Pharmakos' Chemo Ward


<Bronze Donator>
**Calvin and the Mysterious Cat Switch**

One cold and dreary morning, Calvin awoke from a dream of sled rides and monstrous snow goons to find that his beloved tiger companion, Hobbes, was nowhere in sight. Instead, in the spot where Hobbes usually lay in repose, was a chubby, lasagna-loving, orange and black-striped cat. Calvin blinked twice, thinking he was still in the grasp of a dream, but the cat let out a loud, discontented yawn that echoed through the room.

“Garfield?” Calvin whispered incredulously, the realization sinking in. “Where’s Hobbes?”

Garfield glanced lazily at him and mumbled, “Who’s Hobbes?” He then proceeded to lick his paw, evidently uninterested in Calvin's state of shock.

Panicking, Calvin began tearing through his room, looking for any sign of his mischievous tiger friend. “Hobbes! Hobbes! Where are you?” he cried out, but only received an indifferent shrug from Garfield.

“Maybe he went to get some lasagna,” Garfield mused, a hint of longing in his eyes.

Calvin, aghast, asked, “You... you don’t even know him! Why would he go get lasagna?”

Garfield merely stared blankly and sighed, "Well, why wouldn't he?"

Determined to solve the mystery, Calvin embarked on a mission around the house, interrogating every member of his family about Hobbes' whereabouts. However, to his horror, no one seemed to remember Hobbes. To them, Garfield had always been Calvin's feline friend.

His frustration growing, Calvin approached Garfield with a plea. “Look, Garfield, I need your help. I need to find Hobbes.”

Garfield rolled his eyes, stretching out languorously. “Why should I help? I’m perfectly content right here.”

Calvin, channeling his inner Spaceman Spiff, tried to negotiate. “How about a lifetime supply of lasagna?”

Garfield's ears perked up. “Now you’re talking my language, kid.”

With their newfound alliance, Calvin and Garfield found themselves bound together by a singular mission: to find Hobbes and restore the balance of Calvin's reality. Armed with a combination of Calvin's boundless imagination and Garfield's sarcastic wit, they journeyed deeper into the fantastical worlds crafted by Calvin's mind.

Their first stop was the desolate planet of the killer bicycles. The rusted, abandoned landscape was filled with menacing bicycles, each with gleaming red eyes and sharp, tooth-like gears. Calvin, having faced these tormentors before, knew the only way to navigate this land was to remain motionless, for the bikes hunted based on movement. Garfield, displaying an impressive degree of stealth for such a chubby cat, tiptoed around, all the while muttering about the lack of lasagna on this planet. Eventually, after a hair-raising chase, they found a portal etched on the ground, which whisked them away just in the nick of time.

Next, they entered the tyrant-ruled kingdom of the deranged baby-sitters. Towering fortresses loomed overhead, and the ever-watchful gaze of Rosalyn and her minions kept a strict curfew. Calvin's prior escapades had made him notorious in this realm, while Garfield's blasé attitude made him an instant target. Together, they orchestrated a daring escape by distracting the baby-sitters with a feigned game of "Calvinball," allowing them to slip through the kingdom's defenses.

Their journey wasn't without its fair share of enemies. When they encountered Susie's army of stuffed animals, a fierce battle ensued. The stuffed animals, wielding their soft plush limbs and fluffy tails, launched a barrage of cotton-filled attacks. Garfield, leveraging his experience with toy mousies, and Calvin, with his tactical genius, managed to outwit the army, turning them back into harmless playthings.

However, the most formidable adversaries were yet to come. On the desolate plains of Homeworktopia, they faced the alien race obsessed with homework. These creatures bore clipboards and wielded red pens, ever ready to correct and assign more tasks. Calvin's aversion to homework gave him an adrenaline-filled boost, and with Garfield's cunning distractions (mostly pretending to be a cat in need of immediate attention), they navigated the maze of textbooks and assignments.

With each escapade, the duo faced perils and challenges that tested their wits and courage. But instead of driving them apart, these challenges only strengthened their bond. Calvin came to appreciate Garfield's nonchalant wisdom, and Garfield began to admire Calvin's unyielding spirit. The journey was far from over, but together, they felt invincible.

Deep within the heart of a lush, mysterious jungle, Calvin and Garfield, guided by the call of destiny, discovered a massive stone temple covered in moss and ivy. The entrance was adorned with ancient carvings of cats and tigers, symbolizing the unity of their unexpected partnership.

