ReRolled Minecraft Server III


I'll be figuring out what mods etc on the next iteration of a RR SMP. Like I said above I'm leaning to a more "Adventure" type world and most of the Hexxit mods look awesome for that. They include some rather nifty magic, exploring, harvesting and crafting mods. Not to mention a pretty sweet dungeon and boss/mobs setup.

With my current host there seems to be a way to have both Hexxit and FTB running but I'm not sure how that would be accomplished yet from only one launcher.

Once I get the mod list/server properties and ruleset, I will post here. I too am getting the itch again. Suggestions for ruleset and or mods are welcome. Nothing is set in stone right now and I'm open to feedback.


<Gold Donor>
I've never even looked at Hexxit, so I will tomorrow at work, but if all the mods are on FTB that would be easy. If not, I believe there might still be a way to make a custom pack of your own with mods outside the launcher, but I could be way off on that, or it might not be implemented yet, etc. Or if Hexxit has a launcher, perhaps it can do the same thing.

Either way, you pretty much are going to have to pick one launcher (impossible to have two, as each will launch a different minecraft instance), unless you feel like coordinating all of the item IDs yourself and making a custom mod folder for us. One of the main benefits of a launcher is that it will handle that stuff for you. I know it can be done manually, and there are tools to help, but that's the extent of my knowledge.

Have to go to bed now, but like I said, I'll check out Hexxit tomorrow and see what suggestions I can give.


Does Hexxit only focus on adventure/dungeon crawling? If it improves and drives the building/crafting/mining side of MC by forcing you to crawl dungeons to get mats that sounds awesome. If it's adventure (dungeon crawling, exploring etc..) for the sake of adventure it might disappoint. I know nothing about it though.

Suggestion: Look at MagicFarm (FTB pack). It's survival focused and sounds neat.

MagicWorld (also FTB pack) looks somewhat similar to Hexxit. But I don't think it uses Better Dungeons so I almost didn't mention it.


Hexxit has a lot of items that drop from mobs, even some extra boss mobs and named/rare mobs that will have special drops.Duncanof the Yogscast has a pretty good Hexxit series.


Got side tracked by EQNL. Will be getting more info on mod combinations and will get something solid this week.


If suggestions are still taken I'd like to point out that Microblocks should probably be a default in any RR server in the future, if possible. It's part of most FTB packs, not sure about Hexxit but it is a must have once you've used it to build anything.


That video seems to assume the viewer already knows a lot about AE. It's actually part of most FTB packs.

So what's AE and why is AE2 cool? Or do I really have to read the changelog


<Gold Donor>
Well, AE is the bees knees for storage and automated crafting. It's pretty damn resource intensive to build so it's not an early game mod. But you can store goddamn everything you own in it. You pretty much trade out a massive room full of chests for a smallish room full of harddrives. From that video, other than the aesthetic improvements (which are way overdue) most of that stuff is so impractical and of a scale that i can't see anyone outside of massive creative mod circle jerkers using. A basic net can support 1024 devices (inputs, chests, machines, etc) for reference.

Azz i highly recommend you take a look at Direwolf20's mod spotlight of AE.


<Gold Donor>
Perfect usage of bees knees there. AE is pretty much the pinnacle of sorting/storage/item manipulation. But yeah, you aren't going to be building one very early on unless you really want to handicap yourself for longer than you should be.

I didn't watch that video, but I've heard a bit about it, and I don't really ever see myself using any of the "epic" new stuff. By the time I got to that stage of a design, I'd have hit the boredom point months earlier, and Minecraft would have updated 5 times by then so everything would be outdated anyway.


Silver Squire
Rerolled Mad pack server, make it happen.
I'm currently playing that mod with a few friends. It is stupidly hard. Now with one GraviSuit piece, all absorption hearts and fully infused force armor pieces, I'm doingok.

I enjoy that mod very much. Unfortunately, it is very very resource intensive.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Is gregtech still around and if so is it still the massive pile of shit I remember


Trakanon Raider
ya, Greg is still around pissing off pretty much the whole modding community.

the problem with IC2 right now is, that all the experimental builds are garbage, once you get to automation systems, the "new" E-Net starts freaking out, crashes servers, thankfully doesn't eat worlds now but still the bug has been around for months and no fix in sight =/

The best thing about AE is the lag killing mechanics for moving items around/auto-crafting, and it seems in AE2 the possibility of having a Import/Export for a machine in the same block is a very good, and Spatial storage I hope is gonna be finished in AE2, (Quarry a whole 128x128x128 square with a flick of a switch)


Anyone familiar with Worldedit enough to tell me why it is not copy/pasting microblocks? Or rather if I can make it compatible somehow?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I can't get FTB Direwolf20 pack to launch without crashing. It crashes while it's trying to load the MC interface.