

But really, the server/staff/code being shit doesn't affect me as a player nearly as much as the low population does.
You seem pretty dense dude. Laughable to see you say that the real issues don't affect you and it's only the low population when it's exactly those issues(and more) that have created the low pop.


Trakanon Raider
Most people that played the game 12-13 years ago didn't play on PVP servers. There were far more PVE servers and players back then. That's not to say PVP wasn't fun but if the blue99 server is only pulling a max of 800 players on peak nights, you shouldn't expect red to see those same numbers.


Most people that played the game 12-13 years ago didn't play on PVP servers. There were far more PVE servers and players back then. That's not to say PVP wasn't fun but if the blue99 server is only pulling a max of 800 players on peak nights, you shouldn't expect red to see those same numbers.
Yeah that's why I'd like to see both servers merged into one pvp server. Bluebies don't know what they're missing out on.

(don't take me too seriously)


Yeah that's why I'd like to see both servers merged into one pvp server. Bluebies don't know what they're missing out on.

(don't take me too seriously)
They know exactly what they are 'missing out on' and that's why they aren't there. Merging both servers will do nothing but drive away the majority of the blue population and then you're down to one dead in the water server with the same circle jerk R99 crew.. if there's any of them left.

There's no mystical undiscovered EQ PVP land of milk and honey that everyone's just magically unaware of and if you could just force them into participating by merging servers.. suddenly R99 would be bursting at the seams with population.


They know exactly what they are 'missing out on' and that's why they aren't there. Merging both servers will do nothing but drive away the majority of the blue population and then you're down to one dead in the water server with the same circle jerk R99 crew.. if there's any of them left.

There's no mystical undiscovered EQ PVP land of milk and honey that everyone's just magically unaware of and if you could just force them into participating by merging servers.. suddenly R99 would be bursting at the seams with population.
Oh god, don't do this here please.

(don't take me too seriously)
It's like you bluebies get off on trolling yourselves.


Perdita I know you are looking for some classic eq pvp but this isnt the place for it.
I'd like to remind everyone that Traak purposely stayed out of range of the top dawgs until Kunark released. He would stay in unrest and out of range heal/buff his lowbie friends to grief other people. 42 and 52 are very scary numbers for this kid.

I would take anything coming out of this guy's mouth with a grain of salt.

As far as Ames screenshots, congratulations on contacting an account reseller and selling your shitty accounts.

Server is doing great. Rogean is MIA and delaying the patch process but such is the life of emulated everquest servers. GM favoritism and w/e bullshit they can come up with is from the mouth of sore losers.

Have a good day,



I'd like to remind everyone that Traak purposely stayed out of range of the top dawgs until Kunark released. He would stay in unrest and out of range heal/buff his lowbie friends to grief other people. 42 and 52 are very scary numbers for this kid.

I would take anything coming out of this guy's mouth with a grain of salt.

As far as Ames screenshots, congratulations on contacting an account reseller and selling your shitty accounts.

Server is doing great. Rogean is MIA and delaying the patch process but such is the life of emulated everquest servers. GM favoritism and w/e bullshit they can come up with is from the mouth of sore losers.

Have a good day,



I think maybe part of the reason this thread was posted was to maybe find other people to play with(???)

So if anyone wants to xp with a 7 enchanter in the gfay area, send me a tell. Anemone in game. I'm probably not going to be a very good player for the next few days because I'm playing on an 11" MBA with wine and I only have trackpad mouse. If you PK me I'm going to ask you for my money back.


Server is dead.

People will say it's because of resists, GM favoritism, RMT, etc, but that's not really the issue. Emulated PvP servers are really fun until there is an obvious winner of the server, and then they die out. This happens on pretty much every new PvP game and EQ in particular is bad as it is both an old game and a game with harsh death penalties. Once there is a clear winner, the losing guild quits because losing sucks, the battle just becomes more uphill, and the best way to 'fight back' is to let the victors rule over a ghost town.

Nihilum clearly won the server. I'm sure people can come up with a million excuses as to why this is the case, but it doesn't change the fact that it would require more effort to topple them than anyone is willing to give. I was rooting for my old pals from Heresy, but I don't think they would have beaten Nihilum even without the suspension. EQ is a game won with time/dedication and organization. Player skill helps, but there's such a low skill cap on the game that any skill gap is quickly closed (talking about group PvP here - far more tricks to learn in solo PvP). I mean you can only Crim Pot, Z-axis dodge, Golem Wand, Hide, Cure Pot, etc. one or two times before your opponent starts doing it too.

