RetributionEQ - EQClassic Emulator Server

  • Guest, do you have a hole in your podcast listening list? Our very own Seananigans will be broadcasting this Saturday 7/27 at 3:30pm Central

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Lord Nagafen Raider
Ahh, friends, family, foes.

It is time again to take up arms and absolutely not wash your poopsocks, as there is a new server on the horizon.

New Server - Retribution ( - EQEmulator Forums
Play Retribution EQ!

Let's take up our Short Swords of Ykesha, and slay those gods and dragons until loot rains from the Plane of Sky!

Who's going to join me on this epic escapade?

(I am not affiliated with, nor part of building RetributionEQ)



ResetEra Staff Member
Doomed at launch.
They removed DT/Banish from classic mobs. Hardly an issue. I don't think anything outside of that even DTs.
They'll have AAs from Classic -> PoP unlocked in Classic and the Classic level cap is 51, apparently. I've been in their discord poking around.

It doesn't sound like it will be incredibly hard to beat content. Having full PoP era defensives at 51 is insane.

Full quote:
The EXP rates are similar to live and enemy difficulty has been untouched (aside from removing DT/Banish effects, because we're adults and don't have time to find rangers to sacrifice).
Also, it won't be MQ2 allowed for active hacks. Whether that's enforced will be seen, I guess.

3) I don't care if you use MQ2 to automate ATTENDED play.
3a) That means you have to be at your keyboard and you will NOT be warping.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Had no idea this was a done deal, considering they've been trying to make it for the past decade+. Anyway, apparently finished filming this summer and is in post. Bill Skarsgård is pretty good so I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt. Danny Huston is present in an undisclosed role. FKA Twigs will apparently be the fiance. Hope she dies fast.
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Security Director of Crisis and Weather Management
<Bronze Donator>

Me and some friends have been playing here and it's been a blast

Retribution is a free to play, customized private EQ server, and is not, nor claims to be affiliated with Daybreak Games.

Retribution allows players to relive forgotten memories of their Everquest conquests in nuanced ways through a unique mixture of rule-sets, quests, and items.

All players start in Classic EQ and can progress through Planes of Power by killing raid bosses or collecting certain items from each expansion. Progression is account based, meaning YOU have to participate to unlock each expansion for yourself.

Each player starts with selected class defining AA, the ability to origin to the ORIGINAL bazaar (with a working arena), and access to new, powerful versions of their starting weapon.

Enemy strength, exp, and loot tables are all as you remember them… for the most part. As you relive memories of camping your favorite pieces of gear and slaying your favorite enemies, you will also begin to remember how strong you really were as you find rare versions of all wearable items are available. Like our memories, all gear can be found as Rose Colored (1.5x Stats) or Apocryphal (2x Stats + Bonuses).

With the access to class defining AA and tens of thousands of new, incredibly strong, albeit familiar pieces of gear, players may be able to clear most content with a single group, and therefore will be limited to three boxing + 1 Bazaar mule.

All wearable items have had their required and recommended levels removed.
All items are tradable, with the strongest Apocryphal versions being attunable.
AoC’s (instanced raid content) exist for every raid zone with a low 22hr lockout.
Classic versions of many zones have been restored.
Enemy and named spawn rate increased.
RoF Out of Combat Regen
OOC and AUC chat feed our Discord server, allowing for players to chat with their in game friends while offline.
Level caps match retail OTHER THAN classic being capped at 51 instead of 50 so you can grind AA while farming gear.
All AA through Buried Sea are live and attainable beginning at level 51.


Security Director of Crisis and Weather Management
<Bronze Donator>
If any of you emu junkies are gonna start up send me a tell in game or a pm here , I'm sure I have some random gear, (nothing amazing as I just got into kunark) I could pass out


Security Director of Crisis and Weather Management
<Bronze Donator>
I just saw that there is another thread about this server, can Amod Amod please delete this one


Security Director of Crisis and Weather Management
<Bronze Donator>
Having a blast here, it's definitely not classic but it's totally a fun server with good ideas


ResetEra Staff Member
Having a blast here, it's definitely not classic but it's totally a fun server with good ideas
I actually have to agree... Aporia's got something good going on here. It's casual enough that you can progress alone, and the Apoc/AA stuff makes it that much more accessible.


Molten Core Raider
I’ve made it to 51 and got Kunark flagged playing casually (roughly 8-10 hours total) over 2 weeks.

Enjoying the server. A nice guy gave me some great twink weapons for my monk and warrior when I was starting out and I got some help from a level 60 for Naggy & Vox.

Looking forward to doing Kunark although I’m terrible at macros and controlling all 3 toons from 1. I’m conscious there will be a ceiling for how far my trio can go!


Blackwing Lair Raider
I've been off eq emu for a few years now but I'm giving this server a shot. Plan to 3 box, but I can't remember what I need to do that... WinEQ? EQWin? MQ? What are people using these days- i.e. what do I need to get?

Edit: Nevermind- a few minutes playing and I remembered what I needed to know
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Molten Core Raider
I’m probably done on this server now sadly.

I’ve enjoyed the rule set and the community is really active and helpful but I’ve taken my 3 box as far as I can.

Made it into Velious but can’t even dent the raid mobs required for progression and it’s a bit more time heavy for people to help when compared to Kunark when a wizzy would willingly mana burn a dragon in 2 secs to help.

Good fun though and if I had 1-2 RL friends on it with me I imagine it would have good longevity.


<Bronze Donator>
I’m probably done on this server now sadly.

I’ve enjoyed the rule set and the community is really active and helpful but I’ve taken my 3 box as far as I can.

Made it into Velious but can’t even dent the raid mobs required for progression and it’s a bit more time heavy for people to help when compared to Kunark when a wizzy would willingly mana burn a dragon in 2 secs to help.

Good fun though and if I had 1-2 RL friends on it with me I imagine it would have good longevity.
Come play The Al'kabor Project friend! Server is thriving these days! There's even single boxers!


Lord Nagafen Raider
I’m probably done on this server now sadly.

I’ve enjoyed the rule set and the community is really active and helpful but I’ve taken my 3 box as far as I can.

Made it into Velious but can’t even dent the raid mobs required for progression and it’s a bit more time heavy for people to help when compared to Kunark when a wizzy would willingly mana burn a dragon in 2 secs to help.

Good fun though and if I had 1-2 RL friends on it with me I imagine it would have good longevity.
What was your setup? I play on there and haven't killed vox/naggy by myself yet.


Molten Core Raider
What was your setup? I play on there and haven't killed vox/naggy by myself yet.
War/Sham/Monk. I got lucky early on when a guy twinked me a bit and then some people on the server helped with naggy, vox and the Kunark dragons.

It’s a fun server. Probably doesn’t help I’m a filthy euro!

The_Black_Log Foler

Stock Pals Senior VP | Pantheon Pals VP Recruiting
<Gold Donor>
How many toons are required for raid mobs? Ever since stormhaven server I’ve been looking for a multi box custom server that required 8-24 toons for raids. (2-6 RL ppl)