Puzzles and Dragons


<Gold Donor>
I'm sending loads of invites to you naga's as we speak. Don't tase me bro's.

In game name is lief, working up my puny 6* Shiva
Hope my lmeta team issortaready.. need a valkyrie

*Weekend Terrors*
[Duration]: 4/25 (Fri), 12:00 AM - 4/27 (Sun), 11:59 PM (PST)

It takes great skill to take these monsters on--and you know what they say: the devil's in the details!

4/25 - Hera-Ur Descended!
4/26 - Beelzebub Descended!
4/27 - The Goddess Descended!


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Left my Nexus 7 at the office yesterday, not going in today, and lost my badge last week to get in our door! Looks like no P&D until Monday


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Any of them good? I haven't even looked yet.
Lu Bu is tits. He's like an even better partner for Ronia than Ronia is. You trade healing for a little more HP and damage. And he's D/D so fits the typical devil color better. And has a 1 turn 2.5x attack boost so you can drop a Baddie for a real monster. Though you better be confident in killing them or healing up hardcore that turn since it drops you to 1HP.

Cao Cao is 1.35x HP 3x ATK to red and has a 1 turn delay that turns blues to reds. Add in his 1 red row enhance and he's an amazing Red/Attacker sub and a viable partner for Shiva if you haven't lucked in to him but have other good red row subs.

Blue and Green guys will be good subs for their colors.

D&Q are pre-UVO Horus with a way better active and a leader skill that includes Hearts as one of the 4 colors. I imagine some day they'll get a Uvo that brings their damage up too.

Red Guan Yu is Dragon leader, so garbage there. Passable red sub though with 1 row and 2 skill enhance.

Green Guan Yu is the same except for Physical. They seem to be filling out the ranks of green physical monsters so he'll become a viable endgame option. Though having the RCV to stay over 50% and keep his LS active might be rough. If you don't have a Parvati you might be fucked. You'd probably end up with a Green/Blue team and really want a Blodin in there as well for stats/awakenings.

Anyways, yeah they are very good Gods. I'll certainly be dumping all my saved stoned when it comes around. Hoping for a Lu Bu, Cao Cao, Rodin, Ronia, or maybe one of the Guan Yu's.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Red Guan Yu is Dragon leader, so garbage there. Passable red sub though with 1 row and 2 skill enhance.
He's a great leader but really only for heavy Iap teams.

Ronia, Ronia, strawberry dragon, Dino rider. 7 row enhances, 3k auto heal per turn, 10 skill reductions.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm definitely looking forward to a godfest that's worth a damn. I'm barely playing now, just the occasional special dungeon that I haven't cleared at all and supers if I happen to notice it and bother to set an alarm. All the recent free stones have me at 50+ now and I'll probably blow them all if they put up a decent set of gods finally.


I'm definitely looking forward to a godfest that's worth a damn. I'm barely playing now, just the occasional special dungeon that I haven't cleared at all and supers if I happen to notice it and bother to set an alarm. All the recent free stones have me at 50+ now and I'll probably blow them all if they put up a decent set of gods finally.
Marvel Puzzle Quest is a good substitute while you wait for something new from P&D.


Vyemm Raider
*Watery Temptress*
[Duration] 4/28 (Mon), 12:00 AM - 5/11 (Sun), 11:59 PM (PDT)

Don't let her appearance deceive you! Hamahime will drown you in the depths of her dark magics!

This NEW Survey dungeon is available for two weeks, and has the possibility for an invade from the rare Phantom Chaser! Use this monster to skill up Incarnation of Byakko, Haku!

Skill ups for Hanzo and Haku... I suspect I will be farming the absolute shit out of this dungeon.


Vyemm Raider
There was a GungHo stream last night from Japan. And I don't know who it was but they had a guy on stage run the dungeon and 1 stone it with a team of Zues/Valk/Sacred Beast Angelion/Echinada/No: 1014(not in US PAD yet)/uvoed Kirin friend. He did get lucky a couple of times to not die more than the once but it was an interesting dungeon.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Decided to finally finish KotG. A couple times before I took in a team that likely had no chance(my mediocre Satan, or Shiva without any prep) and ran out of steam. Decided to really focus and go in with my best squad, Kirin.

Stage 9, used first turn to clear out some hearts and darks and then noticed I had a pretty shady set up for Kirin left and I didn't want to use E. Fuckin' reds and blues all spread out. After staring at it for a bit I decided I needed to see what I was going to do better. Loaded it up on theP&D Simulatorand came up with a roundabout path I liked.


Yay me! And I needed it, Zeus was at like 5% life after gravities and my first combo.

Also, got the updated/active version of the friend list put in the first post, UPDATE YOSELVES!

edit: Also there's a King Carnival today.

edit2: Three Kingdoms/Greco Roman 3x chance Godfest starting Wednesday night.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I forgot about Metal/Gold and realized it 5 minutes after my windows closed. What was the baby Tama drop rate?


Lord Nagafen Raider
pretty damned high from what I saw, my girlfriend got 1 from 2 runs, I got 6 from about 17 (basically final floor was 33% drop, and then chance for additional appearances with 25% drop rate if it appeared on another floor.