Puzzles and Dragons


<WoW Guild Officer>
I've got light and dark 5* rippers, red and blue 4* rippers, 2 dark 3* rippers (you never know...), and still can't get a god damn green ripper to drop.


Trakanon Raider
That's the main reason I didn't pull the handle on the godfest, I have 2 ADK's to level, 3 rippers, my StE needs to max her skill I've just been running for marine goblins for a few days not worried about efficiency or anything else. Since I think its cheaper while she's low level.


<WoW Guild Officer>
That's the main reason I didn't pull the handle on the godfest, I have 2 ADK's to level, 3 rippers, my StE needs to max her skill I've just been running for marine goblins for a few days not worried about efficiency or anything else. Since I think its cheaper while she's low level.
get to skill farming right now! it's double the chance for it.


Vyemm Raider
Just started playing. Any tips? Ive been running that 2x coin dungeon to save some cash I suppose. Using the Fire starter...Metal Dragon, Blue Goblin +1, Black Fighter, Dryad. Rank 7 atm. Named Begaro if anyone wants to add me as a friend or whatever.


Efficient Levelling:

You want to use carbuncles between levels 10 and 13. There are different ways you get your Level 3 carbuncles to these levels.
Fire, Wood and Water
Lvl 3 Evolved Goblin/Carbuncle + Lvl 3 Evolved Goblin/Carbuncle + Lvl 3 Evolved Goblin/Carbuncle (11)
Lvl 8 Fighter + Lvl 8 Basic Ogre (11)
Lvl 3 Evolved Goblin/Carbuncle + Lvl 3 Evolved Goblin/Carbuncle + Lvl 8 Basic Ogre (12)
Lvl 3 Evolved Goblin/Carbuncle + Lvl 8 Fighter + Lvl 8 Fighter (12)
Light and Dark
Lvl 3 Evolved Carbuncle + Lvl 3 Evolved Carbuncle + Lvl 3 Evolved Carbuncle (11)
Lvl 10 Fighter + Lvl 10 Fighter (11)
Lvl 10 Fighter + Lvl 10 Fighter + Lvl 10 Fighter (13)

Save -
Anything that changes orbs
Anything that has a skill (thats not a goblin or ogre)
Any dragon
Dragon Plant (seeds and flowers are used much more rarely and are much easier to get)
Save one "lit" of each color (you use these for almost all evolutions, and its annoying to try to farm a specific color). If you have space in your monster box, save more than one of the colors for things you want to evolve...
Any Myth (multi color lit)
Dragon Fruit

What to do with +
Choose three basic monsters: one red, one green, one blue
Put all your + atk (not on rare monsters) onto the red
Put all your + hp (not on rare monsters) onto the green
Put all your + rcv (not on rare monsters) onto the blue

Levelling + is EXPENSIVE. Store them on low level monsters then, when you have an amazing lynchpin monster... put the + they need onto that one. (some teams hate HP, other teams require it) Healers use Recovery...

Magic Stones:
* unless a rare monster has dropped for you... like mermaid/naga/succubus/mystic knight.
Its okay to expand your Monster box... but there are very few things worth keeping especially at the lower levels. Up to castle of satan, most of my accounts only have 30 boxes.

Thats for the pokemon side. As for the bejeweled side, watch the video in the OP.

Apart from that, play until tower of trials, if you enjoy the game... you may need to reroll to get a viable team (if you dont plan on spending money). If you plan on spending money on the game... go for it.

Apart from the weekend dungeon (tricolor, no dark or light), Sprites Dungeon (friday) is doable at any level. Green Dragon Dungeon (Thursday) is doable at any level. Do not do any of the keeper dungeons or mask dungeon until you are more experienced with the game and have a decent team.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Just wanted to tell you that the red ripper strategy went flawlessly. I did have to use enchilada once, but other than that, it was just charging and ripping, and patience. No drops at all.


I was a little bored so I wrote up a strat guide.

Red Skies - Master Strategy by[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */
Make sure to look at RCV stat if using Siren(StE) or Amaterasu Ohkami (AO) for your leader. Using one StE as Leader and one StE/Siren as sub is also doable, as it generates more hearts, but increases the heart conversion requirement due to less autohealing. Using Archangel or Alraune as leader is doable, but requires Orb to Heart as Sub.

Stall during round 1 for to charge up rippers... and convert and store hearts/reds in corners. I have actually modified my strat for this a bit...

Ideally ending round 1 and 5 you want to get this (the blues are a bonus, but the bottom 2 rows should be your goal. I wouldnt worry about the blues going into round 2, but they do make round 6 MUCH easier.

Note: Change Blue orbs to your highest damage color. Remember: Blue= Double Dmg & Green= Half Dmg
Note: Change Red orbs to whatever color your Orb to Heart Skill uses (I strongly suggest StE/Siren)
Spoiler: Board setup storing hearts, orb conversion, and prep for 5match blue bomb.

Note: This gives you 2 3Heart Matches upon skill use AND 4 extra hearts for later use.