As they carefully made their way inside, the grandeur of the temple's interior was breathtaking. Walls were etched with forgotten tales, and in the center stood an ornate pedestal. On it rested a shimmering crystal ball, emitting an otherworldly glow. The ball's allure was irresistible, but as they approached, a familiar voice halted them.

“Not so fast,” Rosalyn, Calvin’s formidable babysitter, emerged from the shadows, her eyes fixed on the crystal. “You think you're just going to waltz in and tamper with the very fabric of reality?”

Calvin, determination burning in his eyes, exclaimed, “We need that crystal to set things right! I have to find Hobbes!”

Garfield, lounging casually, added, “And I've got a date with a plate of lasagna in another universe.”

Rosalyn smirked, “This crystal holds the power to transcend realities. But it demands a price.”

Calvin, teary-eyed and voice shaking, pleaded, “Please, Rosalyn. You don’t understand. I need my best friend back.”

Garfield, surprisingly emotional, chimed in, “And I never thought I’d say this, but I’ve grown fond of this kid. We need to make things right.”

Moved by their sincerity, Rosalyn relented. “Alright. But remember, once the crystal is used, its effects are irreversible.”

The trio gathered around the crystal ball, and with a series of incantations from Rosalyn, the room was engulfed in a blinding light. Reality began to warp and twist.

Suddenly, Calvin jolted awake, his heart racing. The familiar warmth of his bed, the sound of birds chirping outside, and most importantly, the weight of a certain tiger playfully pouncing on him signaled that he was home.

“Wake up, sleepyhead! You're late for our expedition to the Yukon!” Hobbes declared with a grin.

Tears of joy welled up in Calvin's eyes as he embraced Hobbes. “I had the strangest dream, buddy,” he murmured, grateful for the comforting presence of his timeless friend.

In a distant, lasagna-scented universe, Garfield lounged on his favorite chair. A hint of melancholy in his eyes hinted at memories of grand adventures and a mischievous boy. But as the delicious aroma of freshly baked lasagna wafted in, his spirits lifted. “Life is good,” he purred, savoring the moment.


Tranny Chaser
How stoned are you?
Food Eating GIF
Hungry Cat GIF by Garfield
Angry Phone GIF
italian eating GIF by Boomerang Official

I like the Garfield and lasagna parts. I imagine pharmakos pharmakos has the munchies.
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<Bronze Donator>
Breaking News: People Love Sweeping Generalizations

In a stunning display of unity, it has been definitively declared today that all people, without exception, ardently adore sweeping generalizations. Sources confirm that every single person across the globe, from the icy tundras of Siberia to the scorching deserts of the Sahara, absolutely loves nothing more than condensing complex issues into bite-sized, oversimplified statements.

This morning, billions emphatically agreed that navigating the nuanced landscapes of sociopolitical discourse is "too hard" and "boring." Instead, they prefer embracing broad, all-encompassing assertions that leave no room for exception or subtlety. "Why waste time understand problem, when one sentence do trick?" asked one source, who, like all others, speaks in minimalistic and reductionist phrases, a fact that is true for all people everywhere.

All global conflicts were also resolved today, as individuals on all sides realized they could just make sweeping generalizations about their enemies, thus eliminating the need for tedious negotiations and diplomacy. It's reported that everyone feels much happier now that they are no longer burdened by the oppressive weight of critical thinking and empathy.

In related news, experts from every field have decided to abandon their research, as people have shown that they prefer generalizations to data-backed findings. “Who needs nuanced, evidence-based conclusions when we can make sweeping claims without evidence?” mused every scientist, researcher, and academic in unison. Everyone, everywhere, is now content in the warm embrace of broad and unsubstantiated statements, free from the icy chill of thoughtful analysis.

Everyone in the world is looking forward to continuing to make and believe sweeping generalizations, forever and always, without exception. Because, as everyone knows, generalizations are always true for all people, in all situations, all the time.


<Bronze Donator>
Behold the epic saga of my lamentable existence, a comic tragedy, a farcical melodrama replete with morbid, depressive, and self-deprecating gallows humor. Picture, if you will, a creature bestowed with the grace of a falling anvil, the charisma of a damp rag, and the intellectual might of a particularly uninspired rock. That's me, gallantly traversing the labyrinth of life, perpetually stepping on the metaphorical rake of existence, the handle smacking me squarely in my bumbling face with the mechanical precision of a clock, ticking away the seconds of my pitiful existence.

