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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Hell or High Water. Ben Foster always plays a character you hate. Love the final conversation between Bridges/Pine
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<Gold Donor>
If you guys enjoyed Feast, Amazon also has "John Does at the End" as well. I highly recommend it. It's a hell of a trip. I even bought the book sequel "This Book is full of Spiders".
Spellcheck changed Dies to Does btw. I watch this movie once a year or so , LOVE it. It's complete batshit and B-movie just the right amount.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
just watched 2021 Suicide Squad because when it came out I watched it in an Airbnb, didn't really pay much attention and wanted to watch it on a proper home theatre set up.

Started off ok but I was bored with 45 mins left, willing it to end with 20 minutes left and barely paid attention during the last 10 mins


Blackwing Lair Raider
Watched The Lost City with Sandra Bullock and Channing Tantum. Chicks flick to the max.
Light love comedy, i'd give 4/10. I'd even give it a 5 if not for the token loud black woman.


Avatar of War Slayer
Watched The Lost City with Sandra Bullock and Channing Tantum. Chicks flick to the max.
Light love comedy, i'd give 4/10. I'd even give it a 5 if not for the token loud black woman.

Wife wanted to watch it, it was a chick flick with eye candy for the woman's

The black power chick was funny somewhat to me because it was completely separated and she did absolutely nothing of note / influence on the main gig except to show up as the "Magical Negro" at the very end.

It is a modern Romancing the Stone / Jewel of the Nile.
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Got something right about marriage
I just rewatched The Peanut Butter Falcon. It's just a really good movie.

Tell a story and mostly, if it's a good story, that's all that matters.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I watched the original Twister last night. I'd never seen it but heard it had a good atmos mix. I've never been in a tornado before but the sound mix really makes you feel like you're in the eye of one


<Gold Donor>
Last night was a throwback James Bond night - 1st up was Goldeneye , still a great popcorn flick and it makes you want to immediately pop on the game on an emulator 8.5/10. Next was Moonraker , Roger is a little long in the tooth by '79 but still good campy fun 7/10.
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Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
American Heist. Hayden Christensen and Adrian Brodie. Holy shit was this bad. Avoid like the plague.

This one quote says all that needs said about this movie: "They fucked me in the ass with toothpaste and took away my swagger"


Vyemm Raider

1/10. if you guessed the killer would be "systemic racism" you guessed right.


Tranny Chaser
Fall guy. Was kinda funny and meta. Better than expected of a rom-com.
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Tranny Chaser
The King. Forgot how good the sword duels were. And also good acting. A bit short, but okay.


Tranny Chaser
In a Violent Nature was pretty good but goddamn Not Jason walks a lot. The film tried to keep it visually interesting but at the end of the day there's a lot of time spent with him just walking. The premise of doing a Friday the 13th from Jason's perspective is interesting and this would have made a good sequel back in the days when that franchise had some mojo left but was also completely out of ideas but done today it really needed a bit more work in the writing department. With some more polish this could have been really good but as it stands it's just alright. For people that don't really like Friday the 13th, Halloween or any of the zillions of ripoffs there's nothing here for you.

The gore was A+.
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>

1/10. if you guessed the killer would be "systemic racism" you guessed right.
Hah I watched that last night and didn’t even bother posting the rating here. It was really bad.


Throbbing Member
Watched the 3 part Justice League Crisis animated movies and they sucked. Probably some of the worst DC animated stuff put it out in a long time.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
In a Violent Nature was pretty good but goddamn Not Jason walks a lot. The film tried to keep it visually interesting but at the end of the day there's a lot of time spent with him just walking. The premise of doing a Friday the 13th from Jason's perspective is interesting and this would have made a good sequel back in the days when that franchise had some mojo left but was also completely out of ideas but done today it really needed a bit more work in the writing department. With some more polish this could have been really good but as it stands it's just alright. For people that don't really like Friday the 13th, Halloween or any of the zillions of ripoffs there's nothing here for you.

The gore was A+.

Just finished this. Glad to have seen it, but yeah you weren't kidding. Walking Simulator 2024. It helps with the tension up to a point but then it sort of feels like a slog just watching him plod around and finally murderlate someone. The Colt kill was both absurd and hilarious. Absurd in what exactly was the plan standing 3 feet behind the guy and screaming at him? Hilarious because of what happens after, for like 5 straight minutes. Not sure I'll go back and watch it again.
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Tranny Chaser
Just finished this. Glad to have seen it, but yeah you weren't kidding. Walking Simulator 2024. It helps with the tension up to a point but then it sort of feels like a slog just watching him plod around and finally murderlate someone. The Colt kill was both absurd and hilarious. Absurd in what exactly was the plan standing 3 feet behind the guy and screaming at him? Hilarious because of what happens after, for like 5 straight minutes. Not sure I'll go back and watch it again.

They did some stuff where he could walk for a few seconds, there would be a cut, a few more seconds of walking and then another cut. That worked. The terrain changes and the lighting changes to give you a feel time distance traveled and time spent. You add a bit of artistry to the shot and alright. Unfortunately there's also just long scenes of unbroken walking? You can get away with that once to build tension but really no more than once. In long-ass walking scenes we need to have the story unfold around him as we hear dialogue from the other characters and see what they're doing from Johnny's perspective. That happens some but it's inconsistent.

I think they had all the right ideas for this and just needed a bit more polish on the script and the editing/pacing.
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Vyemm Raider
Had a spooky movie night last night, was underwhelmed. Here's some reviews:

Out of Darkness (2024) - it's 45,000 BC, and a small band of stone-age people forge a new life in a mysterious new land - only to be hunted by unknown and dark forces. I was hoping this would be a caveman version of the VVitch, but instead it turns out that humans are the real bad guys! After the big reveal, the ending becomes dull and predictable, which massively undermines some solid performances in a well-shot and atmospheric setting. 6/10, but only because I'm a sucker for caveman movies.

Talk to Me (2023) - a group of weirdly ugly Australian teenagers mess about with an evil magic hand as a party game. Things go wrong, because the evil magic hand is a gateway to talking to the dead/evil spirits/hell and somehow no one sees this coming. Maybe the hand is also an allegory for drug use/social media addiction/etc.? Dunno - I'm tired of pretentious, high-minded symbolism in my shitty horror movies. The main characters also make the mistake of being both extremely unsympathetic and legitimately ugly, so it's hard to care when bad things happened to them. On the upside, the ending was pretty satisfying - certainly more than Out of Darkness. 7/10, I can see this working better as a date night film where your lady wants to get scared and also ask you really dumb questions.
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>

5/10 is about right for this, maybe even 4.6/10. It isn't great or good or mediocre. It is watchable but only in the "need background noise" because you won't miss anything important or any breakthrough performances. Based on the synopsis I expected it to be more supernatural and it wasn't at all. Just an old lady capturing girls to artificially inseminate them. Underwhelming.