Note: Change Blue orbs to your highest damage color. Remember: Blue= Double Dmg & Green= Half Dmg
Note: Change Red orbs to whatever color your Orb to Heart Skill uses (I strongly suggest StE/Siren)

NOTE:If you have less than four rippers, you need to make a judgement call for which waves to use ripper on.

The starting delay for each monster can be different, after their first attack they follow this:
Flame Knights: 2460 dmg every 2 turns (1230 dmg per turn)
Flame Devils: 1740 dmg every turn.

The more flame devils you have a round, the more you want to use your ripper...
The more knights you have attacking on the same turn, the more you have to consider your HP...

Notes on Round 5:4135dmg per 3 turns (1379dmg per round) StE(460RCV LVL 5) AO(276RCV LVL 14). If your leader healer doesnt have these stats... Round 9 and 10 will be much more difficult (impossible) for you.
Recharge Skills and prep your bottom 2 rows and at least one 5blue combo before finishing this round.

Notes on 6-8:If you have 4 Rippers, Rip once each round. If you have less:
  • **DONT DIE! Make at least one combo per turn!**
  • Priority1: Kill low HP stuff first, focus fire is better than lots of low health stuff.
  • Priority2: If two+ knights, kill one that is attacking on the same round
  • Priority3: Store Hearts.
  • Priority4: Recharge Skills when only one monster is left.
  • Priority5: Try to have a ripper ready for round 9 (preferably blue)

Rounds 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 are luck and numbers based. Having higher HP/LeaderRCV/TeamRCV etc increases your chances.

Rounds 9 and 10 are entirely numbers based. With Round 9 requiring higher RCV and Round 10 just needing a minimum HP(6661HP) to not get one shotted.

Round 9, 5040 per 2 rounds ( 2 Enchiladas at 2520dmg per 2 turns). 2520 dmg per round (on average) hopefully your autoheal from StE(840rcv max lvl + 149rcv) or AO(504RCV Lvl 73) is higher than that... otherwise you need a heart combine and match every couple turns**. (Alraune 715rcv Max LVL + 125RCV) (Archangel 728rcv Max lvl + 112 RCV)

Round 10, 6660dmg every 3 rounds (2220 dmg per round) StE(740rcv max level +49 rcv) AO(444RCV lvl 61)

If you dont meet those recovery requirements, you need to do some math on your own to figure out if its feasible for you to do this dungeon...

**Spoiler: Math for Healing value/turn/heart conversion requirements if your RCV does not meet listed numbers
Look at your team RCV value and your team HP total.
Round 9(highest requirements):
Math: 2520 - Your autoheal dmg (StE RCV X 3) (AO RCV X 5)= Deficit Health
Math: Your team HP total - 5040 or 2520* = Flexible Health (must be positive)
*If the Enchiladas attack on the same turn, otherwise use 2520

Math: Flexible Health / Deficit Health= Turns Until Death (round to lowest whole number)= TUD
ex: 3.9 -> 3

If Turns until death is less than your Orb to Heart Skill Cooldown, then your difficulty increases and you must convert more than 3 Gems to Hearts per skill use or have multiple combos on the heart match turn.

Math: Flexible Health / Team RCV value = Number of 3 Heart Gem Matches to max HP (most setups will have between 1 and 2) (round up to next whole number 3.2-> 4)= HeartMatch#

You have Turns Until Death to get between 1 and HeartMatch# of Heart Gem Matches.

Gem Conversion Calculations:
Math: ( HeartMatch# X 3 ) / Turns Until Death )) X Orb to Heart Conversion Cooldown (round to highest whole number, 4.25 ->5 ) = Maximum Number of Hearts required to be created per skill use.

The lower this number is, the better.

You can convert less than this number by making bigger heart matches(bad) and/or more combos per turn(good). As you should never lose hearts by accident, its easy to store them for future use. See formula below.

>>>>>>>>>Note about Heart Matches and Combos<<<<<<<
Healing Value = Team Recovery X (25% + (25% X Total Number of Heart Orbs Matched)
Final Healing = (Sum of Healing Value) x (100% + (Total Number of Combos-1) x 25%)

Which means its much better to get 2 3Heart Combos than One 6Heart Combo and because hearts are the limiting factor, we would rather have a 1 3Heart Combo + Another Combo than 1 4Heart or 5Heart Combo

Example Calculations:
IF 8000 Team HP, Amaterasu Ohkami LVL 30(AutoHeal: 1595) (RCV 319). Team Recovery 1000. Orb to Heart: 5rounds

Flexible Health = 2960
Deficit = 925
TUD = 3 (3.2 -> 3)
HeartMatch# = 3 (2.9 -> 3)

I have three turns to get 3 3Heart Matches or multi combos to max my HP. Which means I need to generate at most 15 heart orbs per skill use.
Conclusion: Really Difficult

Damage Resist Leader:
At least 50% Fire Dmg Resist Good Choices: Meteor Volcano Dragon/Flare Drall/Megalodran etc

Auto Healing Leader:
If Amaterasu Ohkami Leader, LVL 73+ or needs healing orbs
If Other Healer Leader you will require healing orb conversion

