Path of Exile


Golden Knight of the Realm
Minion build question: I am running Abyss for shits and giggles. What kind of jewels should I be looking for as I am getting 5 & 6 mod corrupted jewels dropping here and there and someone mentioned that minion jewels can be really valuable if the right mods are on one jewel. I usually just ignore minion mod jewels so thought I'd ask.


Log Wizard
Minion build question: I am running Abyss for shits and giggles. What kind of jewels should I be looking for as I am getting 5 & 6 mod corrupted jewels dropping here and there and someone mentioned that minion jewels can be really valuable if the right mods are on one jewel. I usually just ignore minion mod jewels so thought I'd ask.
Minion damage if you've used a minion skill recently is #1. Then minion cast/attack speed if you or your minions have killed recently = minion attack and cast speed > life> various minion flat damage (not sure if skelly mages full convert, but I'm guessing they do), then some odds and ends like Dex, Chaos res, ES, movement speed, etc.

This is what a 4 implicit ideal one would look like:


Everything after that is QoL stuff, except on the 3rd prefix you could get another +damage roll.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Shit like that is kinda why this is the best arpg lol.
I greatly underestimated the difficulty in making a ward loop build though. I assumed it was just Omni, staff, ward gear and go. Instantly killed myself instead. You need precise durations, cooldown recovery and other shit setup on numerous pieces of gear and jewels and skill points, it’s a real headache. Im still off by a few percent after tweaking it a while.


Log Wizard

Such a OP league. Throw in old harvest and you've just got a item editor game. I think they make Recombs core but have to retool item flagging to make sure things like multiple fractures can't exist. Not sure if they follow suit with Essences as well or not. I'd say leave one essence per Suffix/Prefix a la Veiled mods. Honestly the most fun is mashing Alva gloves together just to try and get a "nice" glove and I've procced Enlighten gloves twice now.

This is the point where we see if QoL is enought to "keep" players. Usually the population between month 1 and 2 is VERY telling how good replay is. I'm guessing it's better than previous seasons (not hard to do), but worse than Reddit will think it is.
  • 1Mother of God
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<Bronze Donator>
No crafting system, by itself, is going to do much for player retention unless it severely reduces interaction with trade.

I can't deny recombinators are powerful. Too powerful. But I haven't used any because I have the idea that it still involves buying lots raw mats from trade. Maybe that's a misconception, but my enthusiasm dies at that point.
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Log Wizard
It depends. We have people picking up/selling Sorc Boots/Slink Boots/Amethyst ring bases and selling them for 3-5c EACH. Just white ilvl 84+ because people are either using them to recomb for sentinel mods or for triple stat Omni rings, etc etc. If you store up your own supply it's no problem. For 90% of combos I've used shit I found/made myself. Between Harvest/Essence/Rog you've got some serious potential for making a "half-good" item. Rog especially as he can very easily boost shit to T1.

I personally have Alva gloves filling a entire tab because I like to combine them. I've never bought a single pair and I've sold some for as much as 25 ex with the Enlighten mod. Honestly I just want a good pair for myself and sell off any I think are worthy. We had people just mashing blue boots to get the Sentinel Mods and had them hit multiple times spending probably 20c worth of alts/augs and then another 200c of recombinators to make two pairs worth straight up 15ex each.

You can also use good items such as ilvl < 86 Synth bases, smash them with an ilvl 90+ white item (from cards, high ilvl unique maps, etc) to then get the synth base back at lvl 86. The same can be done with stuff like Blizzard Crowns for a hefty profit.

If you're going out and buying every single piece of every combination you're definitely doing it the wrong way. Use what you have and you'll be better off netting potential pure profit from shit thats half-good.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm ok with recombs right now. The league going into the core pool will make them so much more uncommon that the fail rate will be a real threat. If they are going to remove something, I'd remove the power cores so you can't recycle the sentinels that make them drop.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yes unfortunately you still need to interact a lot with trade if you plan on going hard into recombinators. And I’m sure once it goes core this will be even more true since they’ll actually be less common. Right now they’re pretty common, especially relative to how powerful they are, but unless you’re a real no lifer, you’ll not accumulate the hundreds and hundreds you’ll need to do some real intense crafting. This is the main reason I still haven’t tinkered much with the system myself.

I think bases theoretically you could get a lot yourself if you can just use that tawmr Isley cloak in your build but even that you’re better off just buying in bulk.

I’ve generally hated poe’s trade game, but ever since I’ve been on tft more, selling stuff is way way more tolerable. Got a buncha crap like scarabs that would be a nightmare to sell? Just screenshot it and post it on Tft, some bot will buy it instantly.

Buying shit is still a major pita tho


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Alright Mageblood acquired, now what do I do.

Does it enable any actual unique builds anywhere, or just for raw power on whatever?


<Bronze Donator>
It enables the most powerful build of them all: get bored and quit the league. You're free!

AFAIK, it's pure power, thankfully. There's multiple other ways to make your flasks permanent, so there's nothing unique there.
  • 1Worf
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Yea I don't see any way it enable any kind of permanent flask shenanigans that wasn't otherwise and often more easily achieved.