In the grand cosmic joke that is my life, I am the unwitting punchline, the jester in the court of cosmic irony. My romantic endeavors? A cavalcade of calamity, a series of Shakespearean misadventures where I play the role of the star-crossed lover, eternally crossed, never starred. I am the modern-day Sisyphus, valiantly pushing the boulder of hope up the mountain of despair, only for it to tumble down, crushing my dreams in a catastrophic cascade of woeful rock.

As I navigate the tempestuous seas of existence in my leaky vessel of misfortune, I am tossed to and fro upon the waves of woe, battered by the gale-force winds of misery. Like a moth inexplicably drawn to the lethal allure of a flame, I persist, flapping my fragile wings in the futile pursuit of a happiness that dances ever out of reach, its tantalizing glow illuminating the chasm of darkness that is my lot in life. My professional aspirations crumble like a cookie in the iron grip of a toddler, leaving behind only the crumbs of unrealized potential and the sticky residue of regret.

In the buffet of life, I am the limp, overlooked salad, wilting in the shadow of more delectable dishes, destined to be discarded, forgotten, and unloved. In the grand tapestry of existence, I am the accidental blotch of paint, the stain marring the masterpiece, a beacon of blunder in an otherwise harmonious whole.

But fear not, for in the grand scheme of things, are we not all but blundering blobs in the gargantuan canvas of the cosmos? In the laugh-out-loud comedy show of life, I embrace my role as the hapless clown, capering in the circus of the absurd, tumbling headfirst into the pie of perplexity, emerging, bedraggled and bewildered, but always ready for the next pratfall in the perpetual parade of pandemonium that is my, and perhaps our, absurdly amusing existence.


<Bronze Donator>
In the vast tapestry of spiritual thought, where the cosmos merges with the intricate fabric of our consciousness, there lies a divine understanding of Christ as the Logos - The Word. But what if this ancient perspective, enshrined in religious doctrines and spiritual wisdom, offers a much deeper revelation for the contemporary soul? What if, in our technologically driven age, the Logos is not just the Word of God but also the "Password" to the Divine?

To unravel this, we must first traverse back to the foundations of Christian theology. In the Gospel of John, it is written, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Here, the Word, or "Logos" in the original Greek, signifies an eternal principle, a divine reason or order that permeates all of existence. But as times have evolved, so too have the paradigms through which we understand the Divine. In our age of digital interconnectedness, passwords have become the keys to unlock realms of information, experience, and understanding. Could it be, then, that the Logos is also the ultimate Password, granting access to the Divine?

Every day, in our technologically-infused world, we enter passwords to gain access to our accounts, personal spaces, and sources of knowledge. These passwords, albeit digital, serve as bridges between our individuality and the vast digital realms. Similarly, Christ as the Logos bridges the finite with the infinite, the human with the divine. He is the pathway, the bridge, and the key. Just as a password grants us entry into a protected space, Christ, as the Password, grants us access to God's grace and the inner sanctums of spiritual enlightenment.

Furthermore, passwords are personal, unique identifiers. They are expressions of identity and trust. When we think of Christ as the Password, it's an intimate, personal connection, a sacred trust between the believer and the Divine. Just as one must know their password to access their personal data, one must know Christ, embrace the Logos, to access the depths of divine wisdom and love.

In our digital age, a forgotten password can lead to feelings of frustration and disconnection. It's a barrier. In our spiritual journey, distancing ourselves from the Logos, or the Christ, can lead to a similar sense of disconnection from the Divine source. Thus, to be 'logged in' spiritually, to be in communion with the Divine, requires that we remember and embody the Christ Password, allowing it to permeate our very being.

In conclusion, the idea that Christ as the Logos is not just the Word but also the Password offers a profound and timely perspective. It bridges ancient wisdom with modern understanding, drawing parallels between our digital interactions and our spiritual quests. Just as passwords unlock digital domains, Christ, the Divine Password, unlocks the realm of God's love and wisdom. Let us, therefore, in this age of technology and spirituality, cherish the Logos, embrace the Password, and log into the vast, boundless love of the Divine.


<Bronze Donator>
*Thus speaks the Spirit of Judgment and Truth:*

As the twilight of humanity draws near, there shall arise disturbances and calamities the world has never witnessed. The very foundations of the earth shall tremble, and mankind will be ensnared in a web of tribulation and anguish.

