Puzzles and Dragons


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Well fuck this greek godfest combo i might say. 8 Pulls and got kinda lucky in the end though.
1 Sun Quan
2 Fafnir (fu i wait)
3 +Vampire (wait)
4 Fairlion (not sure i can use since i got lemon dragon allready,wait)
5 Tiamat (considered if i really take another roll)
6 Ceres (my 2nd,imidiatly roll again)
7 Neptune (not sure but try for the streak...)
8 +Neptune (my 2nd wtf whre are you Three kingdoms?)


Molten Core Raider
What is the thinking on Strawberry Dragon? I have the 9 Tams...I run Shiva/Red Sonia teams a lot...Is it worth it? Or should I wait? I already have a Max Echida, Hera-Ur, R/b Ares, Kagu, or Belial that I can run with Sonia/Shiva.

The 9 awakens on Strawberry are crazy, but I'm just wondering if it is worth it.


Vyemm Raider
What is the thinking on Strawberry Dragon? I have the 9 Tams...I run Shiva/Red Sonia teams a lot...Is it worth it? Or should I wait? I already have a Max Echida, Hera-Ur, R/b Ares, Kagu, or Belial that I can run with Sonia/Shiva.

The 9 awakens on Strawberry are crazy, but I'm just wondering if it is worth it.
I am pretty sure its not worth it in the red sonia team, and feel the same for shiva. That said the fruit dragons are worth awakening if you have a team for them. However most people use the grape/lemon ones I haven't seen a team comp with strawberry


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I use my fully awoken lemon dragon in my kirin team and would do it again, but have a hard time coming up with a strawberry dragon team when you got enough other good subs lining up.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I saved up 10 Tams intending to fully awaken my Strawberry for the Shiva team bu tin the end it didn't seem worth it. Initially I was excited but there were more important things to put in there. Still haven't been by my office to pick up my Tablet, been P&D'less for almost a week now


<WoW Guild Officer>
I think I'm gonna do Melon dragon with the Gronia team. Double Gronia, Melon, GG Fafnir, and ADKZ, Gronia sub. Should be a wrecking crew if I can skill up ADKZ and Gronias.


Vyemm Raider
I think I'm gonna do Melon dragon with the Gronia team. Double Gronia, Melon, GG Fafnir, and ADKZ, Gronia sub. Should be a wrecking crew if I can skill up ADKZ and Gronias.
Ill trade you my 5 green trifruits for your red trifruits if you have any


<WoW Guild Officer>
Ill trade you my 5 green trifruits for your red trifruits if you have any
have two Ronias to max as well. It's gonna be a lot of dmg sunk into trifruit. I'm sitting on 3 blufruits and have no idea what to do with them.


Molten Core Raider
have two Ronias to max as well. It's gonna be a lot of dmg sunk into trifruit. I'm sitting on 3 blufruits and have no idea what to do with them.
Wait until you get 14 BlueFruits in a row...That happened to me this week. I went and bought a lottery ticket afterwards.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Wait until you get 14 BlueFruits in a row...That happened to me this week. I went and bought a lottery ticket afterwards.
What do you do with them? I mean 15k xp a pop ain't bad and all, but it feels shitty. And I know as soon as I get rid of them I'm gonna roll a blue sonia.


Vyemm Raider
What teams are you guys using to farm trifruits? My Ronia team of ronia/baddie/dd hades/hera-ur/belial isn't quite able to allow me to 0 stone it. Everything is awoken and max level with the exception of Hera/Belial as its been like a week and a half since red dragons.


Molten Core Raider
I can pretty reliably farm it with my Shiva team...Occasionally you get boned on Red. I think I use Shiva, Rsonia, Echidna, R/b Ares, Belial with another Shiva lead...


<WoW Guild Officer>
What teams are you guys using to farm trifruits? My Ronia team of ronia/baddie/dd hades/hera-ur/belial isn't quite able to allow me to 0 stone it. Everything is awoken and max level with the exception of Hera/Belial as its been like a week and a half since red dragons.
Everything I use is max awoken except Gigas the Great.

Shiva, Ronia, Gigas, Freyr, Amaterasu O, Shiva-Ally.

