Path of Exile


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'd suggest a totems, firestorm or maybe arc build for a newbie. I started with those when I first played last year and I thought they were pretty noob friendly.
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Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I started SRS but already regret it, seems clunky to wind up. Maybe that improves with cast speed and duration. I've avoided summoner for this reason so far - how do I take out specific targets later on? The guides I looked at don't seem to emphasize anything for that purpose. Right now I just use fire trap but it's not gonna be enough much longer without passives dedicated and enough links.

But I'm also thinking about just switching to deadeye or pathfinder with a bow/barrage build. Sounds interesting and can switch to a different, stronger bow skill fairly easy.


Avatar of War Slayer
holy shit.
Upgraded version of that cold eva chest.

Free Phase acro WITHOUT acrobatics, free AA. Life.


Potato del Grande
What does the evasion increased by uncapped cold resist mean? That line confuses me on those chests...... if I have -60 cold res then I get 135% evasion, or if I have 150% cold res then I get 75% evasion? Flat global evasion number like a ring/amulet would have?

Either way I don't see those chests being too awesome and probably only used by someone going for some gimmicky build, they just don't offer enough I think. Cospri/coil/kintsugi/shav/belly/rares just better in probably every situation. Do people even use AA these days since basically no build wants to be standing still for any hit where it would actually have an impact anyways?

As for summoners, you don't take out specific targets. Bosses like burial mound where the boss has soul eater and there are a ton of adds... you just skip those as summoner =D. SRS is a lot better as you progress than it is early on (as are most skills).


Avatar of War Slayer
It means, "your cold resist, ignoring caps"

So, if you have +165% cold resist in Merciless, but its capped at 75%. your evasion rating is increased by 165%.

People don't use AA because of the mana reservation. The 13% phys DR is amazing. you stand still during every attack...

Phase acro is of course 30% spell dodge. This gives you that, without the 50% penalty to ES/Armor, and 30% penalty to block. Then of course all the passive points to get there.

This is BIS along with Belly and Kaoms.


Trakanon Raider
That sounds better, my interpretation was that your evasion would increase by flat 165 :D

Anyway, this is the last time I'm rolling straight up caster as a first character, Izaro caving my face in repeatedly through 6,5k HP+ES is not fun


Alcohol + overwhelming breach put my ice shot char straight to standard right at the beginning of cruel. Kinda embarrassing really...haven't ripped at that low a level in a long ass time. Anyways, going to reroll the same thing, and just not be a retard this time (as I sit here drinking beer FeelsGoodMan) :emoji_beers:


Potato del Grande
It's an evasion chest tho, so you're losing almost 50% es/armor anyways by wearing it if you're going that route instead of evasion... AA is good yes, and i'm sure more people would use it if it was free (cause why not) but what I meant was, how many times are you standing around wishing you had AA on because you would've lived? Probably not many because most of the 1shots are going to 1shot you through AA anyways and basically nobody in decent gear dies to trash mobs.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I died a couple of times in breaches - probably being greedy since I play softcore, but still. I assume they get crazier in the higher difficulties. I'M only at the beginning of cruel now since I didn't have that much time and restarted as ranger, but I like the the breach mechanic.


Trakanon Raider
Breaches are brutal, it's beyond mobs swarming you from all sides and the rares have some pretty nasty nukes. Really, the biggest obstacle is figuring out wtf is going out when you open one, so I've been having morre luck holding back the demons in corridors and such. Breach in the open is a suicide, the only way to keep up is to stay on the edge, so you have room to run away.

Mathil's Fireball build seems to be performing pretty well so far, t6 no problem on a 4link


Bronze Knight of the Realm
A totem build might be a bit complex for a newb.

I did flame totem as my first toon and found it pretty easy/intuative. I'm doing Ancestral Warchief totems right now and its pretty stupid simple.


Golden Squire
Fuck always wanted to play an ED build, saw consuming darks were at 7 chaos or so. Didnt have the currency yet was just starting.Then got to the currency and a few lvls off of using it and wanted to grab one and fuckers jumped to 18 chaos and up and this was in one day. But enjoying ED great for breachs and actually fun play style.


Potato del Grande
I played ed at the end of last league and honestly didn't notice much difference when I put on my consuming dark vs when I didn't have one (up through t9 maps I went).


Avatar of War Slayer
I think I am burned out on the Shieldcharge scion already. act1 merc. cruel lab.. mostly has been an exercise in frustration.
Scion-Champion turnedout disappointing. I thought the 10% on hit would have a very nice high uptime. but, isn't working out that way. 4s duration. I would need to further invest in skill effect duration. which is close.. but still more point investment. /sigh. Or drop 15 regrets to swap out entirely.

SC itself gets stuck on everything. invisible rocks, etc.
power is low. Recently did pick up due to nice sceptre. 1 shoting trash finally. But going to require a very solid 200+ p damage sceptre/mace to map.
Breaches have been wrecking me. Dont kill fast enough. And get stuck on rocks I can't see.
Then breaches themselves seem designed to fuck over SC, and largely melee. Rock spike lord with his walls that block SC. Ice lord with this ice pools which turn SC attack/runspeed to zero...
Regular content has been mostly a breeze. heavy str, etc means ton of health.

I could just adapt it to sunder, EQ or possibly warcheif. But eh.. leaning towards bailout entirely.

Maybe stormcall witch.
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Trakanon Raider
Fireballs have been working out for me so far, got two rolling flames and I faceroll all trash and even breach rares don't stay up for long, since they are almost never alone. All that with a 4link, since RNG hasn't been very helpful and a shitty weapon.
View Profile - Path of Exile - klickercz Sewala_gotfireballs


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I can't imagine playing a build based on a movement skill in PoE. That's the one area where the engine still lags way behind other ARPGs. They are all clunky as shit compared to what you find in D3, Marvel Heroes, etc. I was using Whirling Blades before I switched to Shield Charge and it's even worse about getting stuck on the environment or just not even activating at all.

Stupid mechanics question: does elemental damage on weapon do anything for Blade Flurry?


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. never noticed WB getting stuck on everything, with all my rangers. Maybe its because it doesn't activate? if it doesnt work, I dont move, and thus move around immediately. While SC will attack in place over and over. I'll have to jump on them and give it a check. to see if its mechanically different. Could just be using WB purely as movement, vs SC as damage. its flaws stand out.

What do you mean about elemental damage? yes Blade flurry would work fine with elemental or physical. many hits/fast attack even favors elem to some extent.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Fluid movement skills and more 'battlefield control' with knockback/push/move effects vs monster are the two things I miss most in PoE (compared to D3). Although the one-shot everything meta does not need that stuff I guess.