Orb to Heart Conversion: Siren the Enchanter (Siren) / Flare Drall / Megalodran etc
HP: 6661 (assures you cannot be one shot, but can still be one turned starting at round 3)
Team Recovery: Depends on Orb to Heart Conversion / AutoHeal / HP

HP: 8710 or more (this assures you do not get one turned if you are at full hp from Rounds 1 to 5
Team Recovery: 1000 or more
Orb to Heart Changer (lower cooldown is better): StE is best, then Megalodran, then Flare Drall. Can use 2 Orb to Heart Changers
4 Rippers = Easymode. I would not bother trying with just one.
The lower your Healer Leader RCV, the higher your Team HP / Team RCV should be.
A delayer (Enchilada/Viper) might be useful as a last ditch effort if you do not have enough Rippers.

Note: It is possible to do this with Green Odin + Healer as leaders. It drastically changes the dynamics and becomes extremely luck or level dependent.

Note: Name Abbreviations
Enchilada = Echidna/Naga
StE = Siren the Enchanter
AO = Amaterasu Ohkami


Vyemm Raider
So after reading the first post, whats the easiest way to save the data for restarting as is suggested when going for rare egg rolls? Just copy the save file to pc?


iOS: Two options

1. iFile (requires jailbreak)
2. iFunbox (required wifi/usb connection to computer)

If using iFile,
Navigate to /var/mobile/Applications/XXXXXXXXXX/Documents (where XXXXX is a unique number for each device)
To make it easier to find the PAD Folder, in iFile click the Gear(preferences) on the bottom left.

Preferences-> File Manager -> Application Names ON

Now inside /var/mobile/Applications/XXXXXXXXXX/Documents find the file named: data048.bin
Rename this file. I suggest something descriptive...

If my first roll was an ADK...
data048.bin adk
If my first roll was an Amaterasu
data048.bin ama

Then transfer to PC/Dropbox/etc.

If using iFunbox, navigate to:
User App Data -> PadEN (or PadJP) -> Documents

Repeat the rename and transfer steps from above.

There is a benefit to using the data048.bin method over the Documents folder method. (Rename Documents folder instead of data048.bin). But there are also minor annoyances.

Quirks from switching data048.bin vs Documents folder
Resets your Friend Ally use. (It does not give +10PAL for more than one use). (good)
May list limited time dungeons, but you cannot enter them until your group gets them normally. (trying to enter the dungeon gives you an error) You can still enter limited time dungeons when you are regularly supposed to. (annoying)
Resets your favorites list. (bad)
Resets your monster book.

For Android:

There was a great writeup earlier in this thread by Velk...rooted android

andfollowup post

edit: non rooted to rooted
edit2: included followup post, thanks Grimmlokk


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
For Android:

There was a great writeup earlier in this thread by Velk...non rooted android
That is for ROOTED Android. Also read thislittle follow upto finish the process.

Whole thing was insanely helpful. The renaming process is tedious as fuck, but you only have to do it once for each extra account. And it's really only about 10 minutes.

Pretty sure if you have the paid version of Titanium Backup you could just use that to make multiple data backups, though not sure if you can do renames so it might get confusing.


So after reading the first post, whats the easiest way to save the data for restarting as is suggested when going for rare egg rolls? Just copy the save file to pc?
You've already had some great answers with info on how to back up the data. With your wording I just wanted to jump in and clarify that it's not "save data" as such, it's the equivalent of your username/password. If you make a rare roll, don't like it and restore your save data, you'll still have that earth golem.

You only want to save your data when
a) You finally get what you want to start playing so if your phone is lost/stolen/eaten you haven't lost everything
b) You get a roll you might like to start with but are prepared to do a bit more rerolling to try for something better. You can then go back to this roll if after another 47 rolls that had a highlight of 7 earth golems in a row you have had enough and will go back to what you got on that earlier roll.


I was thinking of making a simple excel tool that would ask for some basic inputs and determine the level of difficulty your group will have for different dungeons...

Not sure there would be much interest in it versus the amount of time it would take to get setup.


Burned through Master Rust Mech. Pretty pumped. Also, is someone "Crafty"? The blue/black Neptune was a CRUSHER!
That's me. I'll keep him up for awhile today. Seems like I've been using GValk and Neptune the most lately, Ama is just sitting on the bench.

I was wondering if anyone here has both Zeus and Isis in JP? I'm leaning towards eventually developing a 9x team and curious how folks find the max hp req. vs. activate 3 colors req. in regards to ease/consistency. In the mean time, working on dark team so I might actually stand a shot at getting Zeus next time he descends.

Can't wait for the update and enjoyed the Aniversary events - 2x skillup was awesome while it lasted, maxed Vamp. in a couple hours and finally got the final up on StE that I needed. Then again, only got 2 skill ups on MSK from a bunch of attempts.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Any ideas when Rust mech will go 2x today? Want to sit in this buffeted level and stamina to run it 3-4 times in a row (you know to have an even better chance to not get a succubus).


Hey crafty, mind if I add you on three accounts until Rust Mech disappears?

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