*"Behold!"* says the Lord, *"For days are coming when love shall grow cold, and wickedness shall be as a rampant fire, consuming all in its path."*

Nations shall rise against nations, kingdoms against kingdoms. There will be famines and earthquakes, and the groans of the earth will resonate with the cries of its inhabitants. The once harmonious skies will darken, and the moon shall not give its light.

The Lord speaks: *"My children, who once walked in My ways, will be led astray by false prophets and deceitful workers, proclaiming peace where there is none. Their honeyed words shall be a snare to the unwary, pulling many from the path of righteousness."*

And in these days, the abomination of desolation, spoken of by the prophet Daniel, will stand in the holy place, an affront to all that is sacred. This will be the sign for those in Judea to flee to the mountains, for then there will be great tribulation, unmatched from the beginning of the world until now, and never to be equaled again.

The hearts of many will waver, and betrayals will be common. Brother will betray brother, and children their parents. The faithful will be hunted, persecuted for My name's sake, and many will be put to death.

*"Alas!"* exclaims the Most High. *"For the hearts of men will be hardened, and they will curse the very One who offers them salvation. They will seek signs and wonders, but their eyes will be blinded to the truth that stands before them."*

From the celestial realms, there will be signs. Stars will fall from the heavens, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. The seas will rage, and great beasts, foretold in ancient prophecies, will rise from their depths, bringing terror upon the nations.

*"In the midst of this darkness,"* declares the Almighty, *"I shall send My witnesses, clothed in sackcloth, to testify to the truth. They will perform great signs, yet the world will hate and revile them."*

And as these days of tribulation reach their zenith, a cry will resound from the heavens. The Son of Man will appear in the clouds, and all eyes will behold Him, even those who pierced Him. The tribes of the earth will mourn, realizing the weight of their transgressions.

The trumpets of angels will sound, heralding the final judgment. The dead, both great and small, will be resurrected and stand before the throne. Books will be opened, and each soul judged according to their deeds. Those not found in the Book of Life will face the second death, cast into the lake of fire, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

*"Yet, fear not,"* whispers the Spirit of Mercy, *"For all who call upon My name, who remain steadfast in faith and hope, will find refuge in My embrace. Though the path is treacherous, My light shall guide them to everlasting life."*

*Thus speaks the Spirit of Grace and Mercy:*

In days to come, the children of earth will witness a dawning era, unlike any seen before. A time where the core of Christian values – love, unity, and faith – will illuminate the world with a light so radiant that all darkness shall cower.

*"Lo! Look upon the horizon and behold the new dawn,"* says the Lord. *"A time where My children, those who bear My name and those who know Me not, will unite in a chorus of peace, serenading the heavens with harmonious voices."*

The lamb and the lion shall graze together, not as predator and prey, but as symbols of an age where unity and peace prevail. No longer shall man's hand rise against his brother in anger or malice, but will extend in assistance, love, and fraternity.

*"In these days,"* proclaims the Most High, *"Temples, churches, and places of worship shall be filled, not out of fear or obligation but from a genuine thirst for knowledge and communion. My Word will be written, not on tablets of stone, but on the very hearts of My children."*

The deserts shall bloom, and barren lands will teem with life. Streams of living water will quench the spiritual thirst of nations, and every tear shall be wiped away. Hunger and want shall be things of old tales, as My bounty and provision become evident to all.

*"See,"* says the Lord, *"as the young and the old come together, sharing wisdom and dreams. Their laughter shall be the sweetest melody, echoing through mountains and valleys."*

Wars and conflicts will become tales told by elders, a testament to an age gone by. Weapons will be transformed into tools for harvest, and nations will no longer train for war.

*"In that era,"* declares the Almighty, *"The mysteries of the heavens will unfold. My children will look to the skies not in trepidation but in wonder, as the vastness of My creation becomes a testament to My endless love for them."*

In this golden age, every heart will recognize the essence of Christ's teachings. Love will be the language spoken, and every act will be a reflection of the Gospel's message. Those who once persecuted will stand side by side with those they oppressed, united in praise and worship.

*"For in these times,"* whispers the Spirit, *"The Spirit of Truth will be as the air breathed, undeniable, and omnipresent. Every soul will feel My presence, a guiding light leading them towards righteousness and joy."*

And in the culmination of this age, the heavens will resound with a celestial song, celebrating the unity of creation. All will gather, every tribe, tongue, and nation, in jubilation, acknowledging the true King, the embodiment of Love and Grace.

