Project 99 - Green Server announcement


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Also, P99 does not collect window titles to identify users. They look for specific programs that are queried by GMs on demand, or if they're prepping a ban wave, they may just do it once as opposed to every time you zone to a new area (like I did).

Unless you are on Red99. I used to run selos for faster clears when quad kiting cyclops and just assumed it was wild west. Eventually with marathon sessions, you get sloppy and someone will see a little something.

Later when Greengrocer dumped the entire petition logs for that year, i downloaded and queried my wizards name, I had 3 separate petitions for different incidents. One guy caught me in Overthere naked hauling ass to skyfire for CR. I swear to God I spammed /who the entire time and zone was empty, but he must have popped in and saw my ghost due to move latency when you're moving at lightspeed.

So I can confirm no enforcement on dead99. One of many reasons Red crashed and burned in it's later days.

Still in good standing-- my account never had any action taken on it.
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Red99 was hella fun for a bit there. Too bad. Would be sweet if we could gank the P99 codebase and split their pop...

The only reason the pvp became any good at all is because Haynar (who probably started playing there) is an absolute unit and hard worker. He sat down and actually listened to me. He got it as right as anyone ever will.

I led a campaign to tirelessly bring in and train new blood to the server. The idiot guild leader we previously crushed for the betterment of the box, was allowed to hijack the growing newbie guild and lead it to destruction and RUIN.

They refuse to acknowledge the mess Rogean threw out the door, the multiple massively corrupt GMs and a dev that destroyed that server's integrity.

Do you think unmasking these scumbags was easy? Did I pontificate about how I work for free and everyone should kiss my ass or never question me? Did I bar them from speaking with me?


You've gotta be on a pretty high tier of involvement in the community brain trust to understand how much greed and "donations" (totalling 100k+ per year from a small pool of community members..
. Hmmm....) and the content changes I know said donators demanded have ruined things there.

There is some real talent there like Nilbog and Haynar, and some stern stuff not caving to trolling from stress from Rogean that made that community great. Most people would have turned the server off after the amount of bullshit that went on (Yeahlight) and I do give credit where it is due.

Now it's this for that style donations that ruin classic mechanics and trannies/furries (I don't make threads about fucking my wife or seeing my child born) clogging up discussion with calling people bigots or making threads about soiling themselves (post op?). People who challenge that are banned under bullshit pretenses. RNF used to be great lols (remember thread tagging) and cry babies were told to gtfo or don't look at it. Now it's politically motivated and controlled. You gotta know I fixed a bayonet and charged into certain ban/eviction because I didnt contribute or make efforts there because of donations or interviews with gaming rags. Galach is hiding in a bunker with Joe Biden, when he could take a stand.

It's a shame what they're wasting. My crusade to inform people is going very well. A few hundred so far have said this is their last ride or they were barely logging in and now decided to be done.

It's a sick animal that needs to be put down. I doubt anyone could do more to expose these problems, unmask corruption or explain the trend of obvious malignancy. Do your part.
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ResetEra Staff Member
Nirgon, I don't know why, if you're so upset by the way P99 handles things, that you don't just play and interact on TAKP instead.

It's more classic aside from boxing mechanically, and there's no political division among different guilds as they all wait their turn in line (which is also classic)

Haynar is a primary contributors there. He's your pal. Come home.


Trakanon Raider
buy a 4g router, buy a verizon 10gb/month for 5$ simcard and wire your 2nd pc into it and welcome to undetectable boxing
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ResetEra Staff Member
buy a 4g router, buy a verizon 10gb/month for 5$ simcard and wire your 2nd pc into it and welcome to undetectable boxing

If you're asked to do a 'boxing test', good luck.

The issue isn't the automatic detections, it's the culture P99 cultivates where you are compelled to feel at a disadvantage because you're not cheating and someone else reports you.

You'll also probably have zero negotiation for you ban, too. They don't get your money nor do they care, you get banned that's it.
On the outside, this may not seem like a big deal, but... when you've put 30 days into a character of playing just to have it taken away, it's a big time investment - gone, just like that.

That's why their forum is a cesspool. Self-entitled shits wanting recourse.


Gunnar Durden
Haven’t they come out and shared they pulled Computer name and IP and look for similar usage time? They have a post about it somewhere with an example. They are literally just looking for two of the same name. On at the same time. From the same IP. Pretty simple stuff. If you check either of the two boxes they block you until you petition.


ResetEra Staff Member
Haven’t they come out and shared they pulled Computer name and IP and look for similar usage time? They have a post about it somewhere with an example. They are literally just looking for two of the same name. On at the same time. From the same IP. Pretty simple stuff. If you check either of the two boxes they block you until you petition.

Yeah, pretty much. But they also respond to player reports about boxing too. That's not automatic, and sometimes catches people their detection does not.

Riot Games' anticheat is kind of similar in methodology to what P99 does: Detect, Deter, and Prevent

Deterrence on EQ is really just the barrier of entry to creating a new character and leveling it. That alone is enough to deter repeat offenders, imo.
P99's crackdown on shitheads over the years pretty much scared a lot of them into not cheating with stuff like MySEQ, MQ2 and such. Having level 60 characters you spent a year of your life on just instantly disappear is pretty devastating.

