

Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
They nerfed the shit out of exp on the red box and the population immediately plummeted. Then they started threatening to ban anyone that complained. Its a well run ship over there.
On second thought, thanks for being pals and banning my account, assholes.

I havent touched the forums for 2 weeks. When you go back there after a break and read some of what they write, jesus christ some of these people are dumb. And its like an inbred family where each person eggs the other on. Im glad im gone out of this cesspool. Velious + No xp nerf could have brought maybe an influx of new people that arent as dumb and toxic but im glad im done with it. Banned account means not tempted to log back in so thanks again assholes.

- Ecoli


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
the "big changes" apparently are GM endorsement of spamming the blue forums with "come to red" posts and threads.

Still probably the best EQ thing going if how packed blue is bothers you
by packed you mean how few dragons you get to kill? Because blue is pretty empty most of the time in the leveling levels compared to what we had during live kunark with 30 to 50 people in every popular zone


<Bronze Donator>
Blackburrow is fucking nuts on blue these days =p been a huge stream of newbs lately. was either the Pantheon publicity or rerolls after the recent RMT bans.
Still no news about that jesus patch that was coming very soon 3 weeks ago. I can have fun now looking at it from a detached way, nothing invested. When they nerfed xp i pushed hard because i didnt want server to deteriorate but now i just check back every 3 weeks for laughs. Ill be checking again in may and maybe read Derubael talkin about the jesus patch being right around the corner.
====You have an obligation to respond to the community when you make decisions that affect the quality of game play by lowering the population.====

"are you fucking brain damaged? we aren't obligated to do anything for the community. the ONLY reason that we include the community in what's happening is BECAUSE WE WANT TO, and for no other reason. hell, if we wanted to, we could take the servers out back, douse them in gasoline, set them on fire, and live stream the event so you can watch your pixels burn up in real time as i provide full color commentary."

Thats Sirken, the head GM.

Think about that one if you are thinking of investing time on that server

For people who know the server, hes saying in that post that Red Dawn's demise had nothing to do with the xp nerf. Instead, it was Heartbrand losing his mind and Sector getting his RMT accounts banned that caused like 30 people to quit.

Good thing im banned from the forums and i cant be bothered to rip this stupid fuck a new asshole by using a proxy to get around the ban, i guess that was the whole idea behind locking my account down so i would lose interest and stop picking apart for everyone to see this kind of dishonest bullshit they pull.

Heres the whole thing before it gets lost (Sirken locked it so he could get the last word):


you mean, we nerfed XP and the population dropped just like WE said it would and expected it to. if you were a loyal listener of my stream (), you would have known this was coming and you would have known that we fully expected a pop dip. multiple times i said the pop would get worse before it got better. so throwing a fit and pointing at the population means nothing to me, and quite honestly is not a valid argument in my eyes, as again, I stated multiple times before the xp was removed that we expect the pop to get worse before it gets better. we need to get rid of the instant gratification crowd and/or convert them to real EQ players, because they are cancer for the server.

what happened to red dawn was quite sad. but lets be real here, the xp nerf didn't kill red dawn. red dawn killed red dawn. notice how it didnt kill any other guild. i think it was more a combo of 1 certain person losing his mind from being overwhelmed and not getting assistance + someone else getting a bunch of guild accounts suspended. but trying to blame the fall of RD on the staff is laughable. if you were here telling me this, id quite literally be laughing in your face the entire time as i passed you a coupon for 50% off your next tin foil purchase.

the xp nerf was not then, and is not now a mistake. i think it's cute that you think the only thing we care about it is the population. i also think it's cute that you think you can call what we are doing a failure, when you have no idea what's going to happen. the ONLY mistake made by staff was believing it was only going to take a week to have these things implemented, but hooray for people that go MIA without notice.

"You have an obligation to respond to the community when you make decisions that affect the quality of game play by lowering the population."

are you fucking brain damaged? we aren't obligated to do anything for the community. the ONLY reason that we include the community in what's happening is BECAUSE WE WANT TO, and for no other reason. hell, if we wanted to, we could take the servers out back, douse them in gasoline, set them on fire, and live stream the event so you can watch your pixels burn up in real time as i provide full color commentary.


People didnt quit in neckbeard guilds like Nihilum and Azrael who each player has 3 60s already probably, so it means clearly it wasnt the xp nerf that got people in Red Dawn to quit, who had alot of new players who were still leveling up.
Originally Posted by mrproudbeard View Post
TL;DW version -
"In hindsight, CSR staff knows they messed up on the XP. Ok thanks for admitting it."

Derubael: If our original time-line had held up, we'd be in good shape, but as is, we aren't thrilled with the current state of the server and wish it had been handled differently.