I'll probably just copy some lame HC build and grind out my first 100 before quitting.
  • 1Solidarity
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<Bronze Donator>
I've been playing ruetoo's(shutup Kythik) Transcendence Berserker. I like taking builds and molding them to my playstyle. I'm mostly there except for two points:

  • Divine Blessing aura. I can't stand this shit. It's all over because of course it is, leaderboards is for min-maxers. Paying life for an aura can be dangerous. The UI is shit at telling you when it's going to run out. It has a sizeable cast time, so it feels bad to press. I actually don't have a problem with just leaving it out of the build...I just don't have anything else to put in its place. Feels really weird to play a build with free sockets. I'd say socket pressure is one of the biggest balancing problems recently.
  • Too many abilities! Right click skill, movement skill, flask macro, moderate toughness skill(like an ancestor totem), big boss burst skill(like a Vaal skill). Anything more than that, it becomes a hassle and detrimental to play. A lot of builds, I have to cut the keybind for VMS. I've got Blood Rage, General's Cry, WIthering Step, Berserk, and flasks that I'd like to push frequently, but they aren't synchronous nor share the same conditions. I've stuffed them all(except General's Cry) into my flask macro but I was wondering if there was something better to automate a few of them.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I went with the triple dmg staff with my MB because it's easy resists.
Paired with winter orb. Not the greatest dmg (like 3 million/projectile) but hassle free, HoI explosions and i got a lot of defensive layers in there even if my hp isnt that high. Haven't died yet at 450 depth in my fruitless search of Aul.

With a 20sec duration i don't find divine blessing very onerous personally. But i have very few other buttons to press.


<Bronze Donator>
Playing a build that gets some cast speed helps on the "feelsbad" aspect. But I still pass, if I can, on Divine Blessing auras because of the UI. Anything that I can't infer from staring at combat, I try to remove from the build. Fuck staring transient rows of icons like this is Vanilla WoW raiding.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Playing a build that gets some cast speed helps on the "feelsbad" aspect. But I still pass, if I can, on Divine Blessing auras because of the UI. Anything that I can't infer from staring at combat, I try to remove from the build. Fuck staring transient rows of icons like this is Vanilla WoW raiding.

Thats totally reasonable
For me i just recast it when i feel it's the right time, and/or if i know im about to get more flask charges cause i usually use a life flask right after, i don't look at the UI.


Log Wizard
Mageblood basically just fills requirements. It's more than constant flasks as you use 70% increased effect on them to make something like 35% all resist pot into 55% all resist. Throw on something like T1 attack speed at 15% which then turns into 25% and you're looking at some nice QOL shit you can just forget about on your tree and in your gear. There are SOME builds that Mageblood makes possible, mostly due to weird shit like Basalts or hyper omega Armor granites with Replica dreamfeather or something, but for the most part it's like HH in that you just slap it on then do whatever you want.

Annihilating Light, the Triple Damage staff, is a great example of an item this helps counter. Get omega crit from diamond, omega resist from bismuth, and you're on your way to blasting. Used in conjunction with an Omni and you can drop that Bismuth for any other utility to round out what you need. Currently a guildmate is using a mageblood with poison spark occultist and doing boss carries for money. Makes like 50-100ex a day doing achievement carries. Melding + CI + Aegis Aurora (see you in the nerf notes) with a million spark proj while being a tanky boi and he just can't really die except to the most BS of mods. I saw him die in an Uber Cortex with 200% phys as fire and 800% crit chance/multi and even then he ate a bunch of slams and blasts.

Mageblood is interesting in that I think it's meant more for high end boss content whereas HH is just for trash content. Obviously HH is great for stuff like 5 ways and Delirious maps, but on isolated bosses and Uber Bosses, it's worthless. I think you make a build with Mageblood that clears nicely (like spark, LS, WorB), and then Mageblood helps push it to the point where you can also comfortably boss with it.


<Bronze Donator>
It's a shame staff-based caster have garbage movement skills. Even shield-based ones, who doesn't love charging multiple times into corners and pebbles?

I try to go dagger shield for casters. Supported by faster attack even on a caster, whirling blades zips you around faster than the cooldown on flame dash will allow.

Still doesn't compare to an attack speed roided out whirling blades or leap slam. Want pre-3.15 dash and second wind back :(.
  • 1Solidarity
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Thats totally reasonable
For me i just recast it when i feel it's the right time, and/or if i know im about to get more flask charges cause i usually use a life flask right after, i don't look at the UI.

For me, I just use it for burst phases. Any non-boss content doesn't really require the aura anyway. The bosses all have long chains of time where they stand around with basic attacks of some form or other. Use it for those and it'll carry its weight.

Annihilating Light, the Triple Damage staff, is a great example of an item this helps counter. Get omega crit from diamond, omega resist from bismuth, and you're on your way to blasting. Used in conjunction with an Omni and you can drop that Bismuth for any other utility to round out what you need. Currently a guildmate is using a mageblood with poison spark occultist and doing boss carries for money. Makes like 50-100ex a day doing achievement carries. Melding + CI + Aegis Aurora (see you in the nerf notes) with a million spark proj while being a tanky boi and he just can't really die except to the most BS of mods. I saw him die in an Uber Cortex with 200% phys as fire and 800% crit chance/multi and even then he ate a bunch of slams and blasts.

Honestly, Melding needs the nerf. There's no path forward for bossing with it in the game. There's only 2 paths with its current form, it'll either be required for bossing or it will trivialize anything.