Path of Exile


<Silver Donator>
So since no one answered about the gems, anyone play domination at all and interested in trading for nemesis stuff, or have a few currency stuff I could borrow and give back in a couple of days?


Vyemm Raider
So since no one answered about the gems, anyone play domination at all and interested in trading for nemesis stuff, or have a few currency stuff I could borrow and give back in a couple of days?
IGN @Tredge

I'll provide you what I can in gems and gear.


<Silver Donator>
patch 1.01 patch notes are up...GGG nerfed CoDT support to the ground.

Forum - Patch Notes - 1.0.1 Patch Notes - Path of Exile
Only that they didn't, it was the expected nerf, or at least a way to do it. It still casts spells passively for free, and you can still use a low level gem to proc it on almost every hit, but now the spells are severely nerfed. I thought they would just add a reduced effect % on the gem but it wouldn't have affected enduring cry so the way they went makes sense. It's still a net benefit to run enduring cry even at lvl 1 and have it autocast on damage taken, than not. Similar for Decoy totem, Devouring Totem, Enfeeble, Temp Chains and so on. The only really affected skill is Molten Shell, but even at lvl 1 codt, you can use a lvl 5 molten shell for a free 350ish armor. Not big but eh if you have the socket, it's still free armor. Leveling the gem a bit you can get 500-600armor with still a low enough treshold it has 100% uptime.

But fuck them right, obviously it's the end of the world everywhere on the forums, especially from the retards who had bought 3 of the gems to stack them because they apparently couldn't read last week's patch notes that said more nerfs were coming, or the week before that said nerfs were coming. Oh and apparently having to cast the spells for a few days until cotd is leveled or replacing your gems is gamebreaking. Wonder how the fuck people could even play the game before the gem was added.

Now GGG are not without blame, how the gem made it into the game in that state is a fucking mystery, considering how obviously broken it was. But the reaction to the nerf is the same shit as usual. Something that is clearly overpowered gets nerfed, get the pitchforks. Really internet?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Oh come on, you are vastly downplaying the extent of that nerf. Yes, it was overpowered. Now it's about twice as shitty as it was overpowered before. That's the kind of "balancing" I expect from Blizzard.

P.S. I don't use a single CWDT gem on the only character I play anymore. The nerf doesn't affect me* but I can still think they handled the whole fiasco in the worst way possible though.

*- Well, I'm a little angry that I leveled my quality Temporal Chains way the fuck past the L5 cap for using it with CWDT, if I ever decided to use CWDT at all.
Edit: NM, found what I was looking for in game finally.


Lord Nagafen Raider
We are talking about this nerf right?

Cast On Damage Taken: The level requirement of gems augmented by Cast on Damage Taken may not exceed the level requirement of the Cast on Damage Taken gem. Edit: Many people
It doesn't seem like that is a nerf into the ground. Now you just need to level the CODT Gem to the same level as them gems it's attached to. So doesn't that mean it will still cast based on damage taken except now you need to take a bit more damage? So it basically just doesn't cast as often?


<Silver Donator>
I honestly don't think I'm downplaying anything. It's still the best trigger gem by far, and is still mandatory for any build if you can afford the sockets. Why would you not cast on damage taken+enduring cry on EVERY character, besides maybe burning discharge where manually using it would be better(but you'd do that before too since relying on taking dmg to use your main skill is pretty clunky). Why would you not link skeletons or decoy totem to it just to get some free damage soaking? Why would you not link Molten Shell to get a small amount of armor? You might want to manually curse because of the aoe being too small with low level curses, but at the same time depending on build it might not be necessary to and both Enfeeble and Temp Chains actually are extremely potent even at lvl 1, radius aside(don't even think temp chains leveling does anything besides aoe and duration, you get full power at lvl 1).

And that's the core of my problem with all the whining. It's still an extremely powerful support, one that is only outclassed in terms of general build usefulness by Reduced Mana which has to be in EVERY build. There is simply no other supports other than Reduced Mana and Cast on Damage taken that you'd want on every single build. You might cut Codt in some builds due to a lack of sockets, summoners for example requires a fairly large amount of shit due to having 3main spells to summon, but if you have the sockets, there is no reason not to use it and it's better than pretty much every other alternative for those sockets. It's still free fucking spells.


People will care until Kripp or another streamer come up with the next OP build and all try to copy that. This will continue until the end of time or until everyhitn cool has been "balanced" and boring. Hey this is starting to sound familiar.

Personally I find nerfing anything in a game like this really quite funny and reminiscent of Diablo 3 when they tried nerfing at first. The discharger build was never going to work in races because it required specific items and gems that cannot be gathered beforehand, so who exactly are you competing against? The Nemesis ladder? There is no way to catch the people at the top outside of them dying. They should have just made other gem options more attractive then worry about nerfing this shit. The entire point of these games is to tweak your character to kill optimally. Blizzard figured this shit out I am shocked GGG has not.

By the way I play some super boring Marauder because its my first character this nerf effected me in absolutely zero ways but even I find it stupid.


Could anyone provide some advice on group play in high end mapping?

I currently run a tanky spectral throw scion and have had no trouble solo mapping. However I also map with my husband's summoner and I'd like a character that contributes more for high end mapping in a duo. My scion is mediocre damage and good survivability but what I'd really like is something that can take advantage of the huge support and safety the summoner offers and just do crazy dps so we can take down bosses faster. Not going to alter my scion as I want her to stay as she is for solo mapping when I'm not grouping.

Any suggestions? Flicker builds are probably out since they are just frustrating with the desyncs. I don't have access to crazy expensive gear yet so nothing that relies on Kaom's Heart and the like.


Lord Nagafen Raider
CoDT nerf was very fair. I will explain how it impacts me.