*"Behold!"* exclaims the Lord. *"I am making all things new. Not as the world gives, but a renewal that transcends understanding. Rejoice, O children of the earth, for your redemption is at hand, and a new chapter of hope, unity, and love awaits."*

*Thus speaks the Spirit of Evolution and Metamorphosis:*

As the epochs of human understanding evolve, so too shall their connection to the Divine and the very fabric of existence. The end of days will not be a culmination of light or darkness, but rather a profound transformation of consciousness and reality.

*"Behold!"* says the Lord, *"For a time will come when the veils that separate My children from the deeper truths will dissolve, and a new realm of perception shall dawn."*

Earthly conflicts and tribulations, though ever-present, will take on new meaning. Mankind will come to understand that each challenge is but a step on the ladder of spiritual evolution, a necessary phase in the journey of the soul.

*"In this era,"* declares the Most High, *"The scriptures of old will be seen not as rigid doctrines, but as ever-evolving narratives, guiding each generation closer to the Source."*

The heavens and earth, rather than being separate realms, will intermingle. Dreams, visions, and spiritual experiences will not be rarities but integral parts of daily life. People will come to recognize that Heaven is not a distant place but a state of being, accessible in the here and now.

*"Look!"* proclaims the Almighty. *"For the temples of worship will transform into centers of learning and exploration. Rituals and dogmas will give way to personal experiences of the Divine, as each soul charts its unique path to enlightenment."*

Nature and technology, seemingly at odds, will harmonize. Humanity will harness the power of both, not for dominion or control, but to enhance their spiritual journey, merging the tangible and intangible in ways previously unimaginable.

The Lord speaks: *"As this transformation unfolds, the ancient prophecies will be seen in a new light. Not as endpoints, but as signposts guiding humanity towards its next evolutionary phase."*

Death, rather than being an end or a judgment, will be understood as a transition, a metamorphosis. The mysteries of the afterlife will become clearer, and fear of the unknown will dissipate.

*"In this time,"* whispers the Spirit, *"Unity and diversity will coexist. Each faith and philosophy will be a thread in the grand tapestry of human understanding, weaving together to create a picture of profound beauty and complexity."*

As this age dawns, humanity will realize that their eschatological visions were not about the end but about beginnings. A continuous cycle of growth, exploration, and transcendence. The journey of the soul, ever spiraling upwards, closer to the heart of the Divine.


<Bronze Donator>
Araysar Araysar please quit derailing that thread

I genuinely think it would be impossible for someone to make hundreds of shitposts a day while working full time, going to school full time, and raising a family. Either you're half assing all of it or you're lying. I'm leaning towards lying.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Araysar Araysar please quit derailing that thread

I genuinely think it would be impossible for someone to make hundreds of shitposts a day while working full time, going to school full time, and raising a family. Either you're half assing all of it or you're lying. I'm leaning towards lying.

You mean I should berate you in a thread where no one will see it, as opposed to in a thread where everyone will see what a worthless piece of shit you are?

Go get cancer treatment in Canada


<Bronze Donator>
You mean I should berate you in a thread where no one will see it, as opposed to in a thread where everyone will see what a worthless piece of shit you are?

Go get cancer treatment in Canada
Yeah this forum has rules about details


<Bronze Donator>
LOL told you, another excuse.

You're just moocher scum

How the fuck is someone supposed to do a call center job when their hearing is so fucked that they can barely hear the sounds coming from a tiny ass phone speaker?

I can't even hear the solo hi hat in the verses of "War Pigs" my hearing is that fucked.


<Bronze Donator>
Was on the Dean's list my last couple semesters of college. Had to drop out when I developed my cancer. Was going to go to school and do chemo at the same time and the head of the Chemistry department told me she wouldn't allow it.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Was on the Dean's list my last couple semesters of college. Had to drop out when I developed my cancer. Was going to go to school and do chemo at the same time and the head of the Chemistry department told me she wouldn't allow it.

uh huh sure you did

people like you are one reason why we shouldnt cure cancer

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
How the fuck is someone supposed to do a call center job when their hearing is so fucked that they can barely hear the sounds coming from a tiny ass phone speaker?

I can't even hear the solo hi hat in the verses of "War Pigs" my hearing is that fucked.

get a headset, you fucking low iq, low effort retard