+2 Row, +1 Row, X, +2 Row, X, +2 Row
+1 Skill, +2 Skill, X, X, +1 Skill, +1 Skill
Orb Enchance, X, X, +dmg, X, Orb enhance
X, Orb change (long), Orb change (Short), X, X, X

It's a shitty chart, but it gives you an idea of why it's so powerful.
First round is a quick match of 3-5 (or 2x 3) to clear out the dragon seeds with a 1 timer. Clean up the rest of the seeds and the fruit before the fruit kills you. Try to leave a 5x or two 3x of reds.
Steamroll the dragon plants that have a 1 timer (or all of them, whatever). Leave 8 or at least 6 close to contiguous orbs for the next round.
If baby Tamdara is at 2 timer: Congrats you've won the round. If it's at 1, you need to actually work at it and get lucky. Match everything you can, kill plant or flower then flower or plant. setup board for round 4 by a ton of stalling. I'll even just move to orbs constantly without matching to try and get my creatures bound (so I can clear those colors without damaging the tamadara). Once I get A-O up (preferably the Shivas also, but not required), I kill the baby Tamadra. Hopefully I've got the hearts and reds situated to pull off a double row. Pop A-O once on the last round, pop Freyr, pop shiva#1, match two rows and that brings red down to 5-10%, blue to just below 50%, and kills green (even 1 row can do that sometimes on other combos). Pop ROnia, pop shiva #2, setup as many separate red rows as possible and collect trifruit.

Occasionally (15% of the time) I get fucked by orb trolling, or improperly killing the baby tamadra before getting orbs setup.


Molten Core Raider
Try that same setup, but switch in Echidna for the Ameratsu O...Use the Ech to delay the Tam round...Target and kill the wings...Setup at leisure the combos and blow up the fruits with all timers/solid setup.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Try that same setup, but switch in Echidna for the Ameratsu O...Use the Ech to delay the Tam round...Target and kill the wings...Setup at leisure the combos and blow up the fruits with all timers/solid setup.
I'd run into the same problem of blowing up the entire round before I have my ROnia skill up. AO is max awoken, so no binds and always can pop off 2 dmg to finish the tamadra. While I might be able to kill both red and green trifruits, the blue still only takes 1/2 dmg until 50%, so at best I'd get it down to 25%. You can even run the nice gamble of stalling 4 rounds as they do Red Fruit/Blue Fruit pretty often and green doesn't do shit until you actually "wake it up".


Vyemm Raider
My problem is not killing the trifruits at the end its killing the Fruit in floor 1 before it kills me, and killing both the fruit and the flower in round 3 before 1 kills me. I am hoping to have an unUVOed Ifrit the next time I try to farm them in place of the DD Hades so hopefully I can burn through the fruit/flowers easier. That will add 1 more skill boost and 2 more red row boosts and more fire damage overall.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'd run into the same problem of blowing up the entire round before I have my ROnia skill up. AO is max awoken, so no binds and always can pop off 2 dmg to finish the tamadra. While I might be able to kill both red and green trifruits, the blue still only takes 1/2 dmg until 50%, so at best I'd get it down to 25%.
Your team is surely way beefier than mine and I get it down to 10-15% and usually easily killed in the next combo.

You should be able to set up 2 red row combo before finishing Tamadra. That combo with Shiva/Freyr will kill the 2 and at worst get middle under 50%. That leaves you with Ronia(who I don't have), Freyr ability still up, and Shiva. Boss wave should not be an issue with your team I would thing, as long as you are setting up and stalling on Tama.

You wantsomething like thisbefore you after Gigas orb change. Ideally you'd have at least one extra red combo on top of the two rows. And of course never be shy about not matching any orbs to get the set up done. Having AO might actually be hurting you here, less options for stalling when every light combo will put at least 2 hits on Tam. Unless you are confident you can finish the bosses without a serious set up you might be better off bringing another red.


Trakanon Raider
So I haven't really progressed my account past sea god, but I'm in dire need of dub-mythlits to do anything in my box. Are the levels prior to zeus in the final normal dungeon simple enough to grind with my luci team where they can random invade?. I have to do something different than run the friday dungeon 9 times and get one mythlit. Its rage inducing.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I have about 20 dub-myths in my box simply from grinding Ocean of Heaven - Sea God. Just like any RNG it is very streaky but the +eggs you get from it, the level fodder, and gold / xp is well worth it in the long run.

edit: I'm an idiot, I was thinking of masks... that's what I get after not playing for a week. Will leave my stupidity and take my shame.