Path of Exile


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Up to 55 in HC on inquis so far.

Winter orb already feels questionable. Pretty sure vortex is just better heh.

Maybe have to try self cast glacial cascade or something.


<Bronze Donator>
I contacted GGG's support regarding our absent guild leader. "Picklatortwo" has been purloining our nearly-worthless guild stash, making it actually worthless. Only guild leader can kick. Support tried get in contact with Harfle Harfle , I'm guessing it was fruitless. Their suggestion:

Hey there,

Thanks for contacting us as requested.

In this situation we can arrange to begin a voting process to elect a new guild leader. Could you please request the officers of the guild to email us at [email protected] with their votes towards a new guild leader?

Once we've received these votes we can look into changing your guild leader for you (don't forget to cast your vote as well).

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let us know.

Kind regards,

Not sure how many officers still play, just thought I'd pass this along. I don't care one way or another. I'm voting for fupa_smasher( Jonkimble Jonkimble ).


Lord Nagafen Raider
I contacted GGG's support regarding our absent guild leader. "Picklatortwo" has been purloining our nearly-worthless guild stash, making it actually worthless. Only guild leader can kick. Support tried get in contact with Harfle Harfle , I'm guessing it was fruitless. Their suggestion:

Not sure how many officers still play, just thought I'd pass this along. I don't care one way or another. I'm voting for fupa_smasher( Jonkimble Jonkimble ).
I'll take over sure. Also talked to Picklatortwo about the guild stash thing; wasn't him. I know him IRL so I trust what he says. There was definitely a heist targeting the guild stash though and definitely wanna figure out who keeps doin that shit cause it's def not the first time it has happened.


<Bronze Donator>
There is, and you have access to it.

Not sure why I thought it was account picklatortwo. Maybe him and account alteredworld were both playing characters with the name "pickle". Apologies for the confusion.



Log Wizard
Maybe if it's like our guildstash, they just did you all a favor and destroyed all the items people thought were good at lvl 27. We occasionally in the more popular leagues have to go through and basically delete every rare items because they all have like 15% MS and 32 life with one resist or some stupid shit.

Almost lvl 90 summoner with no 5 links yet. Looking for 1 or two items and my DPS will fucking skyrocket and it'll be coasting into 95. Most my guildmates are burning curency as they get it, I've saved it all for when I hit the right bases at 83+. Should be there soon. Some shockingly good Vaal spectres in Delve.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
I contacted GGG's support regarding our absent guild leader. "Picklatortwo" has been purloining our nearly-worthless guild stash, making it actually worthless. Only guild leader can kick. Support tried get in contact with Harfle Harfle , I'm guessing it was fruitless. Their suggestion:

Not sure how many officers still play, just thought I'd pass this along. I don't care one way or another. I'm voting for fupa_smasher( Jonkimble Jonkimble ).

I'm an officer and I'll email them.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I contacted GGG's support regarding our absent guild leader. "Picklatortwo" has been purloining our nearly-worthless guild stash, making it actually worthless. Only guild leader can kick. Support tried get in contact with Harfle Harfle , I'm guessing it was fruitless. Their suggestion:

Not sure how many officers still play, just thought I'd pass this along. I don't care one way or another. I'm voting for fupa_smasher( Jonkimble Jonkimble ).
I think I'm an officer too, though don't really know why. I'll also drop an email.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
I played a bunch of endless delve all weekend, I went with a gladiator frost blades build I saw and I'm now up to lvl 70. It's... ok, kinda. Single target dmg sucks pretty bad IMO, but the clear is decent unless there's lots of thick magic packs with high cold resist, which seems to be pretty common. I even got lucky with a 5 link chest drop at level 65 or something. It's got shit for stats after a bit of chaos spam, but hey, 5 link. It's really tough to fill out stats though, especially resists. Modifying standard builds by adding a few resist nodes on the tree is a must. The other annoying thing is trying to find weapon drops, it's REALLY lean on that department. And I've had I think 6-7 total uniques drop in 70 levels, none of them useful.

The mayhem loot-splosion event was way more fun than this one IMO. If they had added a crafting bench it would've been a lot nicer. I pretty much agree completely with Mathil's latest vid, heh.

Do we think the flashback event will be better?


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Yea I like this event in theory, but it's so turbo cucked without the crafting bench it's kinda ruining it for me.

The piles and piles of gear I have stashed that I just cannot use cause I can't fix my resists in any meaningful way is pretty comical.

Up to 85 on HC with winter orb inquisitor, it's....not great? Damage is severely lacking and I'm mostly getting hard carried by void sphere and freeze/chill. Not sure how far I can actually make it with this dude without finding a 6L somehow. I may legit just be better off converting to vortex/cold snap dot nonsense at this point given how flaccid winter orb is.


Log Wizard
Don't forget to fossil/essence craft what you need. Should be able to mostly narrow it down to 1 resist you're lacking and then just essence slam a good base and hope. Weapons are somewhat the same, but fossils probably better as you can try and block garb stats as rolling weapons is much harder with essences than say gloves or a chest piece. Frostblades Glad seems a bit weird as you're 1/2 converted so I'm not sure if you just go big phys and also stack cold pen or just go big phys and hope it's enough. Most glad skills are full phys just to benefit from larger bleeds and possibly Crimson Dance. Frostblades is definitely a nice clear skill, but unless you go full convert (which ruins glad) with big penetration I think it's going to somewhat lacking, especially on big hp mobs like some of the delve rares. There might be some better synergy with spec throw or venom gyre honestly, but I'm not sure how to go about that.