IMO, the best thing to do is wipe the server once there is a clear winner with no competition, but that won't happen with Project1999.


Server is dead.

People will say it's because of resists, GM favoritism, RMT, etc, but that's not really the issue. Emulated PvP servers are really fun until there is an obvious winner of the server, and then they die out. This happens on pretty much every new PvP game and EQ in particular is bad as it is both an old game and a game with harsh death penalties. Once there is a clear winner, the losing guild quits because losing sucks, the battle just becomes more uphill, and the best way to 'fight back' is to let the victors rule over a ghost town.

Nihilum clearly won the server. I'm sure people can come up with a million excuses as to why this is the case, but it doesn't change the fact that it would require more effort to topple them than anyone is willing to give. I was rooting for my old pals from Heresy, but I don't think they would have beaten Nihilum even without the suspension. EQ is a game won with time/dedication and organization. Player skill helps, but there's such a low skill cap on the game that any skill gap is quickly closed (talking about group PvP here - far more tricks to learn in solo PvP). I mean you can only Crim Pot, Z-axis dodge, Golem Wand, Hide, Cure Pot, etc. one or two times before your opponent starts doing it too.

IMO, the best thing to do is wipe the server once there is a clear winner with no competition, but that won't happen with Project1999.
There's some truth to this, but lately there has been competition. There's really only two issues with this server in all honesty: 1) Rogean doesn't patch very often. Fixes are made by Nilbog and others but the speed of patches leaves what to be desired. It is what it is for an emulated free to play EQ server. 2) The anti-social borderline psyco-path player base. There's a lot of players who find their sole enjoyment on red from griefing people off the server, harassing them, ForumQuest, etc. This scares off a lot of casuals / normal human beings. If one only looked @ the boards or three to four of the people in global OOC you'd think the whole server was a shit fest. There are a lot of cool people, unfortunately just like in real life, it only takes a few idiots to fuck everything up for the rest of us.


There's some truth to this, but lately there has been competition. There's really only two issues with this server in all honesty: 1) Rogean doesn't patch very often. Fixes are made by Nilbog and others but the speed of patches leaves what to be desired. It is what it is for an emulated free to play EQ server. 2) The anti-social borderline psyco-path player base. There's a lot of players who find their sole enjoyment on red from griefing people off the server, harassing them, ForumQuest, etc. This scares off a lot of casuals / normal human beings. If one only looked @ the boards or three to four of the people in global OOC you'd think the whole server was a shit fest. There are a lot of cool people, unfortunately just like in real life, it only takes a few idiots to fuck everything up for the rest of us.
I must agree with Heartbrand. You people crazy, and it's kind of a turn-off.
I'd like to remind everyone that Traak purposely stayed out of range of the top dawgs until Kunark released. He would stay in unrest and out of range heal/buff his lowbie friends to grief other people. 42 and 52 are very scary numbers for this kid.

I would take anything coming out of this guy's mouth with a grain of salt.

As far as Ames screenshots, congratulations on contacting an account reseller and selling your shitty accounts.

Server is doing great. Rogean is MIA and delaying the patch process but such is the life of emulated everquest servers. GM favoritism and w/e bullshit they can come up with is from the mouth of sore losers.

Have a good day,

I was 50 before Kunark was released hence why i have KS on numerous Nilly member (I will post if you need evidence.) Your sky gear didnt save you then, dont think your VP gear would do any better. Coming from a guy who has been caught red handed exploiting mobs, you're really funny coming here telling people to take other's words with a grain of salt. I imagine you have profit to be lost and that is why you took the time to register to this forum to defend your dying, hack infested, far-from-legit, red headed step child of Rogean's server. Sorry your RMT sales are not going to hold you past Christmas :p /cheers

mad cuz bad?



Here's the biggest proof against the RMT accusations against Nizzar and Nihilum. If he's busy RMTing all these amazing Dragon Loots and what not, why does no one on the server who is not in Nihilum have CoF / RBB / AoN's / Crimson Robes, etc. etc.? Apparently he's RMTing a whole shit load so these items should be all over the fucking place on random newbs right? Oh, sorry, shame on me, I was trying to use logic for a second.