Path of Exile


Lord Nagafen Raider
Coming from D3 means all movement skills here feel bad. Intentionally I guess, best you can do is minimize the delays/cast times until you hit your comfort zone. Or not use them and crank movement speed into ridiculous.

Re: skill gems - Depending on which class can buy it early some people just make a new character for that. But that's more for people that have the experience to just zip through a few acts within an hour. Otherwise trade I guess. The only time the issue came up for me I actually asked in chat and someone bought it for me.

Lots of people sell gems.


Trakanon Raider
Thanks for the replies. Looking at some of these supports...if they're not available from quests/vendors for my base class, does that mean I have to rely on drops to get them? I guess there's trading too...but do people really trade skill gems? Seems inconsequential.
People in guild will throw them at you, alternatively you can trade for them, especially lvl 19/20/21 gems are hot commodity, since they save you a lot of time, but even lvl 1 can be bought for 1 alch/chance. Last, you can just go to the town where the vendor is and ask for them in a local chat, it often works.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah, I play ssf. so, the gem thing is a pita. The Ek pathfinder I'm planning. EK is witch, maurader, shadow. Also requires warlords mark. Maurader, duelist, templar.
so, atm I will need to make a maurader and get him to act 3, to play the EK pathfinder.
(Might play bladevortex, and hope on dumb luck on EK/Warlords drop. build is 90% the same.)

This has been brought up many times. And Chris did hint 2.6 or 3.0 will help address this. Especially with ssf league being added.

Ps. I am not sure I will play ssf league itself or not. if chat restricting, ugh. boring. If, I can't also dump things into non-ssf guild stash easily also, no thanks.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm really interested in the SSF as well, makes the game more interesting when you master the grind to maps and having the ability to buy dual res hp/ci gear cheap is like game genie mode at this point.


<Bronze Donator>
Is there some other bonus to this ssf league? Trading as far as I understand it(haven't done it yet) isn't that easy such that you can't resist doing it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Right now the only way to run a SSF ladder is player driven and honor system. If they do implement a SSF ladder than that takes care of any cheating/tracking issues.


<Silver Donator>
Basically that's just all it is, a way to keep a ladder of SSF people for vanity/e-peen that's legit instead of the player ran honor based systems there were before. If at any point you stop giving a fuck, you can just convert your char back into the normal leagues anyway. I guess it was annoying to implement, but it's the first step toward more customization of leagues and playstyle.

Next one on the list which I believe they're making decent progress on(probably a 3.0 feature) is asynchronous racing, so you can race whenever you want. That one should be nice since racing was a fairly niche system before due to the events being all around the clock to try to accomodate ppl(but obviously it doesn't work for everyone regardless and ppl who ran a lot of events had better results and shit). Hopefully it has practice mode too so you can actually practice specific speedrun stuff.


Log Wizard
In regards to movement skills:

Lightning Warp also benefits from Rapid Decay and Less Duration for basically instant warp. It's pretty good for casters who don't use flame dash and can't leap slam. Whirling Blades is nice for melee, but running into EVERY object ever fucking sucks. You'll get stopped spamming WB and not realize there's a tiny stone blocking you. I think Leap Slam is the best because you can tactically place where put yourself and there's not as much setup needed as Lightning Warp.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I love leap slam. Binding it (or any movement skill for that matter) to left click basically turns shift into your "movement skill" button (while leaving left click as your walk-around mode as long as you don't click on a mob). The only downside is that it can really fuck you up during some fights if you lock on the boss and leapslam it 10 times instead of running away.

Edit: The left click thing is probably better for leapslam than other movement skills since shift click will default to max-range slam if you shift-click outside of max range, meanwhile (if I remember correctly) hitting a hotkey leapslam will result in your dude running to the point where they are in range to make the leapslam. Believe whirling blades doesn't work like that, not sure about flame dash/lightning warp though.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Personally i prefer whirling blades and then second shield charge. With whirling blades i can react to guardians or shapers slam instead of having to be preemptive. My friends all love and swear by leap slam and redbeaks in their weapon swaps and they are just as fast as me with a 1.7 aps dagger and WB. Another bonus of SSF is I wont have to hear 4 toons doing the grunting from leap slamming.

