Puzzles and Dragons


<WoW Guild Officer>
Yeah, I play a A.Kirin team and I constantly get fucked by the "sub 250k dmg" shit.


Vyemm Raider

Nothing annoys me more about the challenges than that fucker right there and the 'no awoken skills' modifier. I did finally beat challenge 7 and then 8 was easier for me. I don't know if I will even try 9.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Nothing annoys me more about the challenges than that fucker right there and the 'no awoken skills' modifier. I did finally beat challenge 7 and then 8 was easier for me. I don't know if I will even try 9.
PDX lists it as a 50/50 chance to get thoth or sopdet... yet I've never seen Thoth solo. Fuck I hate this "plink plink" shit.


Think Awoken Sopdet bad, get Parvati on floor 15 of the arena. Same shit, absorbs all damage over 300k for 99 turns. She also has resolve down to 1%. She also insta kills you if you push her between 2% and 30%. Only viable solution I have with my team is to stall for 99 turns, let the buff wear off and explode her into a billion pieces. Im to the point now where I just quit out if I get her on a clear. Id rather waste 99 stamina than 15 minutes on treading water.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Huuuuuge Descended Challenge just started. One-Shot Challenge was giving me real issues this week, so it will be nice to steamroll for a ton of easy rewards, including Latents.

*Descended Challenge*
[Duration]: 3/7 (Mon) - 3/13 (Sun) UTC-8
*This dungeon starts at 3/7 (Mon), 12:00 AM (PST) and ends at 3/14 (Mon), 12:59 AM (PDT).
Descended Challenge returns with an even more trying lineup than ever before! Claw your way through difficult floors and claim the rewards waiting for you at the finish line!
As a reminder, there are no continues if you are defeated in battle, so be careful!
See below for more information!
- During the event, gifts will be delivered via in-game mail when floors are cleared.
- When you beat Phantom Dragon King, Knight Dragon King or Hell Demon, you will be rewarded with 2 prizes!
- Gift mails are available only up to 3/14 (Mon), UTC-8.
Dungeons & Rewards
- Hell Demon [Special] (Legend Plus)...Badpy, PreDRA
- Knight Dragon King [Special] (Legend Plus)...Shynpy, 10,000,000 Coins
- Phantom Dragon King [Special] (Legend Plus)...Woodpy, 5,000 Pal Points
- Mechanical God (Mythical)...Bubpy
- Hall of the Divine King (Mythical)...Flampy
- Eternal Dragon (Mythical)...Latent TAMADRA (Dark Dmg. Red.)
- Frozen Hell Demon-7x6 Board (Mythical)...Latent TAMADRA (Light Dmg. Red.)
- Welcoming Sea God-7x6 Board (Mythical)...Latent TAMADRA (Wood Dmg. Red.)
- Mei Zhou-All Att. Req. (Mythical)...Latent TAMADRA (Water Dmg. Red.)
- Arboreal Queen (Mythical)...Latent TAMADRA (Fire Dmg. Red.)
- Underworld Guardian (Mythical)...Latent TAMADRA (Ext. Move Time)
- Hedonistic Demon (Mythical)...Latent TAMADRA (Imp. HP)
- Demon Prince (Mythical)...Latent TAMADRA (Imp. ATK)
- God of the Seaways (Mythical)...Latent TAMADRA (Imp. RCV)
- Demonic Fire Queen (Mythical)...Latent TAMADRA (Auto-Heal)
- Fiend Prince (Mythical)...Jewel of Darkness
- Honorable Dragon-All Att. Req. (Mythical)...Jewel of Light
- Shining Goddess (Mythical)...Jewel of Wood
- Holy Goddess (Mythical)...Jewel of Water
- Almighty God (Mythical)...Jewel of Fire
- Mountain Ascetic-Max Cost 12 (Legend)...Snow Globe Dragon Bleu
- Chivalrous Thief (Legend)...PreDRA
- Corpse Wyrm-Dragons Only (Legend)...TAMADRA (HP +5, ATK +5, RCV +5)
- Divine Queen (Legend)...5,000 Pal Points
- Two Heroes (Legend)...5,000,000 Coins
*Floors can be challenged in any order.
*Rewards are provided for each floor cleared.
*Rewards are distributed only once per floor regardless of the number of times a floor is cleared.
*Rewards are received through in-game mail after a dungeon floor is cleared.
*There may be a delay from the time a dungeon is cleared until the reward is received.
*To receive the reward, please clear the dungeon before 3/14 (Mon) UTC-8. If this cutoff time has passed, the Dungeon clear reward may not be received.
*Please take special note of end times for receiving rewards. End times are reflected in UTC-8. For more details see here:


I keep getting DQ Hera on floor 5 of the Scarlet Descend. I really dont want to use my Arena team just to tank her hit (Stratios serves no purpose here...need Okuni), I keep throwing myself at it hoping to get Hera Ur but after 200 stamina, no dice. I want that Badpy so I guess Ill keep trying...

edit- Got Hera Ur finally and was able to clear the dungeon, huzzah for Badpy's!


They are regular invades. Haku popped up in the Scarlet Descend during one of my failure runs in place of the Red/Green evoker chick.


Almighty God
Demonic Fire Queen (unconfirmed)
Arboreal Queen
Hall of the Divine King

Holy Goddess
God of the Seaways
Mei Zhou Lang - All Att Needed (unconfirmed)
Mechanical God

Shining Goddess
Demon Prince (unconfirmed)
Welcoming Sea God ( 7x6 Board ) (unconfirmed)
Phantom Dragon King - Special

Honorable Dragon - All Att Needed
Hedonistic Demon
Frozen Hell Demon ( 7x6 Board )
Knight Dragon King - Special

Fiend Prince
Underworld Guardian
Eternal Dragon
Hell Demon - Special

for invades. Got one doin sonia gran and it was the last one I needed for a panda. was not expecting to have the jewels this soon I need more fucking dub mythlits for sutyr and aamir

just got this team finished last night. tempted to just feed all my rbg snowglobes so I can use it


Finally got my 1st official pentamax. Was ashiva. My 1st pull. Wasnt even gonna bother giving him flampys but he deserves it and idk if ima ever get shivdra anyways


Anyone play PAD on a Samsung Galaxy? I got my new Galaxy 7 last night and it's doing something weird. I havent owned a Galaxy before so I dunno if it's something that it just does or what. When I start PAD, for a split second everything looks fine, then it's as if the entire screen has a dark tint dropped on it. Everything is darker. I close PAD and the home screen has the same dark tint for a split second then it reverts to normal.

It acts as if the Auto Brightness control is on but it's off and has been since I first turned on the phone. Google has failed me as all searches regarding "dimming" seem to be about a different problem than what Im having. Anyone else experience this?


Vyemm Raider
Anyone play PAD on a Samsung Galaxy? I got my new Galaxy 7 last night and it's doing something weird. I havent owned a Galaxy before so I dunno if it's something that it just does or what. When I start PAD, for a split second everything looks fine, then it's as if the entire screen has a dark tint dropped on it. Everything is darker. I close PAD and the home screen has the same dark tint for a split second then it reverts to normal.

It acts as if the Auto Brightness control is on but it's off and has been since I first turned on the phone. Google has failed me as all searches regarding "dimming" seem to be about a different problem than what Im having. Anyone else experience this?
I have a galaxy 6 and it doesn't do that. And I have played PAD on previous versions of Galaxies and not had that issue.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Anyone play PAD on a Samsung Galaxy? I got my new Galaxy 7 last night and it's doing something weird. I havent owned a Galaxy before so I dunno if it's something that it just does or what. When I start PAD, for a split second everything looks fine, then it's as if the entire screen has a dark tint dropped on it. Everything is darker. I close PAD and the home screen has the same dark tint for a split second then it reverts to normal.

It acts as if the Auto Brightness control is on but it's off and has been since I first turned on the phone. Google has failed me as all searches regarding "dimming" seem to be about a different problem than what Im having. Anyone else experience this?
do you have some auto-blue light bullshit on? Can you try changing the pad colorblind options?


As far as I can tell all auto adjustment options are off on the phone itself and colorblind options do not change anything noticeably. Im starting to think that it's an android OS issue. The game itself doesnt run as smoothly as it did on my old phone, there is stuttering and hitching when scrolling through friends and such. Another user on the PAD forums commented on that and I hijacked his thread to ask about my dimming issue. He said his phone dims in the way I describe when he plays Hearthstone but PAD is fine. May just be something I have to deal with...