I'm 92.5 just going sideways at mlvl83 shit and I'm still running 2 4-links. I've had 2-links drop, an axe and a bow. No bueno as summoner relying on Mon'treguls and bone offering. My DPS is pretty decent, but I'm just a few pieces off of going essentially tripling my damage. The bench would've definitely been really, really nice but it's kind of interesting having it like it is. This is essentially PoE before the Betrayal league. Or even moreso before Atlas of Worlds. Back in the day we'd RARELY get a map and we'd take every single item out of that fucker. I'm talking any 6 socket white armor, any item lvl 66+, all rare jewelry/weapons. All 6 portals were used and all inventories were full. Every time. Then you'd "craft" a la alts and augs and MAYBE a regal and almost NEVER a chaos. We're living those days again in this league. A real throwback. "Oh this is so good if it had _____. Oh well." *Vendored*.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Best I've seen is to use WO as a ranged delivery vehicle for pops.

Did you try farming a tabula?

I haven't yet, but it may be where I end up eventually. I'm at monster level 77ish right now and the DPS holding but only barely. By the time I get to 83 it's gonna be 6link or reroll I think.

That's just a crit winter orb tree he's using with 0 defense aside from offscreening things which I'm not willing to do in HC heh.


Log Wizard
HC in endless Delve? God speed. Of all the races lately this is the one I think is MOST interesting for HC. Some of these fuckers either have to be macro logging out more often than not or have god-tier builds. The first to 100 shit is just endurance and clear builds. This is scary, scary shit for HC players.


<Bronze Donator>
From what I've heard about delve, that's the only way to play after a certain point. No idea if he's at that point. I will admit the gameplay did make me nostalgic for old school worb. Delve is probably the only place that would work.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Don't forget to fossil/essence craft what you need. Should be able to mostly narrow it down to 1 resist you're lacking and then just essence slam a good base and hope. Weapons are somewhat the same, but fossils probably better as you can try and block garb stats as rolling weapons is much harder with essences than say gloves or a chest piece. Frostblades Glad seems a bit weird as you're 1/2 converted so I'm not sure if you just go big phys and also stack cold pen or just go big phys and hope it's enough. Most glad skills are full phys just to benefit from larger bleeds and possibly Crimson Dance. Frostblades is definitely a nice clear skill, but unless you go full convert (which ruins glad) with big penetration I think it's going to somewhat lacking, especially on big hp mobs like some of the delve rares. There might be some better synergy with spec throw or venom gyre honestly, but I'm not sure how to go about that.

I'm 92.5 just going sideways at mlvl83 shit and I'm still running 2 4-links. I've had 2-links drop, an axe and a bow. No bueno as summoner relying on Mon'treguls and bone offering. My DPS is pretty decent, but I'm just a few pieces off of going essentially tripling my damage. The bench would've definitely been really, really nice but it's kind of interesting having it like it is. This is essentially PoE before the Betrayal league. Or even moreso before Atlas of Worlds. Back in the day we'd RARELY get a map and we'd take every single item out of that fucker. I'm talking any 6 socket white armor, any item lvl 66+, all rare jewelry/weapons. All 6 portals were used and all inventories were full. Every time. Then you'd "craft" a la alts and augs and MAYBE a regal and almost NEVER a chaos. We're living those days again in this league. A real throwback. "Oh this is so good if it had _____. Oh well." *Vendored*.
I fully admit I'm not good at this game despite playing it highly casually and off and on for like 4 years, lol. I went frostblades because it's a frost skill so you get freezes/slows, and glad because it's tanky with the block side of the ascendancy. I've tried to play glass cannon/more dps focused builds/ascendancies in the past, but I suck at recognizing all the bullshit that's going on on screen that I need to dodge, so I have to play builds that are tankier or I just die over and over.

I'd have to check, but I think I'm 100% converted after 60% from skill and a couple of nodes on the tree? I've just been looking for drops with decent phys rolls and possibly added ele damage. I've alched some of the 1h sword bases I've found, but I haven't had much luck. I haven't had hardly any essences drop, and the same story with fossils, so I haven't even bothered with that crapshoot. I really have no idea how people amass so much crafting mats in delve, for me that shit just doesn't drop and hasn't since delve has been a thing. I think I've seen maybe 5 destructible-wall reached nodes while getting to 70, and maybe one of them was a good node like money, usually it's just an item or weapon node and so I just pass it by. That's honestly my main gripe with this game: luck. My luck in all things is generally shit. For instance, I've never had a tabula drop for me, ever, using any method that "takes 15 minutes". Hours later for me using the professed method and nothing and I just get tired of trying. That's also why this game is so off and on for me, I get tired of the shit luck on drops and the arcane methods to 'limit' that luck and I stop playing for several months and then forget half of what arcane knowledge I managed to gain.
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