ReRolled Minecraft Server III


I just, no, but...holy fuck wow. No. Not at all. I want something where the the physical parts of the building shift. The bridge you're about to hit separates, one part goes up, one down, the then from the left and right walls comes stairs to replace the bridge, you run up on to a 4x4, then all 4 break apart and go to separate corners, 1 person on each piece, locks into a corner, rises 10 levels, the reassembles, etc.


<Gold Donor>
I also decided to hop on the screenshot train with some of the stuff I was building on our DW20/FTB server a while back. It's been a few weeks since I've touched any of this stuff, and most of it was largely unfinished (Minecraft burnout, yay). I uploaded a couple dozen pictures over on imgur which can be viewedhere. I'll spoiler the rest of the pic descriptions for length.
Holy fuck. Yeah, see, I always get burned out about 5%, maybe 10% max, into what you've done there. I can't even imagine making it that far. Which is the problem myself and a lot of others eventually end up having: what do we do after that? All that liquid and power and material is awesome, and that's what I typically aim for too (but never achieve), but after you've made all the grav suits and such that you want, what do you do then? Same with vanilla essentially, after you build your neat castle or whatever, then what?

I'm not denigrating your work by the way, just saying, wtf do you do next?? That's like, my ultimate dream Minecraft home, right there. Well, except made out of obsidian and/or thaumcraft blocks of course

Oh, and as an aside, I never went the nuclear power route either, like Cam does, because it is just so damn easy to eventually get limitless power via safer methods that I can't even imagine what I'd need nuclear power for.

Speaking of, that reminds me why I think an FTB challenge server would be awesome for Rerolled. I don't know if they have any multiplayer ones yet for the newest mods (since almost all of the old ones were heavily reliant on EE2), but having a set goal of everyone working towards completing the challenges actually gives you a reason to log in each day, to try out new stuff, and to actually finish at some point. If they have any new ones out, I'd highly suggest thinking about it McFly. It wouldn't be a server of making stuff like the church obviously, but the "build cool stuff" server can always remain available too.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Holy fuck. Yeah, see, I always get burned out about 5%, maybe 10% max, into what you've done there. I can't even imagine making it that far. Which is the problem myself and a lot of others eventually end up having: what do we do after that? All that liquid and power and material is awesome, and that's what I typically aim for too (but never achieve), but after you've made all the grav suits and such that you want, what do you do then? Same with vanilla essentially, after you build your neat castle or whatever, then what?
Exactly, hence why most of it is unfinished. Basically, I started out with a base in the overworld which was rigged up entirely different, and once I got bored with it I started tinkering around with the village. Eventually I got bored with working on that, and came to a decent stopping point. At some point I decided that my base was completely out of place in the new village I was constructing, so I decided to start working on the void age base (granted, at this point, I was already kitted out and had heaps and heaps of items - in fact, when I eventually sent all of my items from my old base to the void base, I forgot to properly set up the diamond pipe in the sorting system and ended up voiding about half of what I owned... and gave absolutely no shits). After that I decided to go back and tear down my original base and work some more on the village, until I got bored again, and left it with what you see there.

Having said all that, all of this wasn't even close to being done in one go. I started this server and world back when the DW20 pack first launched in December (iirc I started the server subscription on Christmas day), and puttered around on getting shit done here and there for months. Sometime around April I stopped paying for the server and started hosting it off my own box since it was just me and a couple friends playing sporadically. Basically, at this point, when one of us gets the itch to dick around for a bit I'll fire up the server and we'll go at it for a couple weeks and then stop.

Depending on how they end up transitioning to the post-1.5 modpacks (I'm guessing it'll be sans-RP2), we might end up rolling a new world and start the cycle all over again.
ok anyone got a good link to a 1.5.2 ftb pack ive never messed with it before and would love to try it.. but the ftb website download keeps pinging a virus


