Path of Exile


Trakanon Raider
I'm surprised they haven't tried to put this on Steam yet, they seem rather welcoming for games like this and their market would be much larger, because let's face it, who downloads F2P games anymore ?


Patch notes are basiclly massive nerfs to all strong builds. EK, FP, spork, rain of arrows, plus always-taken passives like inner force. The only buffs at all are a vague mention of "physical dmg nodes are buffed"

Pretty lame IMO. Also, I'm dying for a targeting fix and netcode fix. It's nearly impossible to target a mob surrounded by players, half the time I go to click on a chest while running I miss it and my character just stops next to it, and the desync/lag issue is still a pain in the ass. The targeting problem is the worse. Playing a character that frequently uses a single target attack is basically not an option.


<Silver Donator>
Well it makes sense that for the big rebalance patch, they nerf everything that was over the top at once to see where it ends up.

On the buff side, all of physical seems it'll be bumped by a fair amount if you consider the belt buff, and there's a line about weapon and melee crit being significantly increased.

Anyway should be pretty interesting, too bad they didn't nerf LA too much, Static Blows nerf kinda hurts it a bit and the fork/chain fix might hurt them a bit if they don't have proj speed on their quivers(but otherwise probably won't do much at all). Would have been a good time to nerf it a bit more as it'll most likely pull ahead by a good margin with EK and FP getting nerfed.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The Orb of Fusing and Jeweller's Orb now consume all the quality on an item to increase the chances of rolling more sockets/links.
Wow I wish I had seen that coming.


I don't get what that means. Does that mean if an item is 20% quality, an orb of fusing will remove that quality and reroll the links with a higher chance of more links? Does it only work for the first use?


<Gold Donor>
You can increase the quality of the item again for a higher chance to get more sockets/links, but each use of fusing/jeweller will eat any quality on item. At least that's how I see it, haven't tried yet.


<Silver Donator>
They talked about that like a month ago. Basically you can increase the quality of an item before you fuse it to get a higher % to get good links. It removes all quality when you use a fuse so you then need to quality it again. So basically it's a sink for scraps/whetstones. Doesn't change much otherwise, you might have to requal after trying to 6L your chest or shit like that but in most cases it makes no difference.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I know I use to have several hundred armor and weapon stones banked but then I stopped bothering. Now they will probably go up to the value of alterations at least and any serious fuser will use hundreds if not thousands of them.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Sounds like so much fun to stuff 20 qual stones into an item for every fusing attempt.
Well at least they made it easier to do that with the shift + click.

Ever since I heard about this change I started picking up every armor and whetstone because most people skip them. Not anymore though.


I was kinda trying to get rid of a bunch of fuses I had because I was worried about their value dropping after the patch, and also wanted a better ele cleave sword, so I spent every bit of currency I had on a new sword. Then I realized the patch may throw everything off and ele cleave may turn out to no longer be an optimal build. Dumb. Should have just swapped them to chaos/gcp and waited for after the patch.

Anyway I'm looking forward to the patch, but I think it will mean I don't spend skill points for a week or two until the pros have figured out optimal build routes. Ele cleave at least looks safe from the patch notes.


RIP my lvl 73 freeze pulser got 1 shot by a boss last night. Was doing a map and the end boss did 1 rain of arrows and killed me. I had 3.4k hp and 1k es....max resists but relatively low armor.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
RIP my lvl 73 freeze pulser got 1 shot by a boss last night. Was doing a map and the end boss did 1 rain of arrows and killed me. I had 3.4k hp and 1k es....max resists but relatively low armor.
He realized he was getting nerfed tomorrow and invited the death with open arms


Blackwing Lair Raider
Even though scraps/whetstones are so common you need so many that its going to be hard to have enuf during fuse runs. I'm close to 500 fusings on my way to stockpiling for a 6L attempt, but Ive only managed to throw together 1k scraps - that's only going to get me thru 50 attempts


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Yeah I think it was designed with white 6s in mind. It'll be interesting to see how much it really improves the chances.


Got the email...

Still no permanent HC cut throat league?

Edit: found the quote:

Chris Wilson:

"(I guess several people missed the post I already made in this thread noting that 0.11.0 doesn't yet have a permanent cut-throat league but it's something we're working towards soon! I figure it's worth repeating just so that people aren't disappointed when we post the patch notes and there's no mention of long-term cut-throat.)"


Ele cleave was--I think steathly--nerfed. Many 10% increase nodes were dropped to 8%. It's still strong, at least so far in merci docks. I'm not up to maps yet.

The loot changes missed the mark I think. What they need is short allocation that is twice as long so you don't have to run over to the item the split second it drops to make sure you pick it up before the timer runs out. I've missed tons of items that were allocated to me because the timer is just too short. Permanent allocation is extra dumb because there are plenty of times when someone is off screen and doesn't see an item, and it becomes forever lost. You can't pick up extra scrolls when you're running low, or rares that rich guys ignore, or gems that other people don't want, etc. FFA is just he who lags the least becomes rich. Also bad

As for the balance, I feel just as sturdy as before the patch despite the significant hp nerfs, so the mob dmg nerfs did the trick. I'll let the pros determine build viability as I stockpile passive points until they figure it out.