Path of Exile


Potato del Grande
Playing around with poeplanner trying to find an elementalist wild strike build that I like... set up a lvl 85ish CI one earlier that might be decent but not sure how it'll pan out with so much less attack speed than my raider had. Also would force me to wear chayula which removes the possibility for a big chunk of dps from amulet so I dunno, but i'd have 2x golems with double effect so it might work out ok.


Trakanon Raider
That golem build looks fun but I dread how rare/expensive those jewels are going to be.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
That golem build looks fun but I dread how rare/expensive those jewels are going to be.
Yeah, I would not even consider it if not for the fact that the tree is basically the same as SRS, which should still be dirt cheap/self-found.


So with the raider changes I was eyeballing a raider frenzy charge build that used bows, and then I started to look at deadeye and it seemed a little better for the build I was thinking about. This is kinda strange for me...I've never made a bow build, and I'm not really sure why it's calling my name, but I'm thinking of an ice shot, deadeye build that focuses on pierce and crit. Powerful precision will most likely give me 100% chance to pierce coupled with pierce passives on the skill tree, and will also give crit chance based on pierce chance. Then going to have drillneck quiver for increased projectile damage based on pierce chance. Then endless munition will give another projectile and also boost aoe of ice shot. At the end of the day this could be super shit, cus I really hate breaking down the numbers, and kinda enjoy winging an idea and seeing how it pans out as I play.


Trakanon Raider
I think you want burn/bleed/poison on any build that can have it, the damage boost is simply too big, not to mention frost historically sucks vs bosses. So even with frost you will be going puncture vs bosses, probably.


Avatar of War Slayer
So with the raider changes I was eyeballing a raider frenzy charge build that used bows, and then I started to look at deadeye and it seemed a little better for the build I was thinking about. This is kinda strange for me...I've never made a bow build, and I'm not really sure why it's calling my name, but I'm thinking of an ice shot, deadeye build that focuses on pierce and crit. Powerful precision will most likely give me 100% chance to pierce coupled with pierce passives on the skill tree, and will also give crit chance based on pierce chance. Then going to have drillneck quiver for increased projectile damage based on pierce chance. Then endless munition will give another projectile and also boost aoe of ice shot. At the end of the day this could be super shit, cus I really hate breaking down the numbers, and kinda enjoy winging an idea and seeing how it pans out as I play.

The raider buffs are largely overrated.
They really only buffed flickerstrike. phaserun. and maybe cyclone.

Like the change to avatar of the chase and onslaught. base onslaught is 20/20/25 attackspeed/castspeed/movespeed.
The previous 50% meant you had 30/30/30. which is kindof laughable for an ascendancy.
New 100% is now 40/40/40. which ok. better. but still not a ton. And more importantly. Chase line gave you 10% attack speed via 2 minor nodes. Which were just changed to +onslaught duration.
so, you LOST 10% attack speed all the time, and gained 10% attack speed during onslaught... thats... actually worse any way you look at it.
All you actually gained was 10% cast/move speed.

The frenzy on hit is huge... For flickerstrike.. Or anything that consumes frenzy charges. discharge, etc. But maintaining frenzy charges vs bosses with anything that does not actually consume frenzy charges, is simple. Theres.. no real gain here.

Iceshot does gain ALOT from deadeye. it does uniquely gain from chain, +aoe, +arrow. Since it will shotgun aoe. Iceshot you do want deadeye. other bow skills its more up for grabs. Pathfinder, assassin, champion all solid bow as well.
Things like Tornado shot do not really benefit from chain, etc as much a you would think. its ok. but their massive aoe is so strong already. its just icing on the cake. but fast and deadly, endless munitions, powerful prec, are all solid.

Ice shot is generally considered to be a bit weak single target. You'll probably want to swap in blastrain vs bosses.


Lord Nagafen Raider
As I haven't played since prophecy league (which I quit after 1500+ fusing culdn't link my shavs) I am so stoked about these changes that I'm gonna leave the office christmas party early on friday since league starts at 9pm. See you all on softcore breach, I am gonna make GOLEMS

Huh? The league opens at 12pm PST tomorrow, where do you see 9pm?

Path of Exile


Trakanon Raider
Think I will go with that golem build Byr linked earlier; as Vorph says it pretty much is an SRS build anyway heh. Just play it like SRS until I can get the clayshaper/jewels.


Potato del Grande
Well, I was hoping my elementalist would have a passive reset since my raider did but no such luck, now I can't compare the deepz on the two builds before new league... sad life.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Use the new path of building tool. It's dps calcs are surprisingly accurate so far, and can import/create all the gear etc.


