RIP(or is it RIH?) Hugo Chavez

like a boss.


also INB4 Polonium Poisoning.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Hugo nationalized his country's oil resources, wrested them from foreign corporations despite repeated threats of invasion or assassination, and then spread the wealth amongst his people by building schools, hospitals.

When everything is said and done, Hugo Chavez will remembered as one of the greatest men of the past 100 years. US couldnt villify him enough along with others who refused to bend over and let American corporations ransack their resources: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Evo Morales and of course our Bolivarian hero: Hugo Chavez.

Aychamo BanBan

Hugo nationalized his country's oil resources, wrested them from foreign corporations despite repeated threats of invasion or assassination, and then spread the wealth amongst his people by building schools, hospitals.

When everything is said and done, Hugo Chavez will remembered as one of the greatest men of the past 100 years. US couldnt villify him enough along with others who refused to bend over and let American corporations ransack their resources: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Evo Morales and of course our Bolivarian hero: Hugo Chavez.
If you're being serious then you are truly a fucking retard. I'm sure Mikhail and Lithose will be by to suck your cock later. Seriously. Some of you are just fucking idiots.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
If you're being serious then you are truly a fucking retard. I'm sure Mikhail and Lithose will be by to suck your cock later. Seriously. Some of you are just fucking idiots.
Ahmadinejad didn't give it away? Seriously?

This guy will not be remembered for being great simply because he just wasn't particularly effective. A good socialist dictator can actually lead a country in certain situations to relatively high economic growth. Sometimes it that's just what it takes to get shit done. Chavez just did not get shit done.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Ahmadinejad was only mentioned because of his steadfast refusal to let US in to "helpfully" pump their oil for them like the West always offers, not for anything else.

There's a reason why US has a hard-on for Iran and it has little to do with nuclear weapons. If that actually mattered, they'd be doing backflips trying to figure out a solution to the NK problem who actually has them, tests them and hates their next door neighbors, both long standing US allies. The last time it happened, they had Mossadegh ousted and thrown in jail.

Shortly after the Shah's return, Mosaddegh was tried for treason by the Shah's military court. On 19 December 1953, defending himself against the treason charge, he said:
"Yes, my sin - my greater sin and even my greatest sin is that I nationalized Iran's oil industry and discarded the system of political and economic exploitation by the world's greatest empire. This at the cost to myself, my family; and at the risk of losing my life, my honor and my property. With God's blessing and the will of the people, I fought this savage and dreadful system of international espionage and colonialism .... I am well aware that my fate must serve as an example in the future throughout the Middle East in breaking the chains of slavery and servitude to colonial interests.[60]"

On 21 December 1953, he was sentenced to death but his sentence was later commuted to three years' solitary confinement in a military prison. He was kept under house arrest at his Ahmadabad residence, until his death, on 5 March 1967


He helped heat peoples homes here (in New England), including my great godmother's house. *shrug* I think it was mostly to give Bush II the finger, but whatever.


Complex person. Certainly not one of "the greatest of the past 100 years," but certainly not the villain he's been portrayed as, either.

Cancer sucks, and I hope for the day it no longer plagues any of my fellow primates. Even the ones who might disagree with me politcally.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
As someone who's career is dependent on doing their due diligence and checking their sources, I have to admit I really don't know much about old Hugo beyond what the media has told me so i will defer judgement because of my own ignorance.

Its funny though that people that most vociferously decry the media are also the same people that are most likely to call old Hugo a piece of shit based solely on what they heard/read....from the media.

God damn you people are dumb. It's embarrassing.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I'm in the camp of not really being sure what Hugo did that was so terrible. I do know that I was in Caracas before he took over and the place was a fucking disaster. The poverty level was insane, their currency was bordering on worthlessness, and crime was out of control. They still obviously have more than their share of these problems but things seem to have improved greatly since he took over. Of course, I'm sure finding ridiculous amounts of oil helped that cause and maybe he could have done better but the situation he came into probably called for a socialist.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
The media tells me that he was evil and I have no idea why.
Think it has to due with him nationalizing(aka stealing) oil companies along with being a quasidictator.
He helped heat peoples homes here (in New England), including my great godmother's house. *shrug* I think it was mostly to give Bush II the finger, but whatever.
And that should tell you everything you need to know about the man. He didnt really give two shits about whether or not people in the eastern US where paying high rates for heating oil, he cared about his image and what would further his goals.


Molten Core Raider
I believe Obtenor posted about getting the shit beat out of him for protesting against Chavez. I'm sure he'll elaborate more once he sees the thread.

It seems that things were good for you there as long as you weren't against him.
I believe Obtenor posted about getting the shit beat out of him for protesting against Chavez. I'm sure he'll elaborate more once he sees the thread.

It seems that things were good for you there as long as you weren't against him.
If you walked around in the sticks in Texas post 911 protesting Bush, you would probably get your ass handed to you .... just sayin', nationalism makes mouth breathers into political thugs.

see Fox News


If you walked around in the sticks in Texas post 911 protesting Bush, you would probably get your ass handed to you .... just sayin', nationalism makes mouth breathers into political thugs.

see Fox News
Terrorist organization- A political movement that uses terror as a weapon to achieve its goals.

So...FOX News,CNN,MSNBC, etc etc.
Wolf Blitzer, terrorist.
Glen Beck, terrorist.
Piers Morgan, terrorist.
Nancy Grace, TERRORIST!!
Anderson Cooper, terrorist.
Bill O' Reilly, terrorist.

If you do not read the newspaper you are uninformed. If you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.- Mark Twain
Still applies with the News media today.


Chavez was not a hero or a democratic person, but the media gives you a much worse image than reality

he is so hated because his political and economic acts went against USA's interests, nothing more. If he had not nationalized the natural resources industry he would have been just another ally


Think it has to due with him nationalizing(aka stealing) oil companies along with being a quasidictator.

And that should tell you everything you need to know about the man. He didnt really give two shits about whether or not people in the eastern US where paying high rates for heating oil, he cared about his image and what would further his goals.
So... basically we hated him because Shell, BP and Exxon told the media to make us hate him.

I dunno, he never nationalized Venezuelan beauty queens so I got no beef.


Musty Nester
Wow man. This thread.

The only thing I wonder is how long he's been dead. I mean whatever. They should mummify him and parade him once a year. Like anyone in the states -really- gives a shit.

Transfer of power probably worked better for those guys back when they did that. It's been a while now of "he's in cuba recovering from treatment, but this is what he said to do. Honest".