Puzzles and Dragons


<WoW Guild Officer>
So I'm fire starter, sandalaphon, and then it would be zeus dragon at the end?

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
I think its determined by your third or fifth floor enemy or something, not your starter color. Im a blue starter and got Zeus. Theres people on reddit posting all sorts of starter colors + dragon boss combinations, i think its just random, similar to the stream reward Py dungeons that have been going these past few days.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I think its determined by your third or fifth floor enemy or something, not your starter color. Im a blue starter and got Zeus. Theres people on reddit posting all sorts of starter colors + dragon boss combinations, i think its just random, similar to the stream reward Py dungeons that have been going these past few days.
Hrm, is it 3rd or 5th floor? What's the correlation of mobs to dragon?

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Hera Dragon guerrilla dungeon is up and as expected, Fujin completely trivialized it. Took in Minerva with Fujin SL, Tsubaki x2, Ilmina, and A. Cao Cao partnered with another Minerva friend. Ceres took a minute but a single Ilmina active was all it took to put Hera Dragon down with Fujin's ignore active up. Now that Yomi Dragon is done I expect Dark Athena next week...


Blackwing Lair Raider
got there using 2x revo hades team. just stoned through the bind because I dont have ceres and Im not devolving my a ama. fucked up on ceres p hard. I had trailokya active to try to push her under resolve but hit like 5% too hard after the gravities and she put up her shield. flubbed a couple combos and before you fucking know it shes back at fucking 100% with that stupid shield. Just stalled out the 99 turns lol and the rest was p easy. I also almost died on hera because she wouldnt give me any hearts at the end and I used all my heart actives

Wish I woulda started working on ult yomigon aside from making this team ugh I havent even started lol
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Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Hera Dragon guerrilla dungeon is up and as expected, Fujin completely trivialized it. Took in Minerva with Fujin SL, Tsubaki x2, Ilmina, and A. Cao Cao partnered with another Minerva friend. Ceres took a minute but a single Ilmina active was all it took to put Hera Dragon down with Fujin's ignore active up. Now that Yomi Dragon is done I expect Dark Athena next week...

I told you dual Minerva is where it's at :)

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Bah that's the only time you'll catch me using two :p In fact Im not sure when Ill be using Minerva again after this weeks update. So many new Reincarnations added, Im sitting on three Reincarnated Haku's atm and working on a Reincarnated Astaroth team (I havent done a green team since Verdandi was a viable lead...)


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
I've got RHaku too, but it seems like RPersephone is better in all ways, so I'll probably use her instead for my dark needs.

Haku's damage output is kinda low compared to the rest of the top Revos.

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Yeah you pretty much have to hit 7 combos for Haku's damage to stand out. Ive been debating whether or not to Reincarnate my Persephone. She loses that blue subtype that D. Athena could use (one day...). Just not sure if that time extend and stat boost is worth the trade off.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Yeah you pretty much have to hit 7 combos for Haku's damage to stand out. Ive been debating whether or not to Reincarnate my Persephone. She loses that blue subtype that D. Athena could use (one day...). Just not sure if that time extend and stat boost is worth the trade off.

Not only that, but you can use RHaku on a Persephone team anyway. 7c with a ~27x multiplier is always better than 7c with a ~20x multiplier, so if you have the choice, lead with Persephone. The only viable reason not to imo is the fact that you'll take half damage from gravities, but those are so commonplace now I think everyone knows how to deal with them.

I reincarnated my Persephone, BUT, I have a dupe for blue coverage, and AnaTyphon and Durga as well. RHaku and RPerseph both losing their blue sub is really shitty though. It's making me consider throwing something like I&I on the team on occassion.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Main: Ishida, Kushi (dupe), silver, Creuse, dark fruit dragon, Kanna, Red fruit dragon, Mei mei(4th), Beast rider(dupe), Shotel(dupe), Kanna(dupe) -ended up buying a 30 pack chasing fujin
Alt: Pavarti, silver, silver, Ruel(dupe), Wukong, Grif rider, silver
Gf: silver, Phact, Persephone, Haku(dupe), silver, Satsuke (3rd I think)

So now that I ripped Kanna I have a perfect Radrag team minus the whole having a RaDrag. Gungho trying to get me to spend that MP its p tempting. If he rotates around again before athena drops I might do it

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
I only rolled a handful of times today with saved stones, nothing major in the pantheons I really needed. Got a dupe Urd, like my sixth Satsuki, Griffin Rider, Karin, GZL, and Chiyome (where the hell did she come from...). Technically no silvers, but yeah...Griffin Rider...

It's hard to say no to Ra Dragon if you've got the team setup. Im glad I finally went through with it, he's a beast. Im getting better with all the colored matching, cleared Arena 2 for the first time a couple days back with it. I dont have all the ideal assists, but I get by with having Fujin on Ra Dragon, Carat on Kanna, Raijin on one of my D. Kali's and either Ra or Orochi on Isis.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
I might have too much shit in my boxes nowadays. Dupe central on pulling the lever now.

The 150/250 resets gave me 6 of 8 dupes on the household accounts. Godfests are no better.


Vyemm Raider
I really appreciate the weekly dungeons being up in full during the weekend. I don't get to sit down and play a lot during the week. But yesterday and today I got a bunch of stuff done and started. Close to having 3 revo haku and 1 awoken thanks to the weekly dungeon stuff. Felt like I actually accomplished something other than just log in, do new special dungeon for stone/tama/pii etc then log out and burn stamina trying not to suck for all 25 floors of A3.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah Ive been running that shit all day for masks. Only thing that woulda been better is if it were enhance carnival. All my snowglobes I had stashed in the mail are all lvl 1 or 25