Resident Evil 7


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>

I thought Soma was scary. I have NEVER had a horror experience like this in my entire life. In VR I'm the guest star in this freaky ass shit Texas chainsaw massacre remake and I am constantly shitting my pants. And what's worse is when you expect something. It doesn't happen. You turn around and FUCK
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I'm Amod too!
And holy shit this game in VR.

Retarded that they restricted this to PSVR for 12 months before PC users can experience it. I'd snap it up in a second if I could play it on the Vive. Now I'll just hold off for a year and it'll be cheaper most likely.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Retarded that they restricted this to PSVR for 12 months before PC users can experience it. I'd snap it up in a second if I could play it on the Vive. Now I'll just hold off for a year and it'll be cheaper most likely.

Yeah definitely wait until you can play it on the Vive.

It is absolutely terrifying.

It causes a problem now. I doubt I will ever be able to be even somewhat afraid in a non VR horror game after this experience. I mean, I am literally peeking over corners, above boxes, hoping to Christ I am not spotted. It's amazing.


Trump's Staff
Retarded that they restricted this to PSVR for 12 months before PC users can experience it. I'd snap it up in a second if I could play it on the Vive. Now I'll just hold off for a year and it'll be cheaper most likely.
You new to video games? It's called an exclusive. Sony pays for a lot of them.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
And that makes it not retarded somehow? Not sure what your point is.

For one thing, don't they run at radically different resolutions and hertz? With VR I can only imagine it's a bit more difficult to tweak things to prevent nausea/disorientation on programming side per VR hardware.

They very well might need the extra development time for PC VR having many permutations (remember, video card matters with PC VR for all types I'm familiar with thusfar) versus the relative simplicity of only having 2 variants to program for (Pro/Norm)


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Ok so a trip report - this will cover the first 2 hours or so of the game - spoilers, some minor... some not.

So I start out in a car and work my way through the area to the house. Some of the outside is too blurry in VR. But once inside the house, it clears up. Headphones in, jacked, ready to go. VR on. It's time to go inside and it's basically the demo so I knew what to expect. Throw in a tape, see where I can flip the secret door, down I go after watching the video tape. Now, everything is new.

As I go through the sewer system the water is up to my neck, and I am thinking to myself, holy shit this is a cool experience. I actually feel like I am moving through neck high water... And then.... Bubbles. Uh? What's causing those bubbles? And while I am wondering what the hell is causing the bubbles and what is going to jump up at me, THE DEAD BODY FROM THE VIDEO TAPE FLIES OUT OF THE WATER LIKE A COFFIN OUT OF THE POOL IN POLTERGEIST AND I HAVE MY FIRST HEART ATTACK.

10 minutes later after I reattach the PSVR to my console...

I am heading through this under the house sewer area and oh sure... while exploring every nook and cranny I come up to none other than... A girl sleeping in a jail cell. Wait... I played Kitchen. That outfit looks REALLY familiar.... Great. Here we go.

So I open up the jail door and then I just sit there and watched.... because I KNEW something was going to pop at me. It had to. I spent 5 minutes debating if I should move closer... because I think I already know what is about to happen.... Wait... Wait... Ok here we go screw it. I'm dead.

Move closer and it just turns into a normal scene where I am waking up my girlfriend and she is normal. Wait... Wait just a minute... Now, I KNOW something is going to happen to her... Because I played through kitchen and they look an AWFUL LOT A LIKE. But we talk. She asks why I am there. I said you sent me an email asking to come. She said she doesn't remem,ber doing that, and "OH BY THE WAY WE NEED TO GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE".

No shit really?

So all of a sudden she gets tired and needs to take a break then she vanishes into a secret doorway and screams for help and then I go into the secret doorway and out comes SATAN WOMAN WHO I KNEW WOULD COME OUT EVENTUALLY.

Right now I am freaked out - getting stabbed. She then turns back to normal. Says shes sorry. That wasn't her. And I feel like I am on a bad episode of My Crazy Ex. There are some other things that happen for the next 30 minutes as I get continually attacked by Satan woman soon to be ex girlfriend because she just tried to kill me 50 times, Oh, and cut off my hand.... Yay. Blood everywhere...

Oh great now she is coming after me with a chainsaw after I killed her twice already AND SHE KEEPS COMING BACK TO LIFE. And WHAM.

"Welcome to the family".

Wake up. At the dinner table. Complete with GRANDMA SITTING IN WHEEL CHAIR STARING AT ME while I am being forcefed what looks like brain tissue. Oh fun. Now, this grandma looks EXACTLY like grandPA from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. And in VR? Well, you get an upclose version real life look. And it's freaky. You know what is also freaky? When I break away from the chair and start figuring out how to get out of there and WHEREEVER I MOVE TO IN THE VICINITY OF GRANDMA SHE CONTINUES TO LOOK AT ME!

Holy Hannah!

Anyway, more happened. I got to the point early on where
I found the second video tape and am about to play my girlfriend so I can see what the heck happened to her
and was caught hiding. That's when I said ok. Time to hug my Dog and watch hockey.

To say I am fired up to play more when I get home is a double edged sword at this point. Yes. I cannot wait for more. No. I can wait for more though.
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I'm Amod too!
For one thing, don't they run at radically different resolutions and hertz? With VR I can only imagine it's a bit more difficult to tweak things to prevent nausea/disorientation on programming side per VR hardware.

They very well might need the extra development time for PC VR having many permutations (remember, video card matters with PC VR for all types I'm familiar with thusfar) versus the relative simplicity of only having 2 variants to program for (Pro/Norm)

None of this actually matters since it's been confirmed that Sony paid for a 12 month exclusivity for the VR version. I would have been fine with Capcom coming out saying the PC VR version had been delayed because of technical hurdles but that's not what happened. Paying for exclusives is, always has been and always will be, retarded from a consumer stand point.
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Ancient MMO noob
This girl must have some supernatural pussy for a man to remember that feeling from 3 years and muster up the courage to come and look for her in that god damn house :/

Just saying...
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I remember good pussy i got when i was 18, and im 32 now. 3 years is basically yesterday when it comes to recalling a good scrape.

But I agree going into that environment for some coochie is fantastical.
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marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>



dont lie, you'd go in there for normal pussy. Not even just normal pussy but fat lives in the basement pussy.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Definitely one of the best RE's up there with RE2/3. Few minor gripes with certain mobs being bullet sponges, but hope they do more like this. The ending was interesting:
Appears Chris now works for Umbrella, not sure if they are still bad since I don't remember seeing any direct link to Eveline in the documents. Wonder what part Lucas will play in the future since he's still out there.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Thing about these games is over the past few days I watched a full play through. Looked awesome and it's not quite the same, but literally no point in buying it now. Same thing happened with uhh... that one exclusive that was mostly a story game from a few months ago... forget what it was called. I did the same thing.


Trump's Staff
Thing about these games is over the past few days I watched a full play through. Looked awesome and it's not quite the same, but literally no point in buying it now.
No shit, that's like downloading a movie and saying you have no reason to watch it in a theater now.
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NeoGaf Donator
It's been a long time since a game has freaked me out like this. Maybe since playing silent hill when I was like 13 with all the lights off.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Exactly, and I get the surf the internet while I "play" the game.

Unless you play it in VR. Because it's a whole new experience being IN the game.
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