Planetside 2


That does seem like a relatively well thought out, painfully obvious, and easily applicable critique to most modern FPSs/PVP games.


Golden Squire
Of all the people whose complaints they chose, they had to choose Buzz. He makes valid points but he really does not need the attention. That said, last night was an especially good feeling holding off the entirety of the TR, including The Enclave and BuzzCut at Andvari Biolab. The best part of which was we denied the TR the Esamir continent lock


Of all the people whose complaints they chose, they had to choose Buzz. He makes valid points but he really does not need the attention. That said, last night was an especially good feeling holding off the entirety of the TR, including The Enclave and BuzzCut at Andvari Biolab. The best part of which was we denied the TR the Esamir continent lock
Yeah been hearing NC has made TR there bitch for weeks now. Looks that way at primetime each night I log in for free certs too.


Golden Squire
Yeah been hearing NC has made TR there bitch for weeks now. Looks that way at primetime each night I log in for free certs too.
Do you have a char on Mattherson? Well, Goons is NC on Mattherson and they always have large numbers. I would like to point out however that VS on Mattherson have held Indar for a solid two weeks and counting right now


Lord Nagafen Raider
Im with the Blue Lions Matherson [BL] outfit and we've been shitting on TR for a while.

2:1 TR vs NC tonight on Amerish all night. Not only did we deny continent lock but pushed them back half way.


Golden Squire
Im with the Blue Lions Matherson [BL] outfit and we've been shitting on TR for a while.

2:1 TR vs NC tonight on Amerish all night. Not only did we deny continent lock but pushed them back half way.
Ah yeah, I've been in LoL tonight. About to log in and see what's up. One thing I've noticed about the NC is you guys really, really like to swarm air.


Molten Core Raider
Do cert points/purchases carry over from server to server? Helios has a retarded population balance but I don't want to lose all my progress :\


Vyemm Raider
Hex crash fix went in last night:

A fix for the variously described "hex crash"/"C4 crash"/"Sunderer crash" exploit will be going up tonight.
Also, the banhammer is coming:

As a side note, we have log evidence for players who were causing it and will be banning.
Apparently on Matherson Buzzcutpsycho was openly saying in /yell that he was using this exploit in an effort to make SOE fix it faster. If this is true, here's hoping there are no sacred cows and he isn't spared just because he's well known and active in the game's community. (I don't really care about him one way or the other, I just don't want to see preferential treatment; it would set a terrible precedent and tone for a game so early in its lifespan).

Lastly, update on update!:

Should have a post out to you guys tomorrow afternoon with info about this month's update.
That would be sometime this afternoon.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Apparently on Matherson Buzzcutpsycho was openly saying in /yell that he was using this exploit in an effort to make SOE fix it faster. If this is true, here's hoping there are no sacred cows and he isn't spared just because he's well known and active in the game's community. (I don't really care about him one way or the other, I just don't want to see preferential treatment; it would set a terrible precedent and tone for a game so early in its lifespan).
If he was using it I hope he gets banned. Not only because he should, but also because he is a douche. I have been told that a lot of the devs don't like him anyway so hopefully he doesn't get any preferential treatment. He did make a few good points in his PCgamer rant but there was also a bunch of shit that would just make the game a meat grinder that would only benefit infantry type Outfits such as his.


Speaking of exploits, have they fixed the c4 / mines through force fields thing yet? I've been reporting people that do that for awhile, but it is a bit of a grey area.


If he was using it I hope he gets banned. Not only because he should, but also because he is a douche. I have been told that a lot of the devs don't like him anyway so hopefully he doesn't get any preferential treatment. He did make a few good points in his PCgamer rant but there was also a bunch of shit that would just make the game a meat grinder that would only benefit infantry type Outfits such as his.
He openly insults your outfit for being a mindless giant zerg and it is to some degree when you guys aren't running major ops but thats a big difference between the two times. When the majority of the jaeger crew logs the late night crew sometimes log in our Vanu alts on Connery. We see literally a million of you fuckers wrecking the VS. In fact i dont think i have fought any NC w/o 666 in tags. ( TR Chinese do this to VS in the morning and early afternoon)

Speaking of the VS on Connery, they are in need of some dire help. WTF? That is like the worst population imbalance i have ever seen. Saying they get raped on a nightly basis is such an understatement. It's like playing Hibernia or a even better example would be the Good team the first month on Sullon Zek lol.(add my alt if your on vs Connery btw -- RegimeVS ).

