Reddit is on fire


You think Bisi and I are the same person?

I would be insulted if I were you adebisi.
My post was just as serious as the one calling me MagicNumbers.

Also that wall of text post is great - it's like some sort of secretly ironic post facto Interwebz Monkey's Paw thing: "You want to get rid of Pao and get one of the founders back?Wish granted".


I'm Amod too!
I can't wait for the AMA where everyone starts cramming all those free speech quotes in his face.


Buzzfeed Editor
I love this

Well, now she's gone (you did it reddit!), and /u/spez[8] has the moral authority as a co-founder to move ahead with the purge. We tried to let you govern yourselves and you failed, so now The Man is going to set some Rules. Admittedly, I can't say I'm terribly upset.

Governing "yourselves" meant not fucking with systems Mods, and the few Admins who were brought up from active mods, created together. "Governing yourselves" meant the AMA system and the Giftsreddit doesn't get touched, since they were true user collaborations (IE the Epitome of governing ourselves).

Seriously, what a disingenuous douche bag. Reddit management essentially pulled what the Republicans pulled with Obama. They purposely sabotaged what the users needed to effectively run their events on site, then appealed to their syncophants with "We tried to let you govern, but you failed". It's not different than watching Boehner's shit eating grin after he filibustered ten bills in a row and then goes on TV and says "We tried to let Obummer govern...But he hasn't done ANYTHING! You need to elect us!"

Btw, here is Yishan in an interview...(The guy who write the bullshit on the last page.)

"We stand for free speech. This means we are not going to ban distasteful subreddits. We will not ban legal content even if we find it odious or if we personally condemn it. Not because that's the law in the United States - because as many people have pointed out, privately-owned forums are under no obligation to uphold it - but because we believe in that ideal independently, and that's what we want to promote on our platform. We are clarifying that now because in the past it wasn't clear, and (to be honest) in the past we were not completely independent and there were other pressures acting on reddit. Now it's just reddit, and we serve the community, we serve the ideals of free speech, and we hope to ultimately be a universal platform for human discourse (cat pictures are a form of discourse)."


<Prior Amod>
Yishan (the previous CEO b4 Pao) is also rumored to be in an affair w/ Pao, leads to the reasoning of him stepping down and recommending his "Friend" Pao, become CEO of Reddit, who as we all know is not a dumb bitch, she's a smart bitch, but she's a fucking lawyer and just failed her way upwards in that VC firm she failed to sue.

She would probably do very well sitting on at board meetings giving her 1/2 a cent in the round table while other ppl make decisions, but she couldn't lead the current premiere news site.

Now re-read Yishans post, and it sounds like a jilted lover, trying to be a white knight for Pao, these fucks are super sad, and look at what he's saying...

He wanted to put a female asian minority with a black husband as a CEO of reddit so that there is nearly zero shits you could say about the company, that's fucking dirty yo.


Yeah. keep attacking current and former board members. There's no possible way that could backfire or anything.

And for the "FREE SPEECH" crowd, here's a theory: Naive STEM-educated nerds create Reddit years ago, say it's all about Free Speech and then come back ten years later, older and wiser, and see what their policy hath created. Surprisingly enough it's not magically turned a techno-libertarian utopia with philosophers having well-reasoned and educated debates but is a generic unmoderated messageboard with some vile shit building up in the corners. Do they

a) Stick to their dogma despite being provided with ample evidence that it's failed.
2) Go "welp I guess I was wrong. Time to try and fix this".



Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Or one guy sold out his friends vision for cash. That's more likely.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
You either want free discourse and expect people will discuss things you don't like


You're a fucking commienazi who supports censorship and oppression

Those of us who aren't babies and scared of our own shadows can handle people talking about things we don't like or disagree with.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah. keep attacking current and former board members. There's no possible way that could backfire or anything.

And for the "FREE SPEECH" crowd, here's a theory: Naive STEM-educated nerds create Reddit years ago, say it's all about Free Speech and then come back ten years later, older and wiser, and see what their policy hath created. Surprisingly enough it's not magically turned a techno-libertarian utopia with philosophers having well-reasoned and educated debates but is a generic unmoderated messageboard with some vile shit building up in the corners. Do they

a) Stick to their dogma despite being provided with ample evidence that it's failed.
2) Go "welp I guess I was wrong. Time to try and fix this".

What makes you think reddit failed at it stated mission of being a platform for free speech?

It seemed to have succeeded as a company while holding to that idea and only started to fail when it abandoned that idea.


Pay to play forum
I dont mind them changing their minds and readjusting their rules. But why not say so and use proper arguments for it, instead of going "Nuuu-uuuh, we never said free speech".


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah. keep attacking current and former board members. There's no possible way that could backfire or anything.

And for the "FREE SPEECH" crowd, here's a theory: Naive STEM-educated nerds create Reddit years ago, say it's all about Free Speech and then come back ten years later, older and wiser, and see what their policy hath created. Surprisingly enough it's not magically turned a techno-libertarian utopia with philosophers having well-reasoned and educated debates but is a generic unmoderated messageboard with some vile shit building up in the corners. Do they

a) Stick to their dogma despite being provided with ample evidence that it's failed.
2) Go "welp I guess I was wrong. Time to try and fix this".

The huge amount of money at play here couldn't be affecting things,nope...Because for your shit to make sense? They would have needed to become "older and wiser" in thelast three year, since that when that quote was mined. It's not about them discovering a new enlightenment, it's about advertisers not wanting to go near anything questionable. Which I get, trust me; I've been in the rooms where we get people sell their ideals out--I love free speech but I'd sell a free speech web site for a few points on a 500 million valuation sale, combined with a nice fat investment package of a couple million right away. It happens. You're naive if you think all the sudden they changed their views on the world--no, they simply changed their views about beingrich.

Lastly though, this is essentially how Digg started. Locking down questionable sources, then allowing direct corporate posting and setting up systems to allow direct advertiser play within the community. It's kind of amazing watching the same mistakes happen again--and it's what is leading to this air of just wanting to burn the place down and move to decentralized hubs that submit to central format (Like a true Newsgroup modern clone).

Also, hah--what's wrong Itz, I thought Pao was only attacked because she was a woman? Now you're wagging your finger because you now they are going to swarm the men too....Could it be...could it fucking be it's not about gender?!?!


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Neither Alexis nor I created reddit to be a bastion of free speech, but rather as a place where open and honest discussion can happen
Good luck with that, honest discussion as long you discuss what we want and how we want it. As someone who has looked at Reddit maybe a half dozen times all this talk of money is funny. You would think with that much money floating around they could have come up with a better format.


Musty Nester
I dont mind them changing their minds and readjusting their rules. But why not say so and use proper arguments for it, instead of going "Nuuu-uuuh, we never said free speech".
Because, real talk, Americans are basically fucking retarded.

And we're whores.

I, too, have a price. I'm only lucky enough that no one has ever offered it.


Well I would have thought that was obvious, but if you insist:Content Policy update. AMA Thursday, July 16th, 1pm pst. : announcements

(Hint: They wouldn't be changing their moderation policy if it was working in the manner they originally intended).
Oh tell that to the moderators here ....

Companies change shit all the time even if something is working because it COULD work better. It might not but it can.

Look at Logitech just changing their name to Logi.