R.I.P.D Rest In Peace Department


Mr. Poopybutthole
reminds me of a show that used to be on TV called "Dead Like Me" where the main girl dies and becomes a grim reaper but her and her team look like other people so nobody recognizes them and they go around "reaping" people to make sure they die when they are supposed to...
so this is like a MIB - Ghostbusters - Dead Like Me kind of mix up, looks to be interesting at least.
Cast looks good, but totally agree with this statement, idea seems so unoriginal. Doubt ill see this in the theater but will give it a try when it becomes widly available, sometimes rip-offs can be better than the original but somhow I doubt this is the case here. Still seems like a fun ride.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Dead Like Me was fairly neutral, though. This is sorta like that, but more in the vein of GvE (Good vs. Evil), that older show on the then Sci-Fi channel ;P


A bit over Reynolds, like most actors nowadays he seems to play just the one character over and over. Which kind of drags the entire movie down.

And this movie looks like it will be driven by the actors personalitys only.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Trailer makes it look like utter shit. How did they get Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds to sign on?


<Prior Amod>
well Ryan hasn't been on a hot streak for good movies as of late really.

I dunno, it looks like it'll have a few laughs. I'm sure I'll download it the moment an HD rip of it comes available.


Musty Nester
I mocked this movie sorta hard when the pre-pre-pre-pre-preview trailers came out.

But it actually looks like it might be worth a few laughs. Most likely willtorrentsteal it. Low def though, because you gotta keep it sensible.


I was surprised to see how destroyed that movie was on Rotten Tomatoes. It's not great, it generates more smiles than laughs, it feels like a second serving of Men In Black that does not really find its own thing, but the story is without fluff and unpretentiously goes to its point, the cast is having fun (Bridges' character is supposed to be annoying and he is a little too much, but Bacon makes a great villain without going overboard and I greatly enjoy Parker's timing, pantomime and delivery) and, also, a pleasant surprise for me was better than average film-making with a nice use of space in some of the chase scenes. Verdict: Refreshingly not trying to be what it is not (a nice change from the bloated messes that are recent comic book movies).
Why would you want to watch a shitty cam version anyway?
Cause Jeff Bridges fan know this will be good popcorn flick when it comes on blu ray, but for now would watch it in background while beta some MMO.

Sometimes some the Torrents end up being pretty solid, or press version but with this they will not be press version.


Also part of my post was sarcasm about the fact that this movie is so shitty that even the pirates that torrent Sharknado and every other fucking thing wont torrent touch it lol.
Meh even "good cams" are way to dark 99% of the time.
Yah if the cam is to bad wont watch it for any movie when its like v8-v9 and like a8-9 then will watch it, then if good popcorn flick rewatch it when comes out on blu ray later.

Of course if it some epic movie, I want to see go see it on Imax with the GF.



Registered Hutt
I smiled. I laughed a couple times. I actually enjoyed it. The serious business plot is basically just a canvas to tell cliched jokes and act out some physical comedy. I expected it to be weaksauce, and that I would fall asleep a few minutes in. I didn't. I made it to the end without quite realizing it was over. So I feel they delivered on an above average experience, but the story is entirely forgettable.

It made me think of this guy explaining professional comedy. The gist of it was, you might know a guy who is funny at parties. He tells a few jokes and people laugh. But the set-up for those jokes is drawn out. There is a lull from the time it begins to the punchline. Professional comics cut down on the lull. They either cut up the lead for the big punchline with a series of little jokes, or they just keep knocking out big punchlines over and over. The audience should be laughing like 50% of the time you're on stage. And I was amused by the frequent petty comedies littered throughout this movie.

MODS, merge this withhttp://www.rerolled.org/showthread.p...ace-Department


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is this movie so bad, that I cant even find a torrent for it to watch.
Movies having "bad" rep don't have anything to do with CAM .torrent availabiliy, it's more likely about copies / theaters / rep / opportunites. A movie wouldn't have more torrents just because rottentomatoes / iMDB have high notes, Only God Forgives has terrible reviews while being available in 720p within the month after US release.

If you can be arsed watching a +$100m Hollywood movie with shitty audio and video, I guess CAM torrents are for you, tho you'd be wise to not complain about the movie's overall quality. Watching it like it's 1993 Zimbabwe doesn't qualify your viewing as a valid opinion. It's 2013 out there, where 1080p, LEDs, DTS HD is available for $500 bucks ; you virtually have no excuses dissing a blockbuster movie just because the plot was dumb.