Ames : Deru, A serious question for you. Instead of just admitting yall fucked up with the XP nerf - why not just turn it back on in till its all figured out? iirc that does not need a server reset to be turned back on.

How many times does the red population need to get shit on by rogean? Nothing personal against the guy and he is obviously highly intelligent but he has made some highly questionable decisions regarding red that have had long term detrimental effects on our population. Make this shit right bro.

Derubael's answer:


Also notice the totally opposite signals deru and sirken are sending. Deru: We fucked up, server in a sad state. Sirken: Server on the right track, low pop actually is a good sign

See why they banned me, cuz id still be pointing this stuff out in the forums


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Someone should ask Sirken how exactly the server is going to bring in more people now? Since everything is going "according to plan".
If you listen to the podcast, you can tell how much respect these guys give to the communitys input and opinion by saying "Need to cut these kids xp bonus cold turkey". Some of the jerks on red act like kids, but its telling how basically its worthless to give input since they think community is just a bunch of whiny kids. They are so arrogant and condescending and they cant get shit right, even when the communitys telling them everything thats gonna go wrong in advance on a silver platter because theyve seen it happen before when they tried the same shit the year or 2 before and it failed badly. I mean its really hard to fail doing the proper things to make the server grow with all that golden input the community gives them, and theyre doing it. Its either out of monumental incompetence or on purpose.

Sirkens SuperCast #17 Part 1 ft: Rheaume, Derubael, Uberbandit, and Knix! - YouTube

Its just ridiculous lol "Oh we felt so bad seeing the server deteriorate and not being able to do anything about it" You mean, like turning the xp back on while you dont half ass something thats gonna fuck up the server and till you think of something proper? Personally i dont buy it, if theyre admitting the nerf without any other measures fucked up the server pop, why arent they turning it back on? Because other changes are coming in "soon" i guess? That was said on april 15th wanna take bets on when these changes go in?

Its reaaaaally funny listening to these guys talking on voice calling the red community kids. Part of the neckbeard pop who are sticking around even after this debacle are probably just EQ crack addicts, not idiots, they must see all this, they just gonna stick that needle in till Rogean mercifully pulls the plug on them.


Lord Nagafen Raider
That happens when you're the only game in town for years. It would take a true competitor to rise up for anything to change in the Eqclassic scene.


Molten Core Raider
My understanding of Red99 from my bittervet friends is that the reigning uber-guild (Nihilum) started to lose raid targets to Azrael. Nihilum tried to contest it but sucked at any type of organized pvp, and decided to take a break / quit until Velious.

Not sure how much is spin to make Azrael look like pvp victors; Nihilum never really gave a shit about pvp in the first place, and had been doing that content for way too damn long... I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did raiding.

Anyone here have a different perspective? I'll never play R99 again but the drama is interesting.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What drama, all I've seen the last few weeks is Azrael people posting screenshots gloating over PVP kills, then going to "Server Chat" requesting more people to play on Red.
Lets see what happens. They still banned my 60 sham account because i got pissed that Derubael told to paraphrase, people like Heartbrand to do more for the server. That guy has a fuckin family, was leading raids, PLing people, making threads on blue to try to drive the population up and gets told by derubael like put up or shut up. The level of condescendance on staff side IE sirken and Derubael is ginormous. I would fuck around on the server but im too proud to go petition for my account back. Theyre not going to acknowledge most likely that i was partly right about blowing up a fuse at them fucking up the servers pop... again.

My nostradamus call on it is that when the new people realize the only options pretty much at 52 is to join azrael or nihilum, population gonna crumble again. Something like RD, that was destroyed by the staff might surface again, well see. But mainly itll be toxics finally having something to do in griefing new blood with no protection off the server. Youll have that spike when velious hits and then final death. I could go into why Sirk and Deru arent cut to run a pvp server but i wont.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
People on red just don't get it, or are just psychopaths in real life. A guy with a fungi in blackburrow slaughtering all the new players. Looks like back to blue I go.


Nilbog has always had the stance that he is doing this for the soul reason to create classic EQ, and he doesn't care if 5 people or 5000 people play it, he is just in it to just create. Which is great, and Nilbog has always been a great guy. He just distances himself from the playerbase in general. However GM's take the same stance, the stance of "we are letting you play here", to a retarded degree.

Nilbog: "I'm glad if people want to play on my server, but if people don't like what I create they don't have to be here."

Sirken (Or insert random GM): "WE DO THIS SHIT FOR YOU, YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE HERE! I VOLUNTEER MY TIME (even tho I chose to do so) SO YOU BETTER BOW DOWN TO ME. I HATE MY LIFE!!!!!!"