ReRolled Minecraft Server III


Molten Core Raider
McFly, is there any way to add a microblocks mod to the server? Had an idea for the church maindoor, but it once again can't be done in vanilla minecraft.


<Prior Amod>
I hope once this is all done Tuco and co. don't stop playing. After such a huge project that is turning out so do you follow that up?!

Great job guys.



I hope once this is all done Tuco and co. don't stop playing. After such a huge project that is turning out so do you follow that up?!

Great job guys.
Dude that's already Tuco's 3rd mega project. That church's got nothing on the sophisticated Mansion he built across the windmill, at the foot of Jalyn's hill.



McFly, is there any way to add a microblocks mod to the server? Had an idea for the church maindoor, but it once again can't be done in vanilla minecraft.
There is no way to do that. It would require a client side mod.


<Prior Amod>
Oh, I guess I should let you gusy know I'm building somewhere near the town...I'm about a mile outside of it. It was the only palce I could find that fit what I wanted to so. I can't see you guys from where I am no matter how high I go so I figured that would be okay.

Currently I'm terraforming, I sunk to large islands below the water and began building a crude base for my project. I'm going to have to raise a good chunk of the sea floor as well. I should get that all done this evening.

I already messed up on part of what I was doing so I'm gonna have to go back and take apart about 1/3 of what I did last night. No big deal though because I wasn't happy with it anyway.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I still think Tuco's red netherrack box full of animals is his greatest achievement.


Potato del Grande
Jesus those Butresses are huge, ones I've seen IRL are much tighter to the building. I checked google image search this time though and apparently theres lots of IRL ones that big :O


Shit Gamer
Jesus those Butresses are huge, ones I've seen IRL are much tighter to the building. I checked google image search this time though and apparently theres lots of IRL ones that big :O
Yeah the width of our aisles sort of necessitated the size, its the only way we could make it all the way to the outermost wall.


Potato del Grande
What about not extending them all the way to the outer wall? You could have ones tighter to the building which look better then have some churchy looking crenellations at the edge.

Structurally it may not make sense spreading the load to half way across a ceiling, but you won't be able to see the inside and outside together. Or they could stop where the pattern on the vaulted celing meets if the side bits have that too.


Shit Gamer
What about not extending them all the way to the outer wall? You could have ones tighter to the building which look better then have some churchy looking crenellations at the edge.

Structurally it may not make sense spreading the load to half way across a ceiling, but you won't be able to see the inside and outside together. Or they could stop where the pattern on the vaulted celing meets if the side bits have that too.
My OCD compulsions would not allow me to have them come down in the middle of a ceiling for the structural reason you mentioned. Especially given the only reason for their existence is structural.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Now that I know what everyone meant by 'buttress' I had planned from the beginning to have some on the outside of the building connected to each of the 2 story towers and maybe even the 1 story ones as well. Im not sure about the one I saw in the middle section, but told Tuco to leave one up for now so I can make a decision on if I want them there or not.

Will try to explain if I can using O for a tower and X where I was thinking of an external tower. If below was the front door area:

n/m it wont save the spaces. But wehre the 4 corner 2 story towers were, I was thinking about putting a 1 story tower externally to the church connected to the 2 story ones.


Golden Knight of the Realm
OK.. I am done with the cross part of the ceiling.. I just need a TON of quartz. I had about 15 stacks of blocks and got about halfway done with the white surrounding part (I actually tried to fill in the inside as much as I could.. there is still the outside edge around the cross to go as well), so .. if anyone has any spare quartz, lemme know. I farmed for a while but I gotta take a break after that much. I plan on putting up a bunch of netherack lit on fire to get the back lighting so it will show up at night. I put a few up just to look, but I may need to almost fully populate the top of the quartz to get enough light. I will play with the lighting later though.