
Molten Core Raider
Did you know he has over 20 children by at least 9 women? Ok ok. I'll use the "official" number he admits to 7 children by 4 women. And the ones that accused him of abuse were liars even the ones with cuts and black eyes. He also boldly proclaimed many times that all Whites were guilty of genocide whether they committed it or not.

The guy was the Greatest boxer ever. But "you people" didn't know a lot about him beyond that. Without Boxing what was he? I thought we were long past veneration of a guy with a 78 IQ simply because he hit hard.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Welcome to being a sports celebrity? I would have 20 fuckin kids by now if I was rich, handsome and a sports star.

Jait...None of us knew the man. We can only take what is presented to us. Good, bad, other. And you are kidding about us being beyond "that". We have murderers, rapists, gamblers, alcoholics presenting our favorite sports daily.

I would LOVE to see half these super star athletes use their stardom the way he did to push for a cause.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I've listened to a lot of his interviews over the years and his message can be boiled down to "be proud of your race." He was speaking to a group of people who were basically still oppressed at the time and using his celebrity status to shine a spotlight on civil rights.


Golden Squire
Sometimes it takes a guy who has a huge ego, to get that extra motivation that brings attention to an issue at hand (racism, etc). He didn't give a shit what anyone else thought. I don't think he was a smart guy, but he had some balls and was an amazing boxer. It'd be nice if people listened to the smart people, but often it takes the sports/movie/political stars with the ego to persuade the masses. He was as good a promoter as a boxer.


Sparkletot Monger
Jait. You suck at being a human being.


This quote sums him up. I remember watching Ali Frazier Thrilla in Manill before a football game to get motivated. The point was to show us what a human being was capable of. Just the sheer incredible inhuman will to keep going. It might have been the fight that fucked him up later on, but my god.

Champion of all Champions. RIP


Mr. Poopybutthole
Lol. Okay. Guy converted to Islam and screamed Allah Akbar!! Joined the same hate group that murdered Malcolm X and you guys are mad at me?

Okay. We've since become a country where you would be killed or imprisoned for what he did. But alrighty...
In 1972 Ali once said the following in an interview about how he wanted to be remembered:

"I'd like for them to say: He took a few cups of love. He took one tablespoon of patience. One tablespoon, teaspoon of generosity. One pint of kindness. He took one quart of laughter. One pinch of concern. And then he mixed willingness with happiness. He added lots of faith. And he stirred it up well. Then he spread it over a span of a lifetime. And he served it to each and every deserving person he met."


Lord Nagafen Raider
Here Jait, I did the research for you.

'After defeating Sonny Liston by a technical knockout in a controversial heavyweight title fight, Ali would join the Nation of Islam, whose doctrines of racial separation deviate from orthodox Islam. But he would later convert to mainstream Sunni Islam in 1975, and then to the Sufi sect in 2005.'

A true transcendent athlete and also socially aware:

"?I am America. I am the part you won't recognize. But get
used to me. Black, confident, cocky; my name, not yours;
my religion, not yours; my goals, my own; get used to me.?
? Muhammad Ali

No wonder all the usual suspects are getting salty and need to take shots as he passes.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I really loved this dude.

In my 45 years the only athlete I can think of that was bigger/better was Jordan. But I respect Ali MUCH more.


Interesting video for Brahma and Jait.

Lol imagine trump saying this.



Mr. Poopybutthole
Nation of Islam. It's what they teach. Anything at the time to make you proud of who and what you were.
Back in the day, if you were Black, you either supported MLK or Malcolm X. My parents taught me that MLK was the way to go. I won't fault someone if they wanted to go with a more aggressive approach, just like I wouldn't want to be faulted. I remember it being so bad in the 70's and 80's that we sat in Church every Sunday and sang, "We Shall Overcome." There was a point in time in service where we sang that as a prayer for Civil Rights. I often sat there wondering why we weren't taking our civil rights, like the Muslims, instead of praying for them.


Trump's comments are perfectly the 1970's. Being PC is something new. People still spoke their minds in the 70's and 80's.
I know they are but today people can't be Ali or Trump.


Musty Nester
For every MLK you've got at least a dozen preachers who are doing nothing but taking advantage of their faithful. That's mostly just the way of preachers, it's not a white thing or a black thing more that it's a preacher thing.

In that environment it's hard to completely blame a man for Islam. I mean you can blame him a little... but when your Church is corrupted you either leave it or fix it.

I haven't read his bio or anything. Just it would surprise me if something like that wasn't at the heart of it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
For every MLK you've got at least a dozen preachers who are doing nothing but taking advantage of their faithful. That's mostly just the way of preachers, it's not a white thing or a black thing more that it's a preacher thing.

In that environment it's hard to completely blame a man for Islam. I mean you can blame him a little... but when your Church is corrupted you either leave it or fix it.

I haven't read his bio or anything. Just it would surprise me if something like that wasn't at the heart of it.
Everyone I know who is in the Nation of Islam is there because they are hurt or upset at how Whites treated them. And they can't get past the pictures of Jesus being white. "Why should I ask the White man for my civil rights?", is what they say.