Puzzles and Dragons


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Got a few as well, 2 of them other superman leads. 2x superman light team cheese mode has been my ticket through all the normal/technical content. Still figuring out what I should be wanting for higher levels.


<WoW Guild Officer>
LKali. Have max skill W/E SQ but no Elia or Susano, just Kushi. Might toss my padherder list up later if I can remember my password.

Yeah, I can all but autofarm Angelits. It's just that the 50% chance, energy cost, and skill up RNG that has Vishnu at fucking skill lvl 2 after 22 feeds w/ 3x rates means I'm not going to go out of my way to farm the fuckers.
Since ASakuya's skill is mini-grav+bind reduce and she's bind immune, ASusano makes it so you can ALWAYS activate her leaderskill. W/E SQ is a bit harder and you'll blow ASakuya's active to keep that bind clear. You could toss on Kushi for a shield, but SQ fills both a burst and somewhat defensive role (double healer attack for burst, 2 turn delay for defense but most bosses have status shield so it's not always effective).

Find your padherder and see what else you have (and post it here).


Vyemm Raider
So I have been trying to clear Arena 1 for the first time today... the first time I get to Kali after about ~20 runs total, I don't do enough damage, but I have the right latents and indra shield so I don't die, but no heal orbs fall and I don't have a board change
so painful... so very painful


I feel your pain. Was doing it today and ended up with Beelzebub on floor 19. I wasnt at full health from taking a few hits from a dark absorbing Zaerog the floor before and was forced to use Okuni to delay him so I could clean up the board, heal and kill him. Got to Kali and realized I didnt have the damage spike from Okuni's active and took 120k to the face.


Golden Squire
Started playing last week and hit lvl 50, so now I can pick a best friend. Does anyone have a spot on their friendlist?


Dont choose your best friend lightly, best friend refreshes only come about every six months so make sure whoever you choose uses a leader that you plan to use for a good long while (and a person who plays fairly regularly). What leader are you currently using?

I always have space on my regular friends list for RR people (my ID is 342,357,349) but unless you'd get mileage from a Yomi or Shiva Dragon, or the occasional Awoken Pandora, dont best friend me.


Golden Squire
Ok, thanks for the info. I'm using Bastet as leader. So should I look for other people with Bastet leaders (or similar leader skills)?


Potato del Grande
Best friend me, I need one too. l just hit 50. I have a good leader, x4 damage multiplier if you match 4 colours can includw hearts.



Ok, thanks for the info. I'm using Bastet as leader. So should I look for other people with Bastet leaders (or similar leader skills)?
Yes, find someone using a hypermax'd (+297) and max skilled Bastet to choose as your best friend.Make a post on the PAD forumsthat you're looking for a Bastet best friend and you will find plenty of people.

Best friend me, I need one too. l just hit 50. I have a good leader, x4 damage multiplier if you match 4 colours can includw hearts.

Not a good idea to best friend each other. The point of a best friend is to choose someone who uses either the same leader as you or one that compliments your team to better degree. A best friend can be used as many times as you want and they never poof from the friend leader list (unless they havent played in 24 hours). Being each others best friend isnt gonna accomplish much unless you're both using Bastet, and even then you'd both be better off finding someone with a hypermax'd, max skilled Bastet to best friend.


Bastet and DQXQ? Negative. In almost every case your friend leader needs to be running the same leader that you are (there are very very few exceptions to this). Leader skills are multiplicative, so for example if you're running DQXQ as a leader, they give a x4 damage boost when you match four colors. That will be a x16 boost if your friend is running the same leader as you. You want to look for other DQXQ friends and eventually best friend one if you plan to stick with them for a while.

Hop over to the PAD forums that I linked above, make a post in the NA Looking for Friends section and just mention you're on the new side looking for friends and an eventual best friend. Folks there are pretty accommodating and are more than willing to help out newer players.


Vyemm Raider
Anyone who wants to add me can 300,691,270 I always have a ra dragon/rodin up... I have most other leads and am willing to put something up if you want. I usually run ra dragon/yomi dragon/ashiva depending on the day.


Golden Squire
Hmm there seems to be a split between EU and NA? Anyways, I'm EU so if anyone wants to add me my ID is 741,041,270


Yeah EU, NA, and JP are all separated.

Anyone run Awoken Pandora? The new Awoken Persephone evo went in today and Im trying to decide if she's worth squeezing into the team. Honestly without row enhances on her Im not so sure. Bumping Valkyrie Claire seems to be the only real option and dropping her means Id be losing 2 row enhances and heart breaking but gaining another orb changer/dark skyfall increase. Bleh, too many options.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Yeah EU, NA, and JP are all separated.

Anyone run Awoken Pandora? The new Awoken Persephone evo went in today and Im trying to decide if she's worth squeezing into the team. Honestly without row enhances on her Im not so sure. Bumping Valkyrie Claire seems to be the only real option and dropping her means Id be losing 2 row enhances and heart breaking but gaining another orb changer/dark skyfall increase. Bleh, too many options.
Why the fuck isn't the new Awoken Persephone a god? She'd be AWESOME on my fucking Yomidra team. God damn it.