With that said its a shame you guys stayed west and didnt come to Matherson but with the Goons here maybe that is a good thing. I respect TE and played with them and against them. I understand your hate for TE. He respects my outfit which is rare and he bitched at someone on twitch for teabagging a member once haha. He used to be in my outfit i was told waaaay back when and left to form TE. He has excellent points and even being a KD whore I even agree with his hate for stats killing aspects of the game but he wants an emphasis on more infantry combat and that is his agenda( i cant blame him or Azure Twilight for wanting this)

Do you have a char on Mattherson? Well, Goons is NC on Mattherson and they always have large numbers. I would like to point out however that VS on Mattherson have held Indar for a solid two weeks and counting right now
Yeah man my toon on matherson is Regime in SG along with a bunch of the jaegar guys (CML and one Enclave) also got a few AT people too. I just cant bring myself to play NC haha. I do miss Mathersn though. Best server by a long stretch.


I don't know what the fuck happened to Vanu on Jaeger but holy fuck.
I logged in yesterday and played for maybe an hour, almost all of which was spent on Indar (whatever was getting free air kills).. we were pushed into our spawn and there wasmaybe15 people on all of Vanu. Today didn't seem much better, although we actually had some pull in the other maps.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Speaking of exploits, have they fixed the c4 / mines through force fields thing yet? I've been reporting people that do that for awhile, but it is a bit of a grey area.
I don't think this is a exploit. It was around in beta and I remember sometime during that time someone said it was fine.

Since the only time you do damage is if a person is next to the shield and trying to kill people outside while safely behind a 1 -way invul shield. This gives a counter to keep people from just hugging the shield and taking out people outside.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Vanu on Jaeger can't even get the numbers together on most nights. They even get caught in a crossfire sometimes between TR and NC, especially when TR is pushing for total domination. They have a few really good squads. The other night, we had most of our anti-air at a fallback point and they found it and send two squads to take over the ground base to deny is the landing pads.

This isn't Galaxy rush per se, it's actually 6 or 7 galaxies full of people +2-3 libs +Mosquito escorts (albeit light that day, 2-3). Targets, Crown, Ti Alloys and a few other surrounding areas.


FoH nuclear response team
I don't know what the fuck happened to Vanu on Jaeger but holy fuck.
I logged in yesterday and played for maybe an hour, almost all of which was spent on Indar (whatever was getting free air kills).. we were pushed into our spawn and there wasmaybe15 people on all of Vanu. Today didn't seem much better, although we actually had some pull in the other maps.
I noticed a severe dip in their online presence as well, used to kick the shit out of NC/TR at night now it's just NC all the time.

porkchop sandwiches

Potato del Grande
Patch notes for 1/30 patch. Looks like they are doing something to address the XP issues:

  • General performance increases, particularly for lower end GPUs
  • Experience (XP) system enhancements:
  • Dynamic XP system for player kills, players who have more kills on their current life are worth more XP. Freshly spawned players will be worth a fraction of the current kill reward.
  • Partial damage XP for dealing damage to vehicles that you don't end up killing
  • Population XP / Resource bonus moved over to continent population instead of global
  • Better display of XP sources for things like defensive bonuses & population bonuses
  • Rebalancing of XP rewards to help support tasks
  • Server transfer token available in Depot
  • UI changes to emphasize score per minute as a primary metric of player comparison
  • Sortable columns on outfit management & addition of "last online" column
  • New weapon type for all empires: SMG
  • Short period of invulnerability will be added to freshly spawned / revived players - breaks upon game actions such as entering a vehicle or using a weapon.
  • Dynamic / player configurable colors for minimap & overhead indicators for enemies, friendlies, and squads within a platoon
  • New Hot Spot system that displays where active fights are occurring on the map
  • New spawn buildings with more exits, protected balconies and easy roof access to make them less campable.
  • Tunnel systems for amp and tech facilities to give access from spawn rooms to interior of bases and base walls without having to go above ground.
  • Making MAXes render more reliably at long distances for players in vehicles
  • AA improvements, notably flak changes for turrets and skyguards, giving them some better ability to aim, although not drastically impacting their DPS.
  • Fixes to missiles so that they more reliably detonate and actually blow stuff up
  • Air vehicle weapon tweaks
  • Increases to reload speed for certain HE ground vehicle weapons
  • And of course... lots of bug fixes


Argo guys join the new teamspeak server in the MOTD when you log in thanks. We reformed and will get you reinvited.