Red Pill Thread 2.0: Neckbeard Revenge


Vyemm Raider
Where does all this hostility come from? It's just a topic for debate, like feminism, religion, politics, etc. People are getting rustled over nothing.

Give us a thread and everyone's happy.
Make one in screen shots. However post the junk one more time in any other existing thread and it's the shaw for you. 30 days.

So say we all.
Phazael_sl said:
... "hey, if you need to bust a nut, here is a good way to score some short term trim"

What isthe redpill?

Discussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity formen.

Executive Summary:

The Western World has quietly becomea civilization that undervalues men and overvalues women, where the state forcibly transfers resources from men to women creating various perverse incentives for otherwise good women to conduct great evil against men and children, and where male nature is vilified but female nature is celebrated. This is unfair to both genders, and is a recipe for a rapid civilizational decline and displacement, the costs of which will ultimately be borne by a subsequent generation of innocent women, rather than men, as soon as 2020.
I think it's fun to talk about. Intro level links on the topic:

Dissecting the RedPill

There is an incredible amount of confusion and misrepresentation out there about what exactly the redpillis. There are those who simply dislike it and thus misrepresent it and there are those whom are new to the philosophy who among all the chaos of differing opinion, spam and plethora of theories and content are just left scratching their heads. I hope here to communicate the fundamentals of what the widely encompassing philosophy entails, and dispel many of the misconceptions that have formed around it.

First and foremost, the redpillis about giving males direction in order that they may fulfill their innate potential, in a culture which gives the male gender little to no guidance on actualising their sense of innate and biologically driven masculinity, where society has ignored male needs The RedPilltakes centre stage, a reaction to a societal problem, it attempts to give men of all ages the tools they need to introspect (take a look at themselves) and address their shortcomings in order to overcome them.
Dissecting the RedPill(Part 2) - Q&A

A woman popped up in/r/theredpilllast week asking questions about what redpillphilosophy is, I answered her with a fairly long post and the post got a lot of attention (triple digits up votes) which is rare for anything that's over 200 words long, so here we are, with some grammatical revisions and additions for your reading delight, these were my answers to her questions.

The questions are symbolic of the common pondering which newbies who aren't fully acquainted with the philosophy will engage in, and thus my decision to enshrine this interaction into a blog post (due to its utility), you can use the knowledge in my interaction with this woman to help you interpret what the redpillphilosophy is among all the misconception, disinformation or logical uncertainty you may have encountered. If you want to see the original post on Reddit then you can see it here:

The following document contains a series of generalisations which embody the fundamental tenets and beliefs of redpillphilosophy, the information herein is extensive but by no means exhaustive. This has been written with brevity and ease of reading in mind, thus there is not a case study for every point made and neither is there necessarily an explanation given with each bullet point.
Feminism, Family Destroyer

I intend this article to be more of an "academic entry piece" to redpillphilosophy, so I have included references to my points for those who need a veneer of academic credibility in order to open their minds to facilitate the reality that can be readily observed on a day-to-day basis by any unbrainwashed human in a feminist society. I do however apologise that the citations do not link to the footnotes as I don't have the software readily available to do it, so you will have to look in the footnotes manually to see the sources.
The RedPillis Intolerant of Irrationalism and "Equality"

The redpillis a philosophy based upon a set of observations which emphasises the utilisation of logic as a tool for explaining the reality around us, as such it is accepting of many ideas and stances, however one thing it is most decidedly not accepting of is ideology which presents a faux sense of egalitarianism out of unsubstantiatable idealism, such ideology operates on poorly constructed reasoning and it is for this reason alone that the ideology in question is unilaterally rejected by the redpill, the most prominent of said rejected ideology of course being that of feminism.
Understanding Social Market Value

What is SMV? SMV is known as social market value or more commonly, sexual market value. It is the inherent value of a person, the crude 1-10 rating of where a person is in the social hierarchy. In the context of social market value, this encompasses friends, colleagues, contacts, acquaintances and etc - how many do you have? How well-connected are you? Can you use nepotism to get ahead or are you reliant purely on the whims of meritocracy? Sexual market value is the same thing, but within the context of your sexual attraction and viability for mate investment.

