Photoshop/Photo Editing Help Request


<Prior Amod>
Hey guys, so I am in need of some help.

My parents 40th Anniversary is coming up and my mom has always wanted a picture with all her grand kids in it. This summer it seemed like she was finally going to get that chance and get her photo she always wanted as for the first time ever, we will all be home.

Well, at least until my brother found out my sister will be there for one of his two days he will be traveling through. Now he says he will only be there for half a day and refuses to allow us to schedule time for it as he doesn't consider her kids part of the family anyway. (long story, and childish of him to put his dislike of her above everything else)

My mom was pretty heartbroken and it killed me to hear her cry over the phone about it.

Over the last few days I've been thinking though, it would probably be possible to get pictures of all the grandkids faces through various means (Facebook and what not) and maybe put them together in some sort of collage on a nice background. That's possible right? I know it wouldn't be the same, but I think my mom would really appreciate it and at least she would finally have them all in one frame on her wall.

Is there anyone who does photo work like this that could help me out?


A Mod Real Quick
Urgoslav could probably do it. Might slip in a few penises here and there though

Also your brother sounds like a dick


<Prior Amod>
Sort of, he and my sister have a pretty sorted past. In his defense she is pretty nuts...however it's no reason to hold it against her kids or to punish my mother out of something she's always wanted. I figured we could all be adult enough to put aside that crap for this, but I guess I was wrong.

She was just as bad about it at first until she found out he blew up about it, then she realized she didn't have to be the bad guy and has now did a total 180 on it.

Is Urgo still around? I never see him anymore it seems.


Silver Squire
That sucks man. I wish I had the skills to help you but I do not.

Sad times when Mom gets fucked over because two siblings can't sit down for a picture.


Molten Core Raider
Put a camera on a tri-pod/stationary surface

Take a picture of your mom, with sister + kids on the left side

Then set up your mom in the same spot, take picture of brother + kids on the right side.

Easy to PS together and it'll look like they were all standing there together, against the same background and everything. Would be easy for even a novice to piece together if both pics are against the same background(without people overlapping spots)


<Prior Amod>
My brother is refusing to show up no more than "just passing through", there will be no chance at that.

And yeah Kedwyn, it really bugs me and I hope I can find someone who can help me.


The Scientific Shitlord
Tell your brother he can nut up or be dead to you. Basically just force the issue for your mom's sake. If he wants to continue being a dick then consider it money saved on xmas and birthday gifts.


<Prior Amod>
It's not about me saving money, it's about making my mom happy and getting her something she's always wanted. If he wants to be a dick he's a grown man, I'm not going to change his mind about it.

fred sanford

<Gold Donor>
My uncle did the same thing. My cousin was out of the country for a family event so they took a group shot and left a gap in the back row. They took a picture of my cousin from the same distance and it was an easy photoshoop.


Got something right about marriage
My family has done this quite a few times because even though my grandmother gets a new picture every year and no new children have been born in about 15 years we still HAVE to take one every single goddamn holiday. And every so often someone isn't around so they photoshop the missing person(s) in. Not that difficult really. God I wish she would leave us alone with the group portraits already.


Bronze Squire
Not to be that guy, but they are probably waiting for payment. You know the one.

I'm not 100% in agreement with this board policy, and I have no skills or I'd do it for you, I have the time.


Treasured Member
I can probably do it for you. Depends on the available photos you're thinking of taking from facebook.
Would you like a Busey face version as well?


<Prior Amod>
Not to be that guy, but they are probably waiting for payment. You know the one.

I'm not 100% in agreement with this board policy, and I have no skills or I'd do it for you, I have the time.
I'm not asking for votes for something and I'm not in that subsection of the forum.

What sort of photos would you need Urgo? Also, one version with and one without would be fine.


Treasured Member
If it's just a collage, not too much, just all good quality hopefully.
If you want them all in one picture facing the camera he-was-there-the-whole-time kind of thing; then some similar lighting, facing the right way, etc.

You can send them to me if you already know roughly what you want and I'll splice them together.