This is what ive come up with that id feel comfortable doing SSF, both use shield charge, both won't be nerfed for 2.6, and grinding to 100 wouldn't be too bad. I just did it on a gladiator in breach with blade flurry which isnt the fastest.

Flameblast crit as Assassin or non as Elementalist - Easily does anything but Uber Atziri and requires no specific gear. Normal Atziris sceptre would be farmable and thats one of the best items for the build. Shaper is very easy at 87 with this build and i could farm for Dying Sun. I could also go wild on perandus maps and get a consuming dark for Uber.

CoC Vortex (Trickster) - Vagan dagger is no problem. The only other required item would be pyre ring which I can chance but there's also dream fragments in the pool and if I dont get lucky by 68 then that snake ring comes into the pool also.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
WB is the best movement skill I've played around with but it still is pretty jerky and weird to use. Honestly this is why even when I'm mapping I have 2x Quicksilvers in my belt. Just straight up running fast seems to be the best movement skill for me. Not to mention I find flask mashing the most tedious thing about this game.


Avatar of War Slayer

huge changes here.

the link often asked for from the health to outside.
But fatal blade is gone!? moved somewhere else. Graceful assault in its place.

forces of nature also seems to be gone.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Two leagues and I haven't yet been able to do Uber Izarro. Granted, I also haven't yet made it 90 before I kind of lose interest in the character, but what are you guys' opinion on best builds to start 2.6 with and have the best shot at doing Uber Lab?


Molten Core Raider
Thinking about going this for a HC league starter: Occultist CwC - Wither - Bladefall - Added Chaos - Poison - Void Manipulation. Any input? Would blight be better?

Nevermind. I think I just might go necro/spectres for league start.
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Trakanon Raider
Two leagues and I haven't yet been able to do Uber Izarro. Granted, I also haven't yet made it 90 before I kind of lose interest in the character, but what are you guys' opinion on best builds to start 2.6 with and have the best shot at doing Uber Lab?
Juggernaut, stack as many end charges as possible. The regen makes you immune to traps, can't be slowed and mostly immune to physical. Earthquake is always a good starter.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Thinking about going this for a HC league starter: Occultist CwC - Wither - Bladefall - Added Chaos - Poison - Void Manipulation. Any input? Would blight be better?

Nevermind. I think I just might go necro/spectres for league start.
just go aura master


Trump's Staff
Thinking about going this for a HC league starter: Occultist CwC - Wither - Bladefall - Added Chaos - Poison - Void Manipulation. Any input? Would blight be better?

Nevermind. I think I just might go necro/spectres for league start.
Wither CWC Firestorm with Consuming Dark is pretty much strictly superior to Bladefall. Even with only 30% conversion, having an extra gem slot for conc effect, getting elemental overload, and double dipping on duration mods makes it worth it.


<Silver Donator>
Reminder that they said there's gonna be a bunch of balancing changes, including shit to nerf double dipping mechanics. Although maybe not duration, but still if you design any build atm, have to remember that. They're releasing a manifesto today I think about some of the upcoming changes.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Chris said in one of the ZiggyD videos that 2.6 is safe from double dipping nerfs, its too complex to solve before 3.0.

TheBeagle TheBeagle Another very safe build is blade flurry, especially if HoWA isn't nerfed. HoWA’s damage when you get to around 1200 int will let you facetank anything that doesn’t one shot you. For example anything Izaro throws at you, Shapers beam + Balls at the same time etc, or even shapers slam if you have 11k ES. It’s a very safe build to do the toughest content with if you need room for error or to learn.

Deathwing Deathwing what build did you end up choosing?
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