Puzzles and Dragons


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think I've blown 240 stam fucking up the Rust dragon dungeon at various random times. I think next attempt I'll try and plan and maybe pay attention to what I'm doing...


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Lol you sound like me and blue pirate myth. Keep trying to finish and grab the stone and go home, but managed to get distracted and completely Bjork (spell check did that and I thought it was appropriate) it up.


Trakanon Raider
To me PAD's system is exactly the opposite of what a game would have to do to get me to be an IAP player.

I got a bunch of gold eggs from PC godfest, but not what I wanted, so I bought some stones. I did 5 or 6 more pulls and got an Orochi and nothing else of value. Since then I've used all my free stones on godfests and haven't gotten a single gold egg. The fact that that is even possible will ensure that I never give them another penny.
This is the worst part of pad - players like Ishad - over the last year had reasonable luck on his free pulls. I seem to be a bit of an outlier, but my 250 day account pulled monsters like you mention, I'd save up 9 rolls - Pull - 3*. Wait for an hour Pull Gold Egg (Its a Rider!), Insta Pull 3*. Across two accounts over an entire year I have yet to pull a spike lead of any kind despite pulling on value godfests (Egyptian)- that did include luci/horus/bastet - but I never pulled one of the 5 archangels or an egyptian during those events as is. After my experience with the REM, I'd never spend a dime on the game. The main reason I'm still playing is I got a new phone, and my wife - somehow - managed to reroll the phone for a lucifer. I'll keep grinding, as I just passed rank 100, but count your blessings if you get some good leads and subs as a non-IAP. Someone out there has shit for luck to counteract all those folks who pull 2 stones, and grab two gods. Any godfest I pulled twice on was 3* garbage. And without enough pulls saved up fishing for gold eggs is random at best. This is the main reason why I beat the obsessive reroll a legitimate leader for decends. Once an account is 250 days old and depleted all the easy free stones if there isn't a viable monster box for the descends by then you likely never will have one. The account only made it to 131, but a huge part of that was due to the fact that I'd log in day after day for free stones, and pull on the next godfest and score blanks - understanding without a certain set of pulls I couldn't do the decends. Somewhere in my mind I thought surely it would turn around - but it definitely didn't.

Pads main redeeming feature is that the game is fun/challenging and has a progression grind. Anyone who plays pad isn't playing it cause of the potentially terrible randomness of the REM.


Trakanon Raider
Intermittent reinforcement is a powerful aspect of the game.
I wasn't arguing against that, the rem can give you zero reinforcement if you just fail the gamble. That's the point. Spending 50 bucks - doesn't necessarily unlock anything in the game for you. Even assuming you'd buy pad as a full price title. Once people spend 50 bucks and don't get what they want they have a hard time justifying walking away - they assume wrongly that if they just pull more times they are "due" You could be the dude that gets everything in 50 bucks, or the dude that has a shitty box after 200 dollars of stones.


I wasn't arguing against that, the rem can give you zero reinforcement if you just fail the gamble. That's the point. Spending 50 bucks - doesn't necessarily unlock anything in the game for you. Even assuming you'd buy pad as a full price title. Once people spend 50 bucks and don't get what they want they have a hard time justifying walking away - they assume wrongly that if they just pull more times they are "due" You could be the dude that gets everything in 50 bucks, or the dude that has a shitty box after 200 dollars of stones.
Yep. I never gamble in real life. But strangely I've gone on two PAD "binges" and ended up spending $60 each time. I've also bought a single stone twice out of frustration, to fix Descends that went wrong.

I've been pretty lucky with the streakiness of the REM, but, when I stop to consider what a simple game I have to show for that money, I'm embarrassed.

I'll might still play PAD, but I won't spend on it again. The Coercive Monetization article made me feel so stupid, and knowing that there are game designers out there with such contempt for players is depressing.

When companies are designing games to coerce money out of the players, I have to question the random aspects of the game. What stops PAD from having REM output determined by a slick formula that quickly weighs a player's monster box contents, time played, and money spent? What stops PAD from deliberately trolling a player on a critical dungeon round?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I consider my luck with the REM to be pretty exceptional, as I think I've only pulled around 30 times total.


Golden Squire
Anyone had PAD crash on them mid dungeon and when they logged back in they were at a way earlier stage of the dungeon? Had it happen twice now since the last update and it is really friggin annoying as crashes used to resume right at the spot you left off.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Just make sure you have @RR or something in your name. I'm ADD about leads so there's no telling what I'd have up to help. WTB Shiva evo.

I was reading up on the physical Kirin team, seems nice. It'd be great one day to have infinite stones / time and just build up whatever. Now I can't decide what direction to invest in. Shiva team, Anubis, Kirin, Satan, etc..


Trakanon Raider
Anyone find the new lucifer awakens worth awakening? The one skill I haven't seen before is it good? Team Bind? It only shows up on the new kirin/new luci and some assault mode golem.

???????????? stats, skills, evolution, location | Puzzle Dragons Database

I just awoke my LMtron - but I don't really have a team yet to play her. Is King Shynee worth skilling up? At 1 gold dragon per attempt isn't that seen as a crazy steep cost? Obviously its a really powerful active.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Adding the 1.35x ATK is interesting, I'd like to see the numbers / use case where a 1.8x team clears something a 1x team doesn't. Luci has always been a good lead because of the HP and RCV boosts (and availability of free subs), ATK was just an afterthought. Not sure this changes that. You'd probably be better off weighing if the blue subtype is a trade off for descends you struggle with that may water bind vs. others with light bind.

I have about 15 shynee waiting to evolve for skill ups, but I don't really run healer anymore so haven't bothered.


Trakanon Raider
I was more asking about luci's awakenings - The evolved form has 4 slots, and they took away one of the attack awakenings so you get the 20% team bind resist? and the 500 auto recover? They don't seem amazing, but given the fact that bind awakening is only on two monsters more or less (the new kirin/luci) I was curious the thought - The +attack to leader just makes you grind a tad faster and will definitely help out breaking devil armor specifically but I agree its probably nothing crazy


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Skill lock resist is going to be dungeon dependent, no way of telling how good it will be. Auto recover is worthless.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I was more asking about luci's awakenings - The evolved form has 4 slots, and they took away one of the attack awakenings so you get the 20% team bind resist? and the 500 auto recover? They don't seem amazing, but given the fact that bind awakening is only on two monsters more or less (the new kirin/luci) I was curious the thought - The +attack to leader just makes you grind a tad faster and will definitely help out breaking devil armor specifically but I agree its probably nothing crazy
New evolution is +100 more attack, so you get that awoken skill by doing the ultimate now.


I have been chain farming KoG on weekends on JP running Double R/L Horus using Busty Echidna and Busty Viper as subs and whatever has the highest HP for Green and Black subs I have at the moment (Green is usually Green Odin). Black being Izanami.

This effectively gives me 10 turns on Zeus to kill him. Open with Echidna. 4 turns before first hit. Izanami ability to reduce hit enough to not kill me. Viper for 6 turns before second hit. If I do not kill him by then, its my own bad. Stalling for 25 turns is easy enough on Rounds 1-7.

On US Side, I have D/L Anubis and echidna but no viper. Idea is the same.