I was playing a discharge witch build. CI with about 6700 ES. Here are my gem setups and notes on how I will adjust:

CoDT - GMP - ICE Spear - Freezing pulse
This was my power charge generator. I will leave all spells at level 1. My ability to quickly generate power charges has not been impacted at all.

CoDT - Molten Shell - Devouring Totem
I will probably level these to level 15 or so. They will fire a lot less, but will still kick in when I really need them. As a bonus I will probably add life leach to get some life when molten shells fires. It will actually do some damage now.

CoDT - Elemental Weakness - Blood Rage
I will leave these at level one. I lose a bit of resist debuffing, but nothing huge. Blood Rage was left at level one anyways.

Other gem Slottings not impacted:

Cast on Stun - Discharge - Elemental Prolif - Life Leach

Discharge - Increased Criticals, Increased Critical Damage, Elemental Prolif, Life Leach

So all in all, I need to make some adjustments, but its not a build breaker for me at all. It requires people put some thought into how they use the gems, and that is OK in my book.


The biggest annoyance with the CoDT nerf is that people with Q20 max level enduring cry/molten shell are pretty screwed. It really sucks to scour like 13 times to be able to use them. :\


Molten Core Raider
When almost every melee build (and even non melee) is using at least a 4L with CwDT/Molten Shell/Enduring Cry/Curse or Chains, it had to be nerfed.


Trakanon Raider
I played before CoDT support existed, will probably play more after it's nerf, but it's still a big annoyance that it happened. I think one of the dumbest things is that the gem becomes so much worse if you actually level it. Leveling gems should make them stronger, not weaker.


Molten Core Raider
Question about CoDT, I've never used it at all, but is the damage requirement to trigger it figured pre-damage reduction from armor/resists? If not, that seems absolutely useless at high levels.

Cast when Damage Taken - Path of Exile Wiki

How often are you taking hits for 2500+? Hopefully not often unless you like dying a lot. 3 quick hits of that nature would kill even very well geared characters.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I honestly don't think I'm downplaying anything. It's still the best trigger gem by far, and is still mandatory for any build if you can afford the sockets. Why would you not cast on damage taken+enduring cry on EVERY character, besides maybe burning discharge where manually using it would be better(but you'd do that before too since relying on taking dmg to use your main skill is pretty clunky). Why would you not link skeletons or decoy totem to it just to get some free damage soaking? Why would you not link Molten Shell to get a small amount of armor? You might want to manually curse because of the aoe being too small with low level curses, but at the same time depending on build it might not be necessary to and both Enfeeble and Temp Chains actually are extremely potent even at lvl 1, radius aside(don't even think temp chains leveling does anything besides aoe and duration, you get full power at lvl 1).
As a convenience gem, I don't think there was that much wrong with it. The real abuse was with offensive spells. I'd even say the nerf was ok, had they done something about the fact that the gem gets vastly worse with level. No gem should ever do that. It's one thing to stop leveling something because you can't afford the mana, but CWDT is retarded.

And no, chains is not full power at level one. Both the level and the quality improve the amount it slows. Plus, like every curse, the AOE size is tiny until you level it up a lot.

And that's the core of my problem with all the whining. It's still an extremely powerful support, one that is only outclassed in terms of general build usefulness by Reduced Mana which has to be in EVERY build. There is simply no other supports other than Reduced Mana and Cast on Damage taken that you'd want on every single build. You might cut Codt in some builds due to a lack of sockets, summoners for example requires a fairly large amount of shit due to having 3main spells to summon, but if you have the sockets, there is no reason not to use it and it's better than pretty much every other alternative for those sockets. It's still free fucking spells.
No argument about Reduced Mana. It's a stupid gem, even more so now after the ill-conceived aura revamp.

Question about CoDT, I've never used it at all, but is the damage requirement to trigger it figured pre-damage reduction from armor/resists? If not, that seems absolutely useless at high levels.

Cast when Damage Taken - Path of Exile Wiki

How often are you taking hits for 2500+? Hopefully not often unless you like dying a lot. 3 quick hits of that nature would kill even very well geared characters.
Almost certain it's actual damage taken. It doesn't have to be a single hit; the game keeps track internally and fires it once you hit the threshold. There's a timer though, because people who have leveled the gem up say that it practically never goes off. The gem should really have never even been put in the game at all, it obviously wasn't thought out very well and it sure as hell wasn't tested.


<Silver Donator>
Well just died on my summoner, hadn't played it in a while so figured I'd do Piety for the quest, was going ok kinda, then at around 20% left she decided to walk into an ice portal while teleporting to a fire portal, and ended up getting both effect. She then chased me down at fire form move speed while firing frost arrows. That was pretty fucking stupid. Oh well not much lost, I guess I did lose a 5L with fairly decent stats but eh.


Potato del Grande
Can we get old dual spork back since everyone is so outraged at nerfs? I don't see anyone fighting the battle to remove those nerfs... i'm sure people are happy that my tooltip dps went from 1400 to 400 tho because it forces me to get them free uniques if I feel like playing since it takes me 2 hours to clear Ledge on normal now.

(Obviously this is directed at everyone who is getting outraged at nerfs and not the reasonable people)


Molten Core Raider
Anyone upset by the nerfs should just play Nemesis mode. The change to any 1 particular skill or even build doesn't matter much there, your character will be dead soon and you'll be restarting anyway

I played Hardcore pretty much exclusively for the last 6 months or so before the 1.0 release, and I have yet to even get to Merciless difficulty on Nemesis since the 1.0 release. I'm on my 3rd character now, the previous 2 got into their 40s and died. Slowly getting my stash & gear built up, and keep getting a little bit further each time. Fun stuff.