Pokemans and how to catch them with your phone - friend codes in OP


Mr. Poopybutthole
4am in the morning. Farfetched spawns at the nearby elementary school. 5 minutes to get there. Throw on some pants, run there, chase my tail for a bit, finally find it and catch it.

On the way out, Police Officer at the nearby Police Box asks me what I'm doing. Explain that a rare pokemon spawned nearby and I had to get it.

He thinks for a bit, then asks me which one. I show him on my phone, and he just stares at me for a moment before picking up his phone and heading off to see if it's still therewhile hitting his radio and telling the other cops where it is and to hurry

I love living in Japan sometimes.
fuckin rofl.

So there is a specific little spot in my town that has been spawning Doduo's all weekend, but I don't remember seeing them there earlier in the week. Do these things just periodically pop up for a while in places, or is it a permanent feature of my town? I remember reading something about a Dratini lair, so is this a Doduo lair? If so, what a shitty pokemon lair to get.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
4am in the morning. Farfetched spawns at the nearby elementary school. 5 minutes to get there. Throw on some pants, run there, chase my tail for a bit, finally find it and catch it.

On the way out, Police Officer at the nearby Police Box asks me what I'm doing. Explain that a rare pokemon spawned nearby and I had to get it.

He thinks for a bit, then asks me which one. I show him on my phone, and he just stares at me for a moment before picking up his phone and heading off to see if it's still therewhile hitting his radio and telling the other cops where it is and to hurry

I love living in Japan sometimes.
that's incredible


So there is a specific little spot in my town that has been spawning Doduo's all weekend, but I don't remember seeing them there earlier in the week. Do these things just periodically pop up for a while in places, or is it a permanent feature of my town? I remember reading something about a Dratini lair, so is this a Doduo lair? If so, what a shitty pokemon lair to get.
Permanent feature. From my experience, there are spawn points that generate specific Pokemon, but with varying time scales. There's a spawn point about 300m from me that has commonly spawns Magikarp, Psyduck, Tentacool, Goldeen, and Poliwag. Occasionally (maybe once every hr or two), it'll spawn Dratini and Squirtle. Even more rarely, it'll pop off a Dragonair. Still don't have a Dragonite though...


4am in the morning. Farfetched spawns at the nearby elementary school. 5 minutes to get there. Throw on some pants, run there, chase my tail for a bit, finally find it and catch it.

On the way out, Police Officer at the nearby Police Box asks me what I'm doing. Explain that a rare pokemon spawned nearby and I had to get it.

He thinks for a bit, then asks me which one. I show him on my phone, and he just stares at me for a moment before picking up his phone and heading off to see if it's still therewhile hitting his radio and telling the other cops where it is and to hurry

I love living in Japan sometimes.
Pretty cool. I was hearing similar stories in the US too on release week, but I'm sure it'll happen more often in Japan.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Permanent feature. From my experience, there are spawn points that generate specific Pokemon, but with varying time scales. There's a spawn point about 300m from me that has commonly spawns Magikarp, Psyduck, Tentacool, Goldeen, and Poliwag. Occasionally (maybe once every hr or two), it'll spawn Dratini and Squirtle. Even more rarely, it'll pop off a Dragonair. Still don't have a Dragonite though...
Fuck man. I mean I wouldn't expect to be lucky enough to get something really crazy, but Doduo? Ugh.


Fuck man. I mean I wouldn't expect to be lucky enough to get something really crazy, but Doduo? Ugh.
Haha, I'm not saying you should be excited about Doduo, I've practically stopped catching them they're as common as Pidgey in my city. Who knows though, maybe that spot has a rare chance to spawn something better than Doduo.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Haha, I'm not saying you should be excited about Doduo, I've practically stopped catching them they're as common as Pidgey in my city. Who knows though, maybe that spot has a rare chance to spawn something better than Doduo.
Yeah...a Dodrio. /wrist


Mr. Poopybutthole
There's a Los Angeles den map, and I've spent some time farming up at a few of them. Some were completely incorrectly labelled (or I didn't spend enough time there), but a lot were awesome.

Dratini in Barnhill park.
Squirtle in Point Fermin park.
Charmander in La Brea/Art Museum area.
Bulbasaur in Ford park.
Abra in some park in Santa Ana (can't remember name).
And Santa Monica which has a ton of everything that seems rare elsewhere (Electabuzz, water Pokemon, etc).


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I only heard Double Weakness was gone, I hope it is still in.

Limiting factor on power is your stardust amount, not IVs. You don't get enough dust to level much to 100%. Only check IVs if you have 2+ of the same family at 90%+ exp and you wanna know which to keep. I'm not going to enjoy the game stressing about getting a better rare Eevee, I'm levelling the one 90% exp one I got.
Not sure what you're talking about with this. Stardust is absolutely the limiting factor, so you don't want to spend it on low IV pokemon.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Is there a way to increase the search radius? Because it's so small that it's basically useless to me.
I'm guessing that the more things settle down the more likely pokevision or its successors will start doing tri, quad, 9 searches etc. As in, instead of search once around your desired location they'll search many times all around your location.

This, of course, will put additional load on the servers. This along with other automated systems will put a massive amount of strain on the servers until they wisen up about third party API requests.


Not sure what you're talking about with this. Stardust is absolutely the limiting factor, so you don't want to spend it on low IV pokemon.
Stardust is the limiting factor because it takes so much to level a low CP Pokemon. Anything less than 80% CP just isn't worth considering powering up, imo.


Periscope livestream:https://www.periscope.tv/w/1rmxPDpDRzDxN

Trading mentioned, same with Pokemon Centers. Seems like they want people to create points. Working on stops. Want to add additional generations of Pokemon

Talking about cars vs walking in LA.

Confirmed Eevee naming easter egg.

Question about breeding, no current plans. And the stream went down...

It's back, question about a legendary event (i.e. right there at Comic-Con), doesn't seem like it's going to happen. They want to get the game live everywhere first.

Aware of the 3-step bug.

Debuting leadership of the teams: Image here (Pokemon GO on Twitter)
Team Mystic = Blanche
Team Instinct = Spark
Team Valor = Candela

More to come from the team leaders. Possibly involving legendaries.

And that's it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
My search radius gives me a good 15 minute walk in every direction. Pokemon last less time than that, so it seems pretty much perfect.
My searches have a radius of about a single block. Small town blocks, not city blocks, it's absolutely tiny. I'd say if I was starting in the center of town, the entire town is within 10 minutes of me on foot, maybe less. It should be pretty easy to include the entire town in my search radius.


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
My local area isn't working right now but this is the default search area for Pokevision. Looks pretty huge to me.



Mr. Poopybutthole
My local area isn't working right now but this is the default search area for Pokevision. Looks pretty huge to me.
Yeah when I do a search, the radius is so small it probably wouldn't quite reveal all the pokemon on the end of the pier. If it actually starts working again I'll post a pic of how much it shows me compared to what my desktop app shows for the entire town.

*edit* First pic is the desktop app, second pic is what pokevision shows me. Completely worthless.
