Playstation 4


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
US Amazon pre-orders, in general, arrive release day. They have enough distribution centers around the US to be able to ship the day or two before launch and have it arrive on release day.

I am virtually certain that 2-day shipping for the PS4 preorder was guaranteed release date delivery (and was only $8).
If you have Amazon Prime the release day shipping is free.


Golden Knight of the Realm
More than a little worried by the FF15 announcement. Someone on another forum was calling it "Final Fantasy - God of War edition". The game might end up being a great platformer but it still won't be FF...


More than a little worried by the FF15 announcement. Someone on another forum was calling it "Final Fantasy - God of War edition". The game might end up being a great platformer but it still won't be FF...
Well, it's basically being made by the main designer of Kingdom Hearts. It's his game. I expect the gameplay to be more like that series than anything else.


Trump's Staff
Well, it's basically being made by the main designer of Kingdom Hearts. It's his game. I expect the gameplay to be more like that series than anything else.
Looks like it plays exactly like KH, which is a great thing.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I pre ordered a PS4. I've never bothered getting a console on release day before. Microsoft sure drove me into the arms of Sony lol.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Welcome back to the throne Sony. We missed you the past 7 years.

What an ass kicking that conference was last night. Oh to be a fly on the wall in the MS offices as they were watching their company getting raped over and over.
Welcome back to the throne Sony. We missed you the past 7 years.

What an ass kicking that conference was last night. Oh to be a fly on the wall in the MS offices as they were watching their company getting raped over and over.
With Ballmer still in charge, and all the psycho-delusional yes-men cronies thats left around him after MS cleared house of all the sane upper brass the last few years- I'm pretty sure they're all sitting around the conference room smiling and congratulating themselves on how kick-butt awesome they were and just how much money Xbone is gonna rake in for them.


Call of Duty is looking extremely dated with the amount of awesome FPS's being released next gen. I'm a CoD fan aswell.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I always find it weird hearing about all the buying and re-selling. I live in a pretty small town, 40,000 or so people, and while there have been lines to get new products for sure, I've never had any problem purchasing anything. I remember when people online were talking about selling WoW collectors editions at huge mark ups, and I could go to Hastings/Walmart/Kmart and look at dozens of copies on the shelf, and it just seemed like it couldn't possibly be real. I never had the cash to risk trying it out until Diablo 3 last year. Went to a Midnight release and bought 3 copies. Ended up returning 2 copies a couple weeks later when I had no luck selling them online. I assume that was because of an abundance of product plus the dismal initial reaction to the game.

I'm now in a position to go buy dozens of PS4's if I wanted, but man, if there is no shortage etc... thats a lot of money risked. Maybe I have too much of a hoarder, not enough of a gambler, instinct.
I'd like to hear more opinions on what people think supply will be like at release. I've already pre-ordered one PS4 that I plan on re-selling, and I might get more. Do people think this generation will continue the trend where there are supply issues at release?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I'd like to hear more opinions on what people think supply will be like at release. I've already pre-ordered one PS4 that I plan on re-selling, and I might get more. Do people think this generation will continue the trend where there are supply issues at release?
If anything, there will continue to be that trend due to people buying several systems at a time with the goal of reselling at an upcharge. As long as people who waited too long and/or have money to waste buy systems at 100% markup on Ebay, etc, there will most likely be strained supply at launch.