Molten Core Raider
Oh, and as an aside, I never went the nuclear power route either, like Cam does, because it is just so damn easy to eventually get limitless power via safer methods that I can't even imagine what I'd need nuclear power for.
You sorrta hit on why I do it.. to have something to do. The lava magmatics I have set up right now supplies all the power I will EVER need... but... if I didn't progress to other forms of power generation then I would quickly run out of things to do. Do I need a recycling room set up to make UU matter? Nope but if I didn't that would be one less thing I would have to do. See here is the thing about MC that most people don't understand or over look.. YOU (not you as in Vvoid but you as in a MC player) have to do things to keep yourself busy. If you don't then there is no point to the game at all because YOU are the one who decides what has to be done.. the game in no way shape or form gives you any goals or tasks. Only YOU can decide to do things to make the game fun and entertaining. By saying I don't do X because Y is better is limiting yourself so much that it makes you burn out even faster. Who cares if I need the power from a nuclear reactor... it's building it and maintaining it that is the goal... not what it gives me.

It's the trip that is the whole point of MC... not the destination. I hope what I am trying to say is coming through hehe


Including a pic to further illustrate my point.


Now actually look at that picture and let the numbers sink in... I will have over a MILLION cobble by the end of the day... I have over a 100k dirt, 15k iron, 12k copper, 5k lapis, 2k fertilizer, 16k coal, 18k red stone, 5k gold, and hell I have almost 30!! STACKS of diamonds... if I were to look at it like you are doing I might as well stop now cause there is nothing else I can get in this game.. nothing I can't build... nothing I can build to give me anything I don't already have... yet I am still playing and still building... why you ask? Because I like playing. That's the bottom line. I like playing MC. So I give myself things I want to do not because I need to do them fro what they give me but for the simple fact of doing them. The whole point is in the act of doing not the reward.


Potato del Grande
I'm probably going to start again with the new server (and actually build something this time lol). I kept feeling like anything I might do in the current server as far as mining/etc would mess up other peoples setups.


I'm Amod too!
I just, no, but...holy fuck wow. No. Not at all. I want something where the the physical parts of the building shift. The bridge you're about to hit separates, one part goes up, one down, the then from the left and right walls comes stairs to replace the bridge, you run up on to a 4x4, then all 4 break apart and go to separate corners, 1 person on each piece, locks into a corner, rises 10 levels, the reassembles, etc.
I'm sure it'd be possible, the problem is finding a modder who wants to try.



Tried my hand at power for the first time tonight. There is now a huge hole in my front yard where a Combustion engine once stood. My water pump stopped working while I was out mining, the engine overheated and BOOM! Really glad I didn't put it in my house.


Golden Squire
My biggest problem is getting overwhelmed by the depth of some of the mods in the FTB packs. Forestry, for example, is something I've never really touched on, and it's fucking MASSIVE. Buildcraft is another one I haven't used much, mostly because at the time, IC2 felt superior and wasn't made crazy by GregTech yet. Now there's shit like MystCraft and ThaumCraft and ComputerCraft and so on. I _want_ to be able to build all this cool shit, but the up front time investment to learn about all the shit there is to build melts my brain.

Eventually I'll get back in to it, I really want to. I'll have to devote some time to DW20's latest LP to learn about some of the newer shit one of these days, he was always good at explaining shit from what I remember.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I can't get into some of the minecraft building stuff because if I wanted to make a digital machine I'd rather just pop open a text editor and write some code, lol.


My biggest problem is getting overwhelmed by the depth of some of the mods in the FTB packs. Forestry, for example, is something I've never really touched on, and it's fucking MASSIVE. Buildcraft is another one I haven't used much, mostly because at the time, IC2 felt superior and wasn't made crazy by GregTech yet. Now there's shit like MystCraft and ThaumCraft and ComputerCraft and so on. I _want_ to be able to build all this cool shit, but the up front time investment to learn about all the shit there is to build melts my brain.

Eventually I'll get back in to it, I really want to. I'll have to devote some time to DW20's latest LP to learn about some of the newer shit one of these days, he was always good at explaining shit from what I remember.
Agree, the number of wiki pages and YouTube videos I have read and watched this weekend to figure out some of the mods that I am playing with is staggering. It's not helping that I am playing a mix of 2 mod packs right now.


Rerolled Minecraft SMP III

Live date: 07/18/2013
Current Server Version 1.5.2 (Presently awaiting a stable Beta or Release version of Bukkit).
Plugins: TBA
Map radius at launch: 800 (so overall it's 1600m x 1600m by max building height of 256)
Other information: There will be no /spawn command and there is no /back or /backonedeath commands.
There is a lot of custom terrain on this map so more to come.

