Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again


Trakanon Raider
Is that true? I thought it was selo + DDs. If you are kiting an entire zone, I would think just a few snare resists (out of hundreds of mobs) would ruin your day.
After watching multiple methods in OT. There's really lots of ways I've seen it done. The AE snare is what really makes it easy mode. Obviously you want to choose mobs that won't resist the snare. It's still pretty dangerous regardless of the way you do it though. One fuck up and you're basically ded.


Guess I'm waiting a bit for good aggro weps then.

Anyone here have a guild going? Warrior is 10 now. Also have a 50 druid and 20 something enchanter.


Regarding Bard swarm kiting (I got to 55 before quitting).

You actually cast your AoE dots which have a very small range advantage over the melee range of NPCs. EX: Your lvl 2 and 18 dot have a range of 17, mob melee range is 15. The level 18 dot has a slightly bigger advantage, so most people typically end up only using that for damage, as using the level 2 dot requires you to be extremely close to the swarm. To achieve this by yourself you need to run a sort of oval shaped pattern, swinging in close right as the dot is about to cast, hitting the entire pack and swinging back you.

You never use AoE snare while solo kiting. The AOE snare is used typically to power level people, as it has huge agro, and allows a high level bard to keep a nice tight pack for lower level guys to cast PBAOEs to hit everything.

After mid 40s, when you hit the dreadlands, the Melee range of the mobs is even closer to the range of your dots, so you typically see two people AoE kiting packs using low hp agro. (Supposedly this was nerfed since I played last) That involved a bard getting down to sub 20% health which was basically ironclad agro on your pack. With higher hp mobs however, the second kiter doing damage would need to log out to clear agro (even with low hp agro, the mobs in dreadlands, burning woods, etc. will eventually turn onto the bard doing damage because their health pools were so large). One logout sufficed in Dreadlands, 2-3 times were needed for Burning Woods mobs. Any class that has access to a move speed buff could be the low hp kiter, however, bard speed was required if you wanted to kite caster mobs, as they were able to stay far enough ahead of the mobs so they wouldn't be constantly stopping to cast spells.

After the 40s, it's not really viable IMO w/o a partner. It just takes too long to kill things, and one mistake during an hour long circle running marathon costs you all progress.


Toe Sucker
can the titanium client actually render shadows and shit? i've never actually bothered touching the settings but looking at a random videothis guy'sclient seems to look a lot better lol

i'm just bored watching random EQ shit until i go home lol


Hell any recommended settings in general for the titanium client? my mouse look going from side to side seems really slow compared to up and down, i'm guessing this has something to do with settings lol


Get wineq2

Usually used for multi boxing as it makes tabbing to other windows much smoother. Also fixes that mouse look issue. I would highly recommend getting it.


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
can the titanium client actually render shadows and shit? i've never actually bothered touching the settings but looking at a random videothis guy'sclient seems to look a lot better lol

i'm just bored watching random EQ shit until i go home lol


Hell any recommended settings in general for the titanium client? my mouse look going from side to side seems really slow compared to up and down, i'm guessing this has something to do with settings lol
Usually the mouse issue is caused by your max FPS being set too high. In the settings, try capping it at 60 or lower and see how that feels. It tends to also interact weird with jumping (When I first started playing, if I jumped I'd get stuck in the air and have to log out.) and random other things. And yeah, the shadows work in this client.


Toe Sucker
Usually the mouse issue is caused by your max FPS being set too high. In the settings, try capping it at 60 or lower and see how that feels. It tends to also interact weird with jumping (When I first started playing, if I jumped I'd get stuck in the air and have to log out.) and random other things. And yeah, the shadows work in this client.
Yeah i found that out last night lol, FPS makes sense... when i drop off of kelethin i float really slowly which is pretty weird lol


Lord Nagafen Raider
What mouse issue? You mean the one when it randomly turns you around and you then zone back the way you came from?


Toe Sucker
What mouse issue? You mean the one when it randomly turns you around and you then zone back the way you came from?
I have that issue yeah, its fucking annoying when i'm running through a forest with no indication of where im going except straight lol


Lord Nagafen Raider
I have that issue yeah, its fucking annoying when i'm running through a forest with no indication of where im going except straight lol
Generally a symptom of lag, server or client. Happens when you attempt to turn faster than it updates or some shit--not sure on the specifics.

edit: Also, rerolled bard up to 53? And he's actually amassed a little wealth for himself, something like ~ 30-40k in gear :p


Lord Nagafen Raider
The one where it turns me around ussually happens when I'm actually going straight or standing still. Never happens when moving strafe.

Also, it seems my graphic card isn't capable of handling groups since if I look in their direction from Highkeep entrance, It just skips them


Toe Sucker
got dat DE mask

I forgot how whack and confusing najena is, blarghh. I want to go to Kurns but its so far


Toe Sucker
Nice, that didn't take long. I went to Kurns on my cleric and enchanter in the low teens. It's a pain but good xp.
I got lucky, a bard in their group needed his.. it popped right as i got there, and then a second assassin popped 2 spawns after with my mask lol


Trakanon Raider
Any advice/tips on getting some money for basic equipment?

I've just started a few days ago, man everybody is heavily twinked in this server?

Played a paladin and a bard for a lot of years in original EQ, I'm playing a bard again =) any suggestions on cheap equipment?



Lord Nagafen Raider
Any advice/tips on getting some money for basic equipment?

I've just started a few days ago, man everybody is heavily twinked in this server?

Played a paladin and a bard for a lot of years in original EQ, I'm playing a bard again =) any suggestions on cheap equipment?

Getting basic caster gear while you level isn't hard and it's fairly cheap on the whole. Getting melee gear (especially quality haste, sans rogue epic) can be quite expensive--I wouldn't play a melee as a first char. Leveling a bard to about 50 is fairly easy if you have an aptitude for kiting and can be simply done with vendor instruments alone. Enc / Nec make good first chars as they're not overly gear dependent and are quite capable for farming. Bard is also a good first char as a skilled bard can level quickly and also sell PL quickly if need-be.


Trakanon Raider

I played bard through kunark up to PoP. I powerleveled myself back in the day swarming and kiting, so I guess the skill is there, not used in years tho.

I'm level 4 and already bought all vendor instruments, I understand that they will serve me well for a few levels right?

Is AE kiting the best option in EQ99 for bards?

Again thanks Heallun.