Detection is just that - they don't ban you immediately. They know you're a POS, let you think you're getting away from it, and then waste your time, which is a deterrence in itself. If you don't know why you got banned, you can't bypass it. It's why games don't ban hackers immediately.

Prevention has been attempted in EQ many different ways - it's increasingly harder to cheat in EQ. For example, showing every NPC on the map doesn't really help much when they don't update their position beyond 500 meters. It's also impossible now to do server side exploits such as nodelay, as they are patched on the server. Even if you send the correct packet that triggers the nodelay cheat, or modify the client to send the right data, it won't work anymore with those changes - as the server disallows it. More modern prevention is being developed that actually can detect warping without clientside checks and has zero chance for bypass in the same manner that nodelay was prevented.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
One thing I used to do is invert water/sky.

For some reason if you tried to tell the game you were underwater while on land, it never worked. I could never get the client to acknowledge I was in water while on land UNLESS I was already in water to begin with, then the status would stick when I reversed it while already in water.

So you had to sprint your ass to a water source, hit the water, then you could bust out of the water like a phoenix.

I never hacked in PvP-- but I did use it once or twice to get a few Marvel Superhero cheap yucks while messing around in Firiona Vie.
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ResetEra Staff Member
One thing I used to do is invert water/sky.

For some reason if you tried to tell the game you were underwater while on land, it never worked. I could never get the client to acknowledge I was in water while on land UNLESS I was already in water to begin with, then the status would stick when I reversed it while already in water.

So you had to sprint your ass to a water source, hit the water, then you could bust out of the water like a phoenix.

I never hacked in PvP-- but I did use it once or twice to get a few Marvel Superhero cheap yucks while messing around in Firiona Vie.
Least you didn't try and drown Kelethin.

  • 1Worf
  • 1Mother of God
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Nirgon, I don't know why, if you're so upset by the way P99 handles things, that you don't just play and interact on TAKP instead.

It's more classic aside from boxing mechanically, and there's no political division among different guilds as they all wait their turn in line (which is also classic)

Haynar is a primary contributors there. He's your pal. Come home.

Miss ya bud. Disgust is the word I'd use tho.

I'll be on Pantheon till the end for better or worse.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I vaguely remember being able to cheese entire fights because of where we would pull them. Since coming to the mischief TLP, I just figured that was put in place to stop those shenanigans. Other than nostalgia, or being able to do bigger fights with only a handful of people - I dont see why people would care either way.


Vyemm Raider
I vaguely remember being able to cheese entire fights because of where we would pull them. Since coming to the mischief TLP, I just figured that was put in place to stop those shenanigans. Other than nostalgia, or being able to do bigger fights with only a handful of people - I dont see why people would care either way.
Ah ya that was also another reason. With rooted dragons, smaller guilds stand basically zero chance of contesting the majority of NToV.


<Bronze Donator>
Reminder: I have always been correct when accusing them. Always. Because I never do so without perfectly good reason. Do not play any future boxes of the Rogean Technologies. He was an MQ compiling scum on Combine server and is a corrupt administrator who rides the coat tails of Brad's success to make illegal profits.

Reminder: Nope, you have been wrong. You are just another mud slinger throwing out false accusations and I've told you this for years now. You were right sometimes and wrong other times. But a monkey throwing shit against a wall has the same track record.
  • 1Edgelord
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Reminder: Nope, you have been wrong. You are just another mud slinger throwing out false accusations and I've told you this for years now. You were right sometimes and wrong other times. But a monkey throwing shit against a wall has the same track record.

Amelinda - I was right. Literally on RMT take and watching another guild exploit or handing out favorable outcomes. I was threatened for making the accusation by the top.

Derubael - I wasn't involved in any of that. Brother Ramal was. Big oof.

Sundawg - I was right. Restarting a server whenever we pushed timer and when we took a Trakanon as Dentists underdogs. Then there's the content changes.... which we are seeing again...

Xzerion fiasco and BDA stuff on blue - I was right

Green - seeing more of the same.

Uthgaard, who never lied to me, told me *all* the devs play. Considering how scummy one was and the bizarre, seemingly out of touch and biased enforcement going on... lol.

Are you Sundawg or what buddy? Do you not find it odd that a small pool of donators is hitting 80-110k and all of these content changes are being made?

After a while you see a very obvious and established pattern. I gave it enough chances. Most people here tossed this shit after 1 problem or fiasco, wisely. This monkey hits the bullseye with his turds.
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ResetEra Staff Member
lol wut. did any servers ever do this shit before p99? what a joke
Yes. It was wildly inconsistent though. Just based on what I read, not what I experienced - there were GMs or Guides who would make those rulings on the spot.
GM-enforced rotations were actually commonplace on other servers if two guilds could not get along. I recall GMs despawning mobs if two guilds were too hot-headed.

TAKP took this a step further and just made it a rule.


Trakanon Raider
the rathe was rotation, created by the top guild and it purposely hurt everyone except them. they would be in the end zone while 10 guilds would rotate around. imagine getting elementals first while 10 guilds are rotating shit like grummus and mb