Planetside 2


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I finally have a computer that this will run on. What server/faction should I start on for a newbie and what class is best to begin with?


FoH nuclear response team
I finally have a computer that this will run on. What server/faction should I start on for a newbie and what class is best to begin with?
We got people playing on Connery VS including myself. Best classes to start with for major certs are medics and engineer. Medics have some of the best guns starting out as well. Make sure you get all the 1 cert upgrades for the classes before you start doing anything with weapon certs, mainly nano-weave armor and medic/repair tool.

If you start on VS Connery add me in game (purpitrator) and I can get you in our outfit as well as give you some tips. I won't be playing until Fri but I'll be on a lot all weekend.


Seconding the medic/engineer recommendation. You can run around healing/reviving people as a medic while you learn the general layouts of the bases. Or if there aren't many engineers around, go engineer yourself, drop the ammo refiller thing in a good spot on the ground where tons of people are walking, and repair MAXes/vehicles to rake in the certs. Make sure to upgrade the heal and repair tools when you can, the upgrades have a huge effect.


We got people playing on Connery VS including myself. Best classes to start with for major certs are medics and engineer. Medics have some of the best guns starting out as well. Make sure you get all the 1 cert upgrades for the classes before you start doing anything with weapon certs, mainly nano-weave armor and medic/repair tool.

If you start on VS Connery add me in game (purpitrator) and I can get you in our outfit as well as give you some tips. I won't be playing until Fri but I'll be on a lot all weekend.
do you ever look at your chat hud?

max out medic gun/eng gun first unless your're a veteran FPS player I guess you can go HA.


FoH nuclear response team
lol I do, but most of the time I miss messages by like 2 hours. I noticed they added a noise for when a tell comes in but if you're in an intense battle it get's drowned out. I'll message you bro.


lol I do, but most of the time I miss messages by like 2 hours. I noticed they added a noise for when a tell comes in but if you're in an intense battle it get's drowned out. I'll message you bro.
ya man you gotta keep up to date with your fans. Hackusations, hate tells, and my favorite "I could've killed you if.."

Nothing says love like being a Dalton gunner.


Just got my 2000 WDS points.
Tier1 + Tier3 were the same crappy camo's. Didn't see what the 2nd tier was, but it wasn't a boost.

WDS seems cool in concept, but again just encourages zergs to avoid each other either on a local hex level or grander continent level (if no high value bases are easily within capture)

Once again, biggest flaw is there is hardly any reason to defend on a personal level, and barely any reason on a faction-server level


Vyemm Raider
Amerish revamp with lattice is live today. 1.7GB patch.

Image too large, here is a 4k res pic:

Patch link:403 Forbidden

Quick and dirty Copypasta

Patch Notes:

Amerish Revamp
Implemented the Lattice system
Performance pass
Separated the Facility Satellites into independent outposts
Added 9 brand new outposts!
Updated, polished and/or reconstructed every outpost on the continent
Added the multi-cap point Amp Station at Sungrey
Improved roads throughout the map for easier travel
Updated resource rewards to maintain resource clusters on the updated Amerish continent
Increased major facility resource rewards on Amerish from 30 to 50

Bug Fixes

The Hunter QCX crossbow can now be trialed
Fixed audio not playing when reloading an empty Hunter QCX crossbow
Corrected the look of the Stargazer when camo is applied
Fixed an issue where the damage from flying over an enemy's spawn room would sometimes persist
Camos should now apply to all vehicle cosmetic attachments
All bolt action sniper rifles will now play the reload animation when they are empty
Client crash fix
Server optimization


All Infiltrator cloaks now become less visible at a faster rate after sprinting. This is especially noticeable when transitioning from sprinting to crouching.
Hunter QCX normal bolt damage adjustments
Minimum damage range increased from 30 to 35 meters
Maximum damage range increased from 50 to 60 meters
This makes the bolt a consistent 2 shot kill against full nanoweave targets for up to 40 meters
Hunter QCX explosive bolt damage adjustments
Min damage range increased from 20 to 30 meters
Max damage range increased from 40 to 50 meters
This makes the bolt a consistent 8 shots to kill against stock MAX units for up to 40 meters
Purging old characters

Known Issue

The lattice isn't appearing on the map. We have a fix for that on the client coming within a couple of hours. No downtime for that. **Client Update Completed


FoH nuclear response team
Jesus. Fucking. Christ. The first base I fight in is so horribly designed it's not even funny. Giant cliffs right above the spawn room, the NC just roll up and camp the spawn room and there is no way to get out to fight for the point. GG SOE, regretting my monthly sub already.

Also, the nerf to Infiltrators while moving has made the class unplayable unless you buy the new cloak.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'll be on this weekend. I pretty much suck other than being a support person but I am enjoying it. VS on Connery I'm TheWoodenHorse. NC on Connery I'm TheMissionaryMan (from the Eurythmics song, not some proselytizing fire and brimstone guy). TR on Connery I'm TheQuetzalcoatl but I never play my TR guy.


FoH nuclear response team
I'll be on this weekend. I pretty much suck other than being a support person but I am enjoying it. VS on Connery I'm TheWoodenHorse. NC on Connery I'm TheMissionaryMan (from the Eurythmics song, not some proselytizing fire and brimstone guy). TR on Connery I'm TheQuetzalcoatl but I never play my TR guy.
Man I saw you online the other day and hit you up for like 30 mins but couldn't get a reply.

Some of these bases on Amerish have some really cool designs but I have no idea wtf they were thinking with spawn room location @ Sungrey West.


FoH nuclear response team
Finally got Higby, glory to the VS! Sorry for the size.



Bronze Knight of the Realm
Man I saw you online the other day and hit you up for like 30 mins but couldn't get a reply.

Some of these bases on Amerish have some really cool designs but I have no idea wtf they were thinking with spawn room location @ Sungrey West.
Sorry Hekotat. I get so focused on not dying 5 times in a row that I neglect my chat screen.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Are you talking about the Max AA bursters? They can be ok, and if you can get away with lockdown you're pretty deadly to aircraft :p


Silver Baronet of the Realm
No the hand helds that Heavy Infantry use. The AA launcher used to fire damn near in a straight line, but a few months back they added an arc to it. Wondering if that's been reversed - the arc sucks ass. It's why I just stopped playing.