Potato del Grande
Yeah i'll look in to that before I head to work tomorrow but I vastly prefer actual gameplay testing to check stuff like that so I can get a feel for how it flows, curses/charges/bosses/rare mods/survivability/flasks/status effects/crits/etc. Maybe i'll luck out and get a passive reset on her from 2.5 hitting so I can pop on before starting my league chars.

Wild strike char might end up being 2nd though since it is fairly dependant on a nice weapon to start feeling good to play (300+ edps)


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. path of building is terrific.

A few flaws still. Flasks not added yet. A few specific passives, etc not working. Ambidex was not last I checked.
Its a bit clunky to use as well. you may need to go in and disable a few things.

It naturally assumes, all skill gems in use. bloodrage/totems, etc. regardless if you use them situationally. so you may need to disable one or two.
it assumes max frenzy/power charges, etc. so you may need to disable them.

The dps calc on the left, is estimated dps vs bosses, of level. (I forget). level can be adjusted. but if you want raw dps, without penetration and resists and curses estimated in, and other DR/etc calculated in, you need to look at specific skills, and the dropbox for their dps calc.


Avatar of War Slayer
Shield charge scion has been god awful so far. do not recommend.

Main issue atm is mana. Not entirely sure how templars/mauraders deal with mana yet... Blood magic I guess? (scion doesn't get it till act4 cruel. dont feel like running a ranger/duel/maurader to act3 normal yet. will ask in guild I guess.)
But even beyond that, its damage seems to be trash. Same tree/links, I can just use sunder or earthquake and do 3-6 times as much damage.
I'm not sure if it will all come together at some point, or if Ill give up and sunder/eq/warchief.

Early game I was pairing it with bladevortex. BV doing way more damage. but also giving an interesting synergy. Cast up 7BV, and shield charge in. SC diving in knocking back aoe, while BV hits multiple times on those same npcs. A CWDT/coc/or comk BV might pair interestingly.

Then I got sunder and starting runnning that for singletarget and breaches. very strong skill. Just go EQ before heading off to bed last night. Also, swapped to a dagger(wait claw atm), which oops. no leapslam/sunder or EQ. But its higher raw damage for SC.

SC links atm are SC+added fire+melee phys Ash+hatred. self cast vul. tempest shield, cause shield. but its useless.

Calieasheild if curious.
View Profile - Path of Exile - Casia


Avatar of War Slayer
two new GG uniques.

Tabula 2.0

no innate stats or defences.
a 6l. +1 to all socketed gems. +100% to global defenses.
Cannot modify sockets. So, what it drops as for socket colors, it keeps. it seems.
(can it be corrupted?)

cracy "hits cant be evaded" shield. GG for any 1h crit build.

Very interesting one as well. this can also be upgraded.
Last edited:


Silver Knight of the Realm
I downloaded this a while back, but never actually played it.

With the start of the new league, I'm thinking I might remedy that.

What's the go to site for builds and what's some much purchases in terms of the microtransactions?


Avatar of War Slayer
Main site is decent for builds.
Or, pick a skill you want to check out a build focusing on, and google "poe *skill" you'll get hits.
some uniques are build defining as well, and often can be done the same.

Forum - Path of Exile the class forums.
Classes in the past didn't mean as much, but with ascendancies creating subclasses, they very much do matter now.

This is the kind of game you need to play with the wiki open..
Vendor recipe system - Official Path of Exile Wiki

Planners/tools. all way too complicated for a "just starting". but here you go anyway.
PoE Planner
Path of Exile tools
Path of building tool:
Forum - Gameplay Help and Discussion - Path of Building: Offline Build Planner [v1.2.19] Tree updated to 2.5.0 - Path of Exile

PoE Goods

Item filters.
google "poe onefilter" or "poe neversinks filter" I use onefilter.

no micros are "required"
But, The currency tab is highly recommended. just 1.
and as many premium tabs as you like. I have 29 atm?
But, play awhile first. no need to get either right away. They become more handy as you start using player trading, or have characters getting dumped into "standard" legacy leagues.

Leagues. Leagues are season. every 3 months theres a new league. chars in old leagues get dumped into standard. and a new league starts up clear of loot, and characters. everyone at level1, and with new League on game mechanics.
Current league is Breach.

Build defensive. Life is #1 priority in passive tree. (unless CI build. then energyshield.) life and resists on gear.
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