SMV is not concrete or even absolute per se, but it is rather dualistic within its nature as fundamentally it is both tangible and non-tangible.
Bonus Content:
Sexual Utopia in Power

It would be more accurate to say that thefemale sexual instinct is hypergamous. Men may have a tendency to seek sexual variety, but women have simple tastes in the manner of Oscar Wilde: They are always satisfied with the best. By definition, only one man can be the best. These different male and female "sexual orientations" are clearly seen among the lower primates, e.g., in a baboon pack.Females compete to mate at the top, males to get to the top.

Hypergamy is not monogamy in the human sense.Although there may be only one "alpha male" at the top of the pack at any given time, which one it is changes over time.In human terms, this means the female is fickle, infatuated with no more than one man at any given time, but not naturally loyal to a husband over the course of a lifetime.In bygone days, it was permitted to point out natural female inconstancy. Consult, for example, Ring Lardner's humorous story "I Can't Breathe"-the private journal of an eighteen year old girl who wants to marry a different young man every week.If surveyed on her preferred number of "sex partners," she would presumably respond one; this does not mean she has any idea who it is.
Woman: The Most Responsible Teenager in the House.

"The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower is it in reaching maturity. Man reaches the maturity of his reasoning and mental faculties scarcely before he is eight and twenty; woman when she is eighteen; but hers is a reason of very narrow limitations. This is whywomen remain children all their lives, for they always see only what is near at hand, cling to the present, take the appearance of a thing for reality, and prefer trifling things to the most important." -- Arthur Schopenhauer, On Women (1851)

The reason why females mature faster than men is not some particular triumph for them, despite how women seem to enjoy throwing this little tidbit of information around.As I described in my piece"You're Such a Tool", what it really has to do with is women being the biological bearers and caretakers of children.They mature faster than males because once they become fertile after puberty, they must also have the mental capacity to care for the children they might bear.Nowhere in nature is there a female organism that is capable of giving birth to offspring which is not also developed enough yet to care for the offspring. This not only manifests itself in hips capable of giving birth and breasts able to produce milk, but also in a mental maturation that enables them to provide basic childcare. You will notice as well, even in our present society, it is when girls reach around the age of twelve that they begin taking up babysitting and it is around puberty when adults begin entrusting young girls to care for infants alone. This merely coincides with female biology, as it is also at that age when girls become physically capable of bearing children, and their mental maturity matches their biological maturity.

The difference between men and women in maturity, however, is that while females mature earlier in life, they also stop maturing at around the age of eighteen, as Schopenhauer aptly observes. And while men don't catch up to women's maturity until they reach around age twenty-eight, after that themen keep maturing- often throughout their entire lives.
Shit Tests 101

The issue of what's popularly referred to as "shit tests", aka fitness tests, comes up often enough I've decided to write up a post so we can put this issue to rest for a while.

When it comes right down to itshit tests are typically women's way of flirting. Women generally do not shit test men they have no interest in, so if you're getting them then it's often a good thing. Let's look at what shit rests actually are: Rapport breaks

Rapport breaks are a type of flirting where women throw you a faux indicator of disinterest to see how you handle it. If you respond in kind then you pass. In essence it is a form of mirroring each other's level of investment, or as they say, like attracts like.

So why are rapport breaks a form of flirting? The main reason is that it gives women a degree of emotional stimulation. Plus there's the fact that most men buckle to women's shit tests and don't respond in kind. This demonstrates a lack of social acumen and emotional maturity. Those who "pass" show they can handle the woman's BS and is "on her level", so to speak. This is where the evolutionary theory comes into play: you're demonstrating her faux negativity doesn't phase you and that you're an emotionally developed person who isn't going to melt down at the first sign of trouble. Ergo you'll be able to protect her when threats to her safety emerge.

In short, when women bust on you (could be a shit test or otherwise) you should reply in kind. When it comes right down to it this is the core essence of flirting.
Sexual Market Value / Sexual Market Place:
Comparative SMV and the Peak Span Years

One important note here is to compare men and women's SMV decline. Women's SMV being primarily based on the physical, has a much more precipitous decline than that of men's. who's decline is graduated upon a declining capacity to maintain his status as well as his health / looks. Since a man's SMV is rooted in his personal accomplishments, his SMV degradation has much more potential for preservation.Women's SMV burns hot and short, but men's burns slow and long.

