Riding to put an end to MS...again


I'm disappointed no one has yet made the joke:

We gave you a bunch of money to fix it last time and you didn't, why should we give you more now!?


In general, testing people with MS is kind of sad. They desperately want to perform well but, due to their prominent impairment, they seem to exhibit significant impediments.


Lord Nagafen Raider
How much have you raised so far?

Did you give the jerseys to somebody local?
Yeah I got two more donations of $150 for the jerseys after you gave the okay to use it elsewhere. I'll send you our shirt when it's done though, for sure, you wear shirts right

Rasstap: what do you need to know? happy to try and answer any questions


Nitpick, but "raising money to find a cure/put an end to..." ads are obnoxious. Youre raising money for MS research, that's what you're doing. Its not some jar that shits out a cure once x dollars are put in it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
and a cure isn't going to be found unless someone funds the research...

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
what's it going to take to get foh on board with this? tits?
Nothing, because lets be honest - all these "fundraisers" are stupid.

What is the point of me giving you $50 to ride your bike around for MS, or walk for 5K for AIDS, or play a video game for whatever cause?

What does you performing these arbitrary and unrelated tasks or feats does for the issue? Why not just bypass the bullshit and ask me to donate directly to whatever scam foundation you are raising money for so I can evaluate it, laugh at it and not bother?

The only way I'd give $50 to someone walking for cancer if part of that walk includes walking off a cliff.


Tranny Chaser
Araysar laying it down. He's not wrong though. I'd argue paying more taxes and thus indirectly funding research is the way to go from an all round disease research pov. Why should ms research be funded over say breast cancer research or clean water projects in the 3rd world?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Has there ever been a time when all that raised money finally funded a cure and then all these "foundations" and "charities" looked around, said "Good job, everyone!" and disbanded? Do you think that any of them would ever do that?

These charities will run forever as scams, just look at Susan G Komen shit from 2 years ago as the most obvious type of scam of disease fundraising.

I'd rather give $50 to McQuaid's Kickstarter.


Tranny Chaser
Polio foundations in 1st world countries. Largely extinct. But it's rare to see it happen, sure.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
And even then, the foundation that helped fund that polio research and the Salk vaccine didnt disband. It actually still exists to this day, with its goal "fighting birth defects". Yeah, good luck with eradicating those.

I also think that these foundations were significantly different 60 years ago than today. Back then, they saw their mission as finite. After over half a century, there is such a culture developed around these foundations that they can run in perpetuity on the vaguest most open ended mission statement and generally do fuck all except get people like ham to harass everyone he knows for donations on their behalf.


Tranny Chaser
Awareness is his goal along with a modest donation. People with no means to make a difference, but perhaps affected indirectly, family members, loved ones, like to delude themselves with an effort like this. Is it all bad?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
They always talk about "awareness", its such a vague, BS, catch-all term. Awareness of what? Of the disease? So you could get more donations? To spend on more awareness?

Or awareness of them doing something stupid, pointless and unnecessary to collect donations?

It's not bad per se. I just object to the pointlessness of this entire endeavour. By the way, this foundation has been around for 70 years and they still in the same place they were back in the 1940s. At least that Polio foundation found a working vaccine in 15 years. I dont think these MS guys are that serious about finding cures.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm over halfway towards my goal, I feel like I've really tapped out the locals around here, so I'm hoping to get some forum love again. I'm an '02er ffs!