Some renders of a few areas of the starting area:





<Bronze Donator>
Ok then you folks have caused me to buy this game. Of course I did it late at night and played until far-too-late-o'clock..


<Gold Donor>
That looks pretty sweet McFly.

Cam, I totally understand what you're saying, and I suppose if I ever kept myself motivated enough to keep playing even a tenth as long as you have, I'd probably decide to try out nuclear too. It just seemed like it was part of your "standard build path" so to speak, because you've mentioned it a bunch. But if you're just doing it to have something to do (well, or even if you're not), like you said it is Minecraft and it is up to the player, and that's all that matters. I honestly haven't spent anywhere near long enough in one world to even begin to think about some of the stuff you guys have done, and that's where I get a little bummed out, because I know myself and how bored I eventually get. I want to keep playing, want to keep being inspired to try new things, but eventually I say fuck it and move on.

Which is sort of why I was hoping maybe I'd focus on one more specific area, like Thaumcraft perhaps, if an FTB server ever came around, because then I wouldn't feel like I was constantly trying to reach the "endgame" of every mod pack, which as you know takes fucking forever. It would take a long as time to really get "endgame" in just Thaumcraft too, from all the materials required if nothing else, but you get the point.

Even if I built a super sweet Thaumcraft room though, I'd still feel incomplete unless I came up with some awesome looking building to put it in, a wizard's spire perhaps, or a dark lord's lair, whatever. Except I suck at those kinds of ideas too
Minecraft gives me all these great ideas in my head, but I either lack the creativity to bring them to life, or lack the stamina to stick with it until the end.

So you see, I'm the problem!


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
can't wait mcfly. Any building rules like we had with the medieval project? I want to build a decent, small, house.


can't wait mcfly. Any building rules like we had with the medieval project? I want to build a decent, small, house.
There will be a honor system policy about building massive structures. I would like people to concentrate on building structures that work in the environment. There's no rules governing this but keeping it simple is the main theme.

Not having access to certain commands will tend to limit what people build. The threat of falling to your death from a great height and losing everything will lead to lower structures and a bit more conservative game play.

The starting area is encompassed in a ring like wall that turns the spawn area into a type of valley that is perfect for expansion.

The spawn area is FREE to build in and Modify. Feel completely free to build in and around the spawn area buildings. I will be protecting certain walls full of signs/items etc, but other than that it's completely open to modify.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Cool. I think I'd love to build a structure within that huge arch but I prob won't. With limited port abilities co-location to hubs are probably important.


Molten Core Raider
so I was watching wyler's LP and he had mo' creatures in his mod pack and it looked interesting so I figured I'd try it out. Fuck that shit right in the ass! I died 8!! yes 8 damn times before I could even get a hole dug and hide in it... undead horses, flame wraiths, and fire spiders.... and that was just what I could see of the crap that was killing me... I finally got in a hole and was mining and came across a ravine... and the rape train never stopped till I finally quit the game. Werewolves, huge wolves, huge spiders, Silver skeletons...I just don't understand peoples fascination with stuff like that. *shakes head*


I'm Amod too!
so I was watching wyler's LP and he had mo' creatures in his mod pack and it looked interesting so I figured I'd try it out. Fuck that shit right in the ass! I died 8!! yes 8 damn times before I could even get a hole dug and hide in it... undead horses, flame wraiths, and fire spiders.... and that was just what I could see of the crap that was killing me... I finally got in a hole and was mining and came across a ravine... and the rape train never stopped till I finally quit the game. Werewolves, huge wolves, huge spiders, Silver skeletons...I just don't understand peoples fascination with stuff like that. *shakes head*
It's funny you mention this right now. I just started an FTB 1.5.2 beta server with Mo creatures on it to piss asround on while I wait for a 1.6 pack. I turned off Ogres because those things are just retarded but left everything else enabled. I haven't had problems with anything survival-wise so far but my general impression so far is it is just too much. I'm tripping over animals everywhere I go now. I think it would be nicer if the spawn rate was around a quarter of what it is be default.