Now class, please address your attention to the critical 15-16 year span between a woman's peak SMV and that of men's. It should come as no surprise that this span is generally the most socially tumultuous between the sexes. The majority of first marriages take place here, single-motherhood takes place here, advanced degrees, career establishments, hitting the Wall, and many other significant life events occur in this life stage. So it is with a profound sense of importance that we understand the SMV context, and the SMP's influence as prescribed to each sexes experience during this period.

At age 30 men are just beginning to manifest some proto-awareness of their sexual value, while simultaneously women are becoming painfully aware of their marked inability to compete with their sexual competitors indefinitely.This is the point of comparative SMV: when both sexes are situationally at about the same level of valuation (5). The conflict in this is that men are just beginning to realize their potential while women must struggle with the declination of their own.

This is the primary phase during which women must cash in their biological chips in the hope that the best men they can invest their hypergamy with will not be so aware of their innate SMV potential that they would choose a younger woman (22-24) during her peak phase over her. I wrote about this in The Threat:

Nothing is more threatening yet simultaneously attractive to a woman than a man who is aware of his own value to women.

The confluence between both sexes' comparative SMV is perhaps the most critical stage of life for feminine hypergamy. She must be able to keep him ignorant of his SMV potential long enough to optimize her hypergamy. In men's case, his imperative is to awaken to his SMV (or his potential of it) before he has made life-altering decisions based on a lack understanding his potential.
Gender Studies is Bullshit
The Nordic Council of Ministers (a regional inter-governmental co-operation consisting of Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland) has decided to close down the NIKK Nordic Gender Institute. The NIKK had been the flagship of "Gender Theory", providing the "scientific" basis for social and educational policies that, from the 1970s onward, had transformed the Nordic countries to become the most "gender sensitive" societies in the world.

The decision was made after the Norwegian State Television had broadcasted a television documentary called "Hjernevask" (the Norwegian word for "brainwash") in which comedian Harald Eia exposed the hopelessly unscientific character of the NIKK.

Tl;dr: Comedian completely destroys every claim by the gender studies institute with proof from actual scientists, biologists, psychologists etc. to the point where the state shuts it down.
You can find more informationhere.

Bonus content for a_skeleton_03.
Did you know the RedPillhas it's own RedPill? One full of racism, anti-liberal rage, appreciation for the Catholic Church, and a desire to return to a pure dictatorial government?

The Dark Enlightenment.
Much of this will be highly politically incorrect and offensive, because that's what Reactionaries do. I have tried to be charitable towards these ideas, which means this post will be pushing politically incorrect and offensive positions. If you do not want to read it, especially the middle parts which are about race, I would totally understand that. But if you do read it and accuse me of holding these ideas myself and get really angry, thenyou fail at reading comprehension forever.

I originally planned to follow this up tomorrow with the post containing my arguments against these positions, but this argument took longer than I thought to write and I expect the counterargument will as well. Expect a post critiquing reactionary ideas sometime in the next.week? month?

In any case, this is not that post. This is the post where I argue that modern society is rotten to the core, and that the only reasonable solution is to dig up King James II, clone him, and give the clone absolute control over everything.

Now let's talk about why it's complete bullshit.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
i wouldnt know. i talk to women like a normal person without playing any mind games and normally dont have any problems getting my dick wet.


Vyemm Raider
Is this where people with no girlfriends or wives lecture us about what women really want?
This is where I post my links or get banned. Liberals are so tolerant of people that don't agree with them.

So, I met the "Other Man" today.

I showed up at the soccer game today. It was her day with the kids, but I still wanted to be there for my daughter... and to see my boys. Any chance I can get to to be with my kids is a plus. Even though I see them 5 days a week, I'd prefer it to be 7.

I arrived and couldn't find them. It's 100 degrees outside. Ah, there was my youngest boy jumping up and down because he saw me. "Daddy! Daddy!" I ran over and gave him a big hug and kiss, some tickles. He laughed. He asked if we could wrestle. "Not right now. I gotta watch your sister play, buddy!" My oldest boy comes over and tells me about how he was hit in the face with a soccer ball and it was awesome. These boys...

I set my things down, and there she was in front of me, facing the field. I didn't recognize her. Her hair looked extra shitty today. There he was next to her. The other man. Oh shit.

For those that don't know the story, see my other posts. Over a year ago the ex of 15 years left me for the uber alpha male.

I was the sweet one. He was the asshole.
I was the guy who could change a diaper and wipe a butt faster than anyone. He was the guy who could lift a house.
He was the one who convinced my wife to do anal. I was the one who would rub my daughter's head when she cried asking why mama left.

In the past 15 months, I have been daydreaming about this day. Would I stab him in neck with my pocket knife? Would I try show off my physical attributes? Show him that I'm not a worm? "Man, it's hot... better take off my shirt! Whoa, my pecs are glistening! These abs! So washboard-like!" Would I give him a big speech on how he caused a lot of heart ache for some really great kids? Would I cause a huge scene in front of everyone and go down in soccer field history?

Then I had a good look at him. I sat quiet in thought.

It's not his fault. He's a dude. He stuck his dick in crazy. We've all been there. He got roped in. He's now with a 40 year old woman with three kids. Her best days are waaaay behind her. He'll have to wake up next to a woman that he knows left her three kids and husband when the first whiff of something exciting hit her in the face. He'll learn of her childhood baggage. He'll learn of her addictive/impulsive behaviors... and he'll start asking her about why she spends so much on strange stuff. He'll be where I was in no time. There's no way in hell I would ever want to go back to that point in my life.

I get up from my chair and stand behind him. I say his name. "David?" He turns around and seems a bit surprised. I extend my hand. "It's nice to finally meet you." We shake hands. I go back to my chair.

Poor asshole. He's the real Beta, after all.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
and yet this pussy is the one whos crying and dripping with bitterness over her leaving him

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Araysar, you've never been on the short end of a bad breakup? They were married 15 years bro.
I'm in my early 30s and I've never been broken up with. I was always the first one to break up or leave a relationship. All my break ups were extremely civilized and I stayed on good terms with pretty much all my exes.

I am pretty sure this is how its supposed to be done.


Vyemm Raider
I'm in my early 30s and I've never been broken up with. I was always the first one to break up or leave a relationship. All my break ups were extremely civilized and I stayed on good terms with pretty much all my exes.

I am pretty sure this is how its supposed to be done.
That's interesting.

Focus on you first. And second. And third. And...blah blah...Worry about women seventh.

A lot of people (especially new people) show up on The RedPillwondering "What specifically do I do to improve my life?" They're not looking for academic theory about women and power-talk and discussions about how shitty women are and how alpha and beta various examples of men are. They're looking for concrete help. Advice they can implement today to make their lives better.

First, join a gym, or start going if you already joined but don't go regularly. Or go back if you used to work out and stopped. Make time for this. Every day. Or maybe 6 days a week. Or every other day if you have shit to do. But minimum 3 times per week and preferably more. Do strength training. Look up stronglifts 5x5 or something comparable, and fucking do it. Cardio in between if you're going every day. This is your time. Don't talk to girls. Don't talk to guys. Don't waste your gym hour. Just work out. It will suck at first but get easier. Here's the key: It doesn't matter if you get stronger or look different after a month. (You will, but it doesn't matter.) The way you walk, talk, and carry yourself will become better, in a way you won't notice but others will, if you know that you've done all you can to prepare your body to face the day, every day. And it's just plain good for you to grow some fucking muscle.

Second, eat well and get enough sleep. Staying up until 4:AM drinking beer is fine when you're 19 and in college studying for an exam, but you're a real person now, and you wake up at 5:AM to work out. So eat real food (not bars and shakes), cut out soft drinks and energy drinks and other bullshit, limit alcohol to social drinking, learn to cook, and buy actual shit from an actual healthy grocery store. And sleep 8-9 hours per night. You have nothing to prove to anybody by staying up until midnight. You have a job, a workout regimen, and a life to live. Lack of sleep hinders all of that and makes you a less efficient and a less attractive human.

Third, get a job if you don't have one. Get a good job if you already have a shitty job. Get ahead at your good job if you already have one of those. You can look on or monster or any other job site, but be forewarned - every job posting you see on the internet will get a thousand resumes. Do a general search for companies in your industry and just send them letters and a copy of your resume. Follow up within the week. By phone, not e-mail. Talk to everyone you know and get hooked up at places you never would have thought to approach. Networking is the best way to get a job, and having a day job and steady income affects the way you walk and talk. Even if you don't notice this, others will. Even if you're in school now, get a part time job doing something cool. It's a great conversation piece, and when you're finally out of school, the fact that you did something besides go to school the last 4 years sets you apart from other college graduates first starting to send their resumes to employers.

Fourth, talk to strangers. All the fucking time. Are you in line somewhere? A coffee shop? The student union at your university? Are you on a street or in a building, or at the gym or anywhere else where other people exist and aren't busy working? Just chat with strangers. You're not trying to make a new best friend or get a date. You're just chatting with people, both men and women, 30-60 seconds tops, maybe 10 people a day. Most of this will go nowhere and be super-awkward, but maybe you meet someone you can add to your network and contact later. More importantly, however, you get over the inherent fear we all have of rejection. You talk to strangers without caring what they'll say or think, it's awkward and stupid, it sucks and you look dumb and have nothing to talk about. But six months from now, you'll realize that you're actually good at talking to people, strangers are as afraid of you as you are of them, and you develop a knack for getting other people to seek your approval, rather than vice versa. This translates into more success meeting women, more confidence at job interviews and business/social functions, and the like.

Fifth, join some professional societies, hobbyist groups, start taking guitar or martial art lessons, or something that interests you, not related to your day job. You need shit to do besides work, cook dinner, and sleep. Otherwise, you're a boring little shit. Be interested in something and look into it. Cooking? Making soap? Making explosives? Going to the shooting range? I don't care. But if you're a man, you've at least passively been interested in lots of things over the years. Pick a few items of the greatest interest to you and actually look into them. You won't live forever.

Sixth, study up on game. It doesn't matter how fit, healthy, successful, social, and interesting you are. Women and talking them into fucking you is something different from all of that. If you don't know how to talk to girls in a sexual way, you'll die a rich, super hawt, very interesting virgin who didn't have game. You have to learn how to treat women like anybody else, be outcome independent, talk subtly sexually, touch in a non-awkward way, and escalate the situation to a sexual encounter. This is a learned skill, not something that "just happens" naturally the way women will tell you it does. For them, it just happens. For you, it's a practiced skill, and making this happen is something that is completely independent from looks/fitness, success, hobbies, and social skills. Having all of that makes game a lot easier (which is why game comes as sixth on this list), but all of that without game won't get you laid, and game without all of that will make your life a lot harder.

Finally, start going out every weekend, and/or maybe one weeknight a week, and approach women. Constantly, the same way you talked to strangers above. Note how this is seventh on my list, and not all that important. Women don't matter if you haven't done 1-6. And you can be happy and successful just doing 1-6 and forgetting all about women. That's actually key. If you're not happy, all on your own, just with who you are, what you've done, and what you're capable of, then you'll never land a woman (not a worthwhile one anyway). If you're physically fit or at least confident about your gym routine, healthy and well-rested, professionally successful, socially not awkward, have hobbies and interests, and are at least decently versed in game, you finally have a decent chance of not being blown off by the average woman. As noted above, treat women like talking to strangers. Just chat with them like anybody else, in a non-awkward way, and you're already leagues beyond the normal loser, who doesn't have the courage to walk up and talk (and when he does, he's an awkward loser). Just talking to women and coming across like a non-awkward, non-loser puts you in the top 25% of men. Being subtly sexual and escalating via touch puts you in the top 20%, give or take. Not caring whether you're turned down or not and moving on to the next woman like the one who just pissed on you doesn't count puts you in the top 15. Being fit, successful, socially apt, and interesting, on top of good game, puts you in the top 10.

The top 10 percent gets laid every weekend. Maybe not by every single woman they approach, but by the end of the night, you'll have a fuck buddy lined up. But this comes after a few weeks or months of hard work becoming worth a shit. The key is being happy without women. If you're fit, successful, socially apt, and in possession of useful and interesting skills and hobbies, you should be able to have a decent life without women. Women would rather line up to be the gravy on your awesome life than be the main course, featured on the otherwise empty plate of a loser.


Molten Core Raider
This thread would be more interesting if it were about swords. Or He-man. Or He-man's sword. Who's with me?
