee characters I don't see why you need to be off-screen, you have tanks.

I still don't understand the loot hate but then again I guess I just don't mind not getting every item that drops. I've also played in plenty of groups that "respect" loot names and don't touch anything that isn't theirs. Doesn't seem to me it's nearly the problem some people make it out to be.


The only people soloing are those doing the Kripparian challenge. Anyone else who is playing purely solo won't be anywhere near the top of the ladder. You should also note that all of the group races end with people at higher levels than in solo races. Playing solo has many disadvantages compared to playing in a group, if you don't see that then I doubt you even play the game.
At least 3 soloers currently in the top 20, many more in the top 50. Obviously the groups win the races overall, but a lot of the people that participate in the historically dominant groups are doing the solo challenge this time.

I was merely suggesting that people who have a hard time understanding how it is possible to play this game effectively while soloing should keep an eye on the veteran players who will be doing end game maps solo for the rest of the week. Instead of complaining the game is too hard or unfair for solo, go watch people who are going to show you exactly how to make it work and get some build/strategy ideas from them.

I spend almost all of my time in this game soloing, played beta for a year and have gotten multiple characters to 70.


I'm 72 in hardcore and doing maps just fine solo. Difficulty is not the issue.

Most of the time there's less than 10 public groups up in hardcore merciless, with half being for progression kills (where getting the kill matters more than the loot) and half being for easy xp grinds (where risk is low and xp matters more than loot). There's hardly ever any public map groups up, because no one wants to risk getting gibbed in a hard map while lunging for their loot. Me and pretty much everyone else would rather solo or group with friends instead, clearing the mobs carefully before looting.

The current loot system has pretty much killed public grouping in high end hardcore. It's pretty dumb.

Trade-offs and such. You've chosen a build that is "fragile" as you put it but allows you to kill from a distance. You chose that build, presumably, because you deem it safer than a build that is in melee range. Well that's the trade-off, those characters have a higher risk of dying.
It's not about "ranged vs melee". There are very few true melee characters in hardcore maps, since they tend to die pretty quickly. There are however a ton of mid-range characters (EK, FP, PS, LA) with 6k+ armor and 5k+ hp with life leech who are far less likely to die from sustained damage than my 5k ES zero armor witch. My survivability is based on not getting hit, period. Their survivability is based on not getting hit too much and life leeching the rest back.