Path of Exile

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I tried this like half a year ago (before D3) and dismissed it quickly because I didnt like the visual style and inventory management. Were there any changes that make it worth another look?


Molten Core Raider
Neither the art direction nor the inventory have changed, so if you dismissed the game for these reasons, you won't like it better now.

Has someone here ever played a summoner witch? Supposedly it's a very strong and easy going build, but it feels incredibly slow and even at level 30 my minions die easily to any sorts of strong boss aoe. Bosses in general are kind of a pain with minions, maybe it'll be better once i get the corpse explosion.


At lower levels, healing flasks of animation will really help with zombies. Just use 2 flasks and drink one them every 10 seconds and your zombies will stay alive (except against really tough bosses).
Does anyone want to party with me for the HC turbo race today? PM me
I would but its a Solo only race




<Silver Donator>
I like this game but holy crap it feels like hardly anything has changed since this thread was posted on FoH.
Actually the skill grid thing has changed radically and they added a new "class" and a bunch of new skills like traps and totems which add a lot of combos with other gems. Unless you mean since the last post on FoH which was only like 2weeks ago so that's fairly obvious. But yeah other than that, which is quite a bit, I don't think a whole lot has changed. They need to finish Act3 already.
Actually the skill grid thing has changed radically and they added a new "class" and a bunch of new skills like traps and totems which add a lot of combos with other gems. Unless you mean since the last post on FoH which was only like 2weeks ago so that's fairly obvious. But yeah other than that, which is quite a bit, I don't think a whole lot has changed. They need to finish Act3 already.
I just expected changes to be much faster for a game at this stage of development. The skill tree rearrangement must have taken a lot of work. It was surprising to see act 3 unfinished as well. Are they doing a lot of fine-tuning balance changes? Seems like a waste of time if they are.


Act 3 is pretty much finished, from my understanding. They are doing another round of Alpha invites and then it will be pushed out for OB on Jan 23.

Chris did say that they are still doing some fine tuning to some of the skills.


Regarding flicker strike.. things change at higher levels. Clearly flicker and beartrap being very OP for low lvls right now.

Diablo 2 was like this tho. Don't look for balance. Look for ways to counter it. Team dynamics add to the meta game.

Very excited about this game. It doesn't look triple A or anything, but it has its own feel to it. The development and implementation of things, especially character building and theorycrafting is amazing beyond words.

To whoever was asking about summoner, it is extremely viable.

Save up your blessed orbs, chaos orbs, all that tradeskilling stuff that improves quality of gems, items and flasks too. They trade for legendaries. When you're suited up in full legendaries yourself... you'll see why these are so valuable. Great trading system so far. We even saw a legendary in trade that's effect was "copy another item". Holy shit :p. I was so excited for them to put in something that a "big gaming company" would say "great idea, but too unpredictable, threatens the vision".