Red Pill Thread 2.0: Neckbeard Revenge


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Since the RL picture gauntlet has been thrown, I will embarrass myself by reposting this classic:

I pretty much look the same. Like fuck if I am putting a photo of my wife up, though.

Game on, Dumar. Show us your alpha as fuck glory.


Unelected Mod
Regarding the points I made in my previous post, all I hear are crickets.
You didn't make any points in your dumb post. You linked to blogs and studies that we had already discussed. You again resorted to ridiculous overgeneralities, saying all women are the same.

Look, again, nature vs nuture, the ONLY way to be absolutely wrong in the debate is to say its all nature or all nurture. You are a fucking moron.


Of course not every man or woman is theexactsame. The entirety of social science would be superfluous.
They won't. This isn't the 'lowest common denominator' of women - it's women's nature,natureitself, that limbic impulse to maximize reproductive chances with the best genes the woman can secure & make sure they're provided for. You're inserting some moralistic, idealistic constructs in the middle and labeling right or wrong, and they don't belong there, as they're man-made things.
'Don't treat them as an equal' doesn't mean treat them as less in value; it means to treat them differently because they're not of the same sex. There's a difference. If you want to get with women, especially women on the upper end of the hotness scale, you must treat them differently and never 'just be yourself'. Overt kindness, respect in the sense that you are not playful/sarcastic, allocating time for a hot woman (& letting her know), and any display of actually wanting her are all bad behaviors if you actually want to get with her short or long-term. This is treating them differently.

Spinning plates is not cheating. Spinning plates, as someone said, is making the woman aware (both overtly and through behavior) that you have options, andnothingis more attractive to a woman than this. You want a girl's panties to drop or great sex with the gf tonight? Go out, flirt, and get hit on right in front of her. There's nothing you can do that will make her want you more than this, and as above, this is treating them differently, not worse as a value judgement.
We drive cars, bake pies, absolutely, but none of those behaviors that require reasoned thought has any bearing whatsoever on the limbic impulse to procreate and how a mate is chosen to procreate with. That is solely based on perceived genetic quality and social dominance of a group (which plays into the supposed quality itself) - that's whatalpha is, distilled down to the matrix numbers, if you will. That is what's behind every woman and man's choice in a mate: perceived genetic quality and perceived reproductive fitness.
The unfortunate truth is that 'maturity' for women is nothing but a euphemism that masks her biological reality. If she had the same body she had at 22 at 35, where would she be? Fluff words like 'maturity', 'life-partner', 'an equal' yadda yadda, all of them would be thrown by the wayside in not a moment's time. And they often are tossed aside by women who don't give it up, when you look at the Eat, Pray, Love divorce narrative mid 30's women often follow.

Not to be rude or insulting, but all of those words you use to describe your relationship: loving, caring, maturity, yadda, all of them can be thrown away to satiate her hypergamous impulse. In ANY relationship, whether it's hot sex with a 22-yo or a LTR with a 45-yo, you never think of them in terms of those words because the notions they describe are rooted in idealism and don't exist in reality.
Oh, okay.


shitty photo, but the only one where I was capable of cropping out my wife or child. BTW antarius, I'm master alpha race, 6'3"



Love some Bill Burr. 'Women are like adult children.'

My favorite. The song lyrics really alludes to women's nature as described by RP:



Unelected Mod
Yeah, Bill Burr is pretty awesome. Too bad you turned his jokes about the extremes of women into a church assuming all women are exactly like the ones he makes fun of.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So women are pretty much all the same because of evolution and genetics but men can change themselves by going to a reddit sub forum?


Yeah, Bill Burr is pretty awesome. Too bad you turned his jokes about the extremes of women into a church assuming all women are exactly like the ones he makes fun of.
I'm here with science, should join me.

So women are pretty much all the same because of evolution and genetics but men can change themselves by going to a reddit sub forum?
Of course men are also driven by the same, a limbic impulse that is just as primitive: attraction to curves, tits, ass, etc. However, the difference is thatmen never change their script. Men at 20 find the same things attractive as men at 50. Women, however, as I discussed already, have inherent in them a sexual dualism, and this dualism is most expressed at 30+ when their script flips. The point of RP is to make you aware of that, at the minimum.


Unelected Mod
I'm here with science
Not a single scientific study has ever shown that women are automatons that always react the same way.

I mean, wtf are you missing here? Look at all the diverse women you have ever met. Your mom, your sisters, your nieces. Do they all act the same? Do they all find the same men attractive? Do they all vote the same, have the same political views, have the same jobs?

Of course not. Some want to work, some want to stay at home. Some want children, some don't. Some enjoy sex more than others. Some hate games, some are games. How the fuck can you be dumb or oblivious enough to think you can fit them all in your "RP scientist" box?


I never talked about games, political views, jobs, or voting. I've always been talking aboutsexual desireand its place as the heart of any relationship. And in that regard, the answer is yes, women are mostly the same.


I never talked about games, political views, jobs, or voting. I've always been talking aboutsexual desireand its place as the heart of any relationship. And in that regard, the answer is yes, women are mostly the same.
And we disagree with that assertion.


And we disagree with that assertion.
Lots of people think god exists. Lots of people are searching for bigfoot. You're welcome to believe whatever and use whatever religious vocabulary you like to think about your and other relationships. I'm simply here describing reality honestly and earnestly. Accept it or not, your choice.

The only difference with regards to sexual desire is each woman's respective ability to fulfill that desire.