Recommend a dating site


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Attractive girls can and do send out messages. They still search the site and do all the normal shit even if they have 60 unread emails. That is why having a profile that stands out is the first and most important step to online dating. From talking to various women I went on dates with from these sites basically once they get a message the skim it first, go to the dude's profile and see if they want to respond. Some said they first checked to see if they thought the guy was attractive before reading a single word. Since online dating is all about the law of probability and being quick you basically need to send a first message that is so short she won't skim it (skimming generally means you're bored and don't want to read it all) and have a profile that is also easily readable. Personally I found a short intro sentence about me, followed by a list with 6-10 bullet points about me and a short outro worked best.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
You described min/maxing from a man's point of view, i.e dressing as efficiently as possible. To a woman, min/maxing is exactly as he described. She's basically going back to town and respeccing between each fight in order to eek out .5% more dps on the next boss.
Good point.

Suck it Skanda, I didn't play much of luclin.


Golden Knight of the Realm
if by some reason my wife ever gets sick of my shit and leaves me I will hit up every dating site and go on a giant fuck fest of epic proportions. I mean all you gotta do is type some emails and get some??

too bad that will never happen though


Got something right about marriage
if by some reason my wife ever gets sick of my shit and leaves me I will hit up every dating site and go on a giant fuck fest of epic proportions. I mean all you gotta do is type some emails and get some??

too bad that will never happen though
"Too bad I'm married" hahaha


Golden Knight of the Realm


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
what if your wife goes out of town to a different zip code? Game on then, rite?


if by some reason my wife ever gets sick of my shit and leaves me I will hit up every dating site and go on a giant fuck fest of epic proportions. I mean all you gotta do is type some emails and get some??

too bad that will never happen though
hay gurl u want sum fuk?


You won't find quality women on dating sites. Go to a church or something.
I went to Barnes and Noble last night because it's connected to the mall and I was walking around since it was nice out and needed to clear my head. I cross the street (it's an outdoor mall) and some girl sets her sights on me like a lion on it's prey. I keep walking because she isn't my type and I head inside the bookstore. She comes in with her friend and comes straight up to me and hits on me. "That's cool" I think and she moves on after I kinda just seem amused and continue my browsing. I get interest a lot from younger girls (some not even legal) because I look extremely young for my age. She said I looked 22 but I'm 27 so it can get annoying when the young ones aren't a high 7 at least.

I go up the escalator to find a seat to read a Tucker Max book and she chases me down again and initiates conversation. I'm thinking, "maybe I'll get some good conversation at least tonight even if I'm not interested". So I talk and eventually she asks to go sit down with her and I abide. Now, not 10 minutes talking to this girl she's laying her head ON MY LAP with her tits in full view (20 year old tits are firmer than I remember). She tells me how her ex used to beat her nightly and even raped her after they broke up. I'm flabbergasted at this point. This redneck girl obviously has problems and is possibly even on drugs. She wont shut up. I hand her my phone to put her number in and I book it. I make sure she doesn't follow me to my car because she mentioned she lives in the same neighborhood as me and I don't want her knowing where I live.

My point here is that there are crazy women at even the most recommended places for finding people. Ask a woman where you can meet quality women